
  1. walterenglishbulldog

    Helping a friend Get her 8 month EB adopted makes me cry

    Hello I am currently helping my friend to get her 8 month old EB adopted. I wanted to adopt him but we are not allowed to have 3 dogs in our apartment. This EB puppy is so nice and kind and great with other dogs and also with kids. Complete with all vaccinations and microchip etc. Is there any...
  2. IMG_4163.jpeg


    Gus gives 0 f**ks. He walks wherever he chooses. šŸ¤£
  3. L

    Older bulldog suddenly not eating from bowl?

    Hi everyone. This is my first post - I tried searching but could not find anything relevant. My (soon to be) 8 year old English bully Luna suddenly stopped eating from her bowl about a week ago. She will eat only if hand fed. This was a very sudden change in behavior since her meals had...
  4. Bulldog12

    How old is your Bulldog?

    Hi guys Iā€™m new here. I wanted to know how old your bulldog is. Mine is around 11 or 12. He is old,but he seems very healthy. I just wanted to know because mine is old and I wanted to know if you guys had any old bulldogs. Here is a picture of him today. He is also my pfp.
  5. L

    The loss of my little boi, Boobies

    Hi all, I need some comfort from the bulldog community as on Sunday (29/08/21), I lost my soul mate, Boobies. He was/is the most beautiful boy, and I am completely lost without him. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, snoring, and was 8 years old. He decided to fall asleep and he knew we...
  6. Zedsded

    Wesleyā€™s acting like ā€œ jekyll and hydeā€ !!

    Just hoping the experienced bully owners on here may have any more suggestions to help with Wesley who at the moment (7.5 months old) can be a complete and utter s##t!! :censored::cursing: He goes from being a sweet playfull bulldog to an absolute pain in the :censored:, jumping trying to bite...
  7. J

    Puppy Question

    Hello, my name is Jason and my son and daughter-in-law are looking to buy an English Bulldog puppy. They were asking me as to what questions they should ask and I figured it would be beat to ask the professionals. So what would yā€™all say are must ask questions to ask before picking up their...
  8. K

    Bulldog with small head, will it grow?

    This is chubbs, sheā€™s a 1 year old English bulldog. Attached are what she looks like as a puppy when we got her and her now. Her head is slim, and sheā€™s very lean. We were just wondering if anyone else experienced a bully with a small head and did it grow? At what age? Or will she have a skinny...
  9. TooTooMommy

    Veterinarians that are happy/giddy around bulldogs

    I'm curious how many here have experienced this? We have seen a few different vets for different reasons, plus--with fostering, we had to go to specific vets that we didn't choose. Everybully here knows how *a LOT* of the general public get sooo excited and happy when they see a bulldog. It...
  10. V

    Help Needed! Five month old bulldog hates going on walks?

    Hi all, my five month old bulldog puppy is amazing - so happy, calm, and sociable. Really the only concern we have right now is that she just doesn't seem to like going on walks. We take her out multiple times a day to go to the bathroom and she just refuses to leave the area right in front of...
  11. bullmama

    ~ENTER HERE~ August Bulldog of the Month ~LAZY BULLDOGS~

    Welcome to the Bulldog of the Month Photo Contest! This month's theme will be: Lazy Bulldogs!! :lazy2: You've got a bulldog, right? Then this contest is for you, because EVERY bulldog paw-rent has a picture (or 1000) of their precious sleeping bulldog doing what they do best- being LAZY...
  12. summerep

    My dog was attacked :(

    Hi guys, Iā€™m just looking for some advice reallyā€¦ So last night I was out for a walk with my dog at our local field, out of nowhere a dog (French Bulldog) runs at Bear and attacks him. He grabbed him by his cheek and pinned him to the floor. I was with my dad who has grown up with dogs and...
  13. 5

    Hello, New here and new pup on the way in two weeks.

    Hello, We just lost our six year old English Bulldog earlier this spring. He was a good boy but had many health issues, The worst of which was epilepsy. He required 5 pills twice daily on a pretty strict schedule to control seizures. He also had chronic ear infections and developed dry eye late...
  14. D

    Happy bulldog

    Iā€™m maybe being over sensitive but paranoid Geoff isnā€™t happy and loving life. Whatā€™s the signs I should be looking for to tell me my boy is happy. First time bulldog owner and I love him unconditionally and he is completely spoilt. Sometimes I look at him and think I hope your loving life and...
  15. K


    Hi everyone! Let me introduce myself. I am a part of a writers team. I've been working there for over 2 years, creating content related to dogs. I found this forum occasionally when looking for articles about English bulldog traits, care tips, etc. The thing is - I am going to have one handsome...
  16. P

    Does anything really work to eliminate tear stains?

    Hello bulldog lovers! I have a puppy 7 months old. She has REALLY bad tear stains and I need help figuring out what to do. She had a little staining when we got her at 8 weeks. At that time she was on Fromm Puppy food. The breeder suggested switching to Victor Performance food as that is what...
  17. L

    Introducing bulldog to new baby!

    Hi there! Anyone have advice on how to successfully introduce a new baby to your bulldog? Ours is 3 years old, itā€™s only been her, and we want to make sure we are doing it correctly so she can adjust more easily. Her temperament is very friendly and sweet, but we are concerned she may get...
  18. YDsmomma

    New here, also new to owning a dog šŸ™‚

    Hi my names ashley, Iā€™m the proud owner to a 7 month old spoiled English bulldog �� I never owned a dog before this just cats so itā€™s been an experience, I got him when he was 8 weeks old, still kinda on formula and wet dog food. Heā€™s the love of my life, and goