
Staff member
Nov 20, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names

Please welcome Thelma to our rescue family! She comes to us after a recent local puppy mill bust that involved the seizure of 132 animals. Thelma is 3 years old and only weighs 28 lbs. She is a mess health-wise, but everyone in the shelter loved her personality and came out to bid her adieu before she left for our vetā€™s office.
4/9/17 Update: Thelma, Louiseā€™s buddy, does not know what to do with herself. Having never lived in a house, Thelma has to check out everything. She has sniffed every inch of her foster home. Thelma also can hop on a chair and then hop on a table. Thelma is working on her manners, but curiosity gets the best of her. Thelma has spent a great deal of time resting in her crate after her spay, hernia repair and dental surgery. She thinks blankets are the best and builds her a little soft blanket mound to lay on. This girl is so starved for affection (and good meals too) that sometimes her exuberance can be a bit much. She will figure out she is never again going to be deprived of the physical and emotional needs of life and settle in. Thelma would like everyone to know her beauty is quite unique. Thelma may have been the runt of her litter and the product of not-so-great breeding, but she thinks she is beautiful and no one can tell her otherwise. She will fill out and her coat will thicken, but she may not ever look like the typical Bulldog.
Thelma is pretty proud of her tiny self and insists on a trip to Hollywood Feed for some girlie gearā€¦ pink, of course. She figures at 3 years of age, she has a lot of diva left in her.
4/30/17 Update: Puppy mill gal Thelma continues to blossom. As she does, her lack of essential manners too. She jumps and stands on her hind legs with paws on counters, dishwasher, stove, fridge, tablesā€¦ you get the picture. We havenā€™t worked on leashes yet because Iā€™ve had a bad hand and am recovering from Fridayā€™s surgery. Sheā€™s a week into clavomox for a UTI. Weā€™re still working on house training. She goes if you take her out, but wonā€˜t let you know beforehand. So, itā€™s a work in progress. She spends ALL day beside me, in the literal sense. She spends her nightly beauty rest time crated and goes in with no fuss. Sheā€™s been caught watching TV, taking exceptional interest on the pet commercials. This morning, a heartworm commercial came on showing multiple dogs and she perked, that ridge of fur went up and she was on sentry. Sheā€™s super sweet and warming up to our Bulldog Capone. She event got frisky with him in the yard yesterday. Sheā€™s filled out and has put on a few pounds. The key word for this gal is patience, but weā€™ll get there!
5/18/17 Update: What a sweet, loving, giving and insecure deaf girl she is. Since Iā€™m home ALL day she is perfectly content being by my side. If Iā€™m sitting. sheā€™s sucked up right beside me. If Iā€™m walking, shes either between my feet or literally on the heels of my flip flops or slippers. Sheā€™s learned to go up the stairs, but not yet down the stairs. Being a ā€œPOCKETā€ bully, one of us carries her 28 lb self downstairs. She gets the zoomies, but our 6 yr old isnā€™t interested in playing. She loves her crinkle froggie even though she canā€™t hear him crinkle. She was being crated at night, but now sleeps on the floor by my side of the bed at night. Still working o house training though the pads are helping. She will go outside if the door is left open, but if closed, will find a rug. Working on some basic sign language, time will tell. She watches TV, will lunge at TV if animals are on. Remember, she canā€™t hear though Iā€™m trying to determine a frequency she CAN pick up on, courtesy of the ITUNES store. Purchased her a double strand of pearls, a blingie leather collar and a patriotic dress so video and more pics to come. She must have a patient stay at home person to call her own. She has torn up some blinds peeking out windows when weā€™re gone. Separation issues.Sweetest love bug ever!!
6/4/17 Update: Itā€™s Thelma (or ā€˜Telmsā€™) here for my update. Now, before you judge my photos, just know this diva was not late for Memorial Day, instead Iā€™m early for 4th of July. Being from the ā€˜millā€™ side of town, Iā€™m a frugal gal and my gowns are multi-purpose!Iā€™ve had an OK week. Iā€™m no longer staying in the crate, instead Iā€™m socializing with my upright walking gang and the family fur Bulldog. Upright walker, Foster Mom has put these funky papers around the house, and seems super pleased when I do my lady business on them. Still grasping this entire outside stuffā€¦ itā€™s puzzling to me. There are these things that have been falling from the sky. I think you uprights call it rain? Yea, they aggravate me so I bark and snap at ā€™em. I canā€™t hear myself, but Foster Mom makes me come in if the sunā€™s not up yet.
Even though Iā€™m not Irish, I wrote you a limerick so here goes. Oh, I call it Thelmaā€™s Limerick!
Hi, Iā€™m Thelma from the ā€˜Millā€
Life was terrible untilā€¦
A group called ā€˜Rescueā€™
Scooped in my domain
On their saving campaign
And my lifeā€™s good, I ascertain
Now, whereā€™s the champagne? (to go with my divalicious pearls of course)
Are you my forever upright? Iā€™d love to sit by your side all day long, sleep on the floor all night beside your bed. All I ask for in return is your unconditional love and patience while I learn this new good life, good food, ear scratches, and maybe toss my froggie for me. Snuggā€™s my middle name! Did I mention how petite I am? Yup, Iā€™d even fit in one of those divalicious bags they sell at Petco! TTFN!
6/12/17 Update: Hello to all of my Thelma fans and followers! Itā€™s another week in rescue for me. Why havenā€™t you taken my glorious opportunity to meet up yet? I had a terrific week here at the temp place. Trying to learn all those funny things foster Mama & Papa are teaching me (sign language, REALLY?ā€¦.uhhhh last I checked I donā€™t have hands, much less thumbs) <insert my dainty sigh>ā€¦. they are a persistent lot. Still working on my outside business training and they say Iā€™m getting better. I had a secret and theyā€™ve now learned it. That is, when I get worked up and bark a bunch, either from playing or letting them know I donā€™t want them leaving me, well <embarrassing to say>, I get really gassy. Yup, thereā€¦ I said itā€¦ my BIG secret is out. Itā€™s really best at that point to take me outside, so I may do the unmentionable. I really do adore luxuriating in the sun a few times a day, snoozing next to you all day, sleeping on my bed beside yours at night. I easily maneuver bounding up the stairs here, but am frightened to go down them. Why, yesterday I was so happy when M & P got home, I wiggled so much that I accidentally went down 1 entire stair on my own, without realizing it. Needless to say, they came and carried me down the remainder. Iā€™m so petite and these stairs intimidate me from the top peeking down. They tell me, ā€œPatience Diva!ā€ I really, really hope, that when you adopt me, that you have a laser pointer. Oh my goodnessā€¦ I have so much fun chasing that dot. M & P tried to video while I chased it, but Iā€™m tooooo quick to be caught on camera. Itā€™s bath day for me so I must run! -T
6/26/17 Update: Thelma checking in. Iā€™ve had a really good week. Foster M says Iā€™m really getting the concept of this outdoor ā€œeliminationā€ down. I still had a couple slips but Iā€™m getting better, alot! Oh, how I loved the rain on Saturday. I adore going outside and chasing and biting the raindrops that fall. Heck, Iā€™ll even try to catch the drips from the house, it doesnā€™t matter. Iā€™m still waiting on you to come and meet me. My dream family will have someone I can stay beside ALL day long. Iā€™m a true snuggler. Iā€™ve done good around Foster Mā€™s older small peopleā€¦.I think she calls them grandkids? If their so grand then doesnā€™t that make me a grandbully? Yep, pretty sure it does! Well, hereā€™s a movie, starring ME! And my costar is my FAVORITE toy in the worldā€¦..Mr Froggy. As you can see, we get along great too. Sooooo, when are we gonna meet? Donā€™t get me wrong, I love it hereā€¦..a bath every week, a soft snuggly bed, a temporary human, grain free kibble twice a day, fresh water from our fountain BUTā€¦..Iā€™m ready for YOU, my permanent family. Iā€™m free to meet you anytime so letā€™s get something set up! XOXOXO Thelma
7/5/17 Update: Thelma here! Hope everyone had a Happy 4th and remained safe. Was a breeze for me! The worst was my foster mom putting these funny things on my head. Iā€™m still waiting for my forever family. Is it you? Mom? Dad? Well, Iā€™m late for a nap and I really donā€™t have anything new to talk about today. Talk soon. -T
7/23/17 Update: Greetings all! Iā€™m sorry itā€™s been a minute since Iā€™ve given an update, much less bless you with my fine self (dang, Foster Mom just said, ā€œDonā€™t be conceited, Thelmaā€). Iā€™ve just been hanging out with Foster Mom and Dad and the other family Bulldog. My folks are still being patient with me and helping me by building my confidence. Iā€™ve gotten better about going and ā€˜eliminatingā€™ outside. I seem to get a wee bit anxious when Iā€™m left home alone without humans, and I forget and slip. Butā€¦.. Iā€™ve learned I really like making them happy by taking it outside AND how I adore the cookies I receive. I really donā€™t like being in the crate and if placed in there, I bark, and bark, and bark. I canā€™t hear, but I think it becomes very annoying for my humans. At night, I either sleep downstairs in a bed near the other Bulldog or Iā€™ll tag along upstairs and sleep in the soft bed on the floor beside Foster Mom and Dadā€™s bed. I annoy the other Bulldog because if itā€™s bedtime and I decide Iā€™m sleeping upstairs with the people, I bark and fuss at the other Bulldog until heā€™s tired of listening to me, and then heā€™ll get up and come upstairs too! Hey, I donā€™t want him to be all alone in the dark at night. That would be quite rude of me. I did learn something new this week. Are you ready for this? Drum roll pleaseā€¦ā€¦.I can go DOWN the stairs now. Foster Mom and Dad said something along the lines of ā€œThank goodness for their knees?ā€ Even though Iā€™m only around 30 pounds, I suppose I get heavy. Well, Iā€™m still waiting to meet you, my forever family! If youā€™re wanting someone to be your shadow and companion, then Iā€™m your girl. Snuggler? Iā€™m your girl! Like to play toss? Iā€™m your girl! Wanna watch me chase the laser? Iā€™m your girl! Love water? Yep, Iā€™m your girl! Wacky ears (Foster M&P say I have a Bulldog ear and a Frenchie ear), then Iā€™m your girl! Iā€™ve done good with ages 9+ and get along fabulous with the other house canine. So letā€™s meet! Iā€™m just what youā€™ve been looking for. I promise!
8/13/17 Update: Thelma is a very needy and still a bit insecure and completely deaf sweetheart of a girl. She sports chocolate chip ears, one Frenchie, one bullie. Sheā€™s 90ā€™ish% paper trained, but will on occasion have an accident, usually if sheā€™s over anxious. While she loves and adores chasing the laser pointer, she too thinks that lightening is good for a chase as well. That said, if you donā€™t want to hear her vocalize, close the blinds, draw the curtains and shades. She will go bonkers and take you along for the ride. Her ideal permanent person or family must have an endless source of patience. someone home most of the time (retired perhaps?). They must also NOT mind that she may literally be up your bum (she is notorious for walking on the backā€™s of my flip flops). I am very proud of her as sheā€™s come so far, She knows a couple of sign language signs, most importantly no. When she came into our home, she was a terrorizing set of teeth in a crate that a water bottle wouldnā€™t phase. Sheā€™s blossomed into the sweetest and loving girl, that continues to gain self confidence with each passing day and love. With a heart bigger than Texas, she is going to be the ultimate companion when she gets her person or persons. Sheā€™s about 32 pounds, loves her shower/spa time, will let you blow her dry and even sleeps through nail cuttings. Does it get any more perfect? Thelmaā€™s forever family will score big by adding her. By the way, sheā€™s great with all! Old, young, fur, no fur. Just keep an eye out on your slippers in the closet! Sheā€™s not much for bones, but loves plush toys.
8/28/17 Update: Evening all! Foster Mom knows how upset I get when my updates late. Soā€¦.blame HER!
Not much new for me to report. I did receive some new toys. Seems the other bulldog was quite enamored by MY Mr. Froggie that he chewed his front legs off. I was not a happy girl, and I thought about going ā€œmill girlā€ on him. But, when he told me my beloved Mr. Froggie tasted like chicken, well it made me laugh so hard that I just couldnā€™t stay mad. In my attached movie, starring (drum roll please) Thelma the Talented with my new favorite, crinkly squirrel.
Soooo, whoā€™s ready to meet me? Just because I canā€™t hear doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not a great gal. Iā€™m good with kids, I snuggle, Iā€™ll keep you company, remain by your side, get along with the other fur in the house, love to chase the laser, a light snorer, not very flatulant, and am using the papers 99.5% of the time. Oh, did yā€™all know that when I first got here, I drank my water from a hanging guinea pig bottle in my crate? I prefer the fountain bowl now. If I say so myself, Iā€™m perfect! All that said, have I persuaded you into meeting me? XOXO Thelma
9/11/17 Update: Wow, I had NO IDEA how good life would be outside the mill! Iā€™m living large. All the good grain-free food, spa days, mani/pedi days, unlimited resources of crinkly toys. I scored! Now I would say I scored the lottery, but foster folks say scoring the lottery will be the day I receive my forever folks. Perhaps that is you?I mean, reallyā€¦ Have you seen my creds? I get along with fur! I get along with kids! Big kids, small kidsā€¦.I love ā€™em all.
What I need from you: patience (Iā€™m deaf), love, compassion, understanding, willing to keep up my education (Iā€™m learning some sign language so we can communicate) and a laser pointer. Iā€™m looking for YOU! That person needs to someone who doesnā€™t mind me walking on the back of their flip flops while I follow them. They shouldnā€™t mind long, licky kisses from me (itā€™s a mill momma thing because I donā€™t have babies anymore). My bottom canine teeth are broken, likely from me trying to escape the crate in which I was living. The teeth in between, both top and bottom, are gone. Donā€™t let that deter or fool youā€¦ I can tear up the dry Blue Buffalo with the wet Merrick as a tasty topping. Iā€™m never late for my meal time. Iā€™m truly ready for my forever home. Iā€™ve learned so much and I can be packed in no time. I am paper trained. Foster Mom insists I share my love and pay it forward. Are you the next lottery winner? Iā€™m ready to be! XOXO. Love, Thelma
9/26/17 Update: Iā€™m still anxiously waiting to meet you! As you can see from my glam shots, my favorite past time involves rest and relaxation. My toys need to be soft, and the food premium. Paper training is 99.5% spot on (get it? I made a joke there). Foster Mom calls me the shadow hunter because Iā€™m constantly seeking my foster parents. My forever family must possess a laser pointer (this is to get me in the house at night), which by the way, I adore chasing anytime. Along with shadows, Foster Mom discovered that lightening drives me NUTS! So last week when it stormed, she went around the house closing and dropping blinds. Lightening to me just looked like a whole bunch of those laser things, but oh well. She said it over excited me. Well, I hope Iā€™m adopted before Bull-O-Ween, but if not, Iā€™ll see you all there. Gotta convince Foster Mom that I need a ballgown, not sure if sheā€™ll bite though. Toodles!
10/15/10 Update: Evening allā€¦.Thelma checking in. Nothing new for me to report. Iā€™m still patiently waiting to meet my forever family. Why havenā€™t you come asking for me? Iā€™m ready and can be packed and mobile at the drop of a hat. I did go on a ride along yesterday and met a nice new volunteer. I think we did a home visit? Anyway, after my luxurious spa treatment I went to see a family and their bulldog. I was such a good girl I must add. The family was curious how their former LSBCR boy would do around a submissive femaleā€¦ā€¦well, you get the idea why I got to tag along. Foster Mom was pretty proud. So proud that I got my fill of treats when we got home. After all of that it was time for much needed beauty rest, as you can see from my photos. Iā€™ll see you at Bulloween. Hurry, put in your app for me. I know you want to and Iā€™m eagerly waiting to see you. -Thelm
11/21/17 Update: All is well here in foster care. Getting ready for this thing my folks call Thanksgiving. I canā€™t wait. Based on the hunting my folks did (they call it grocery shopping), food will be abundant. Iā€™m still waiting to meet you! While I love my foster folks, I really want people of my ownā€¦forever! I got a new and sassy sweater for the cool weather, photos soon! BTW, Iā€™m the petite one in the group photo. Every morning someone shares organic turkey bacon with me. Yummy! Hurry now, put in your adoption app for me. Iā€™ll bet you could even put me into a Christmas stocking.

Wanna Adopt?

Please view the adoption process and fill out an application at their website --->

To view more available English Bulldogs from this rescue, click this link ---> Lone Star

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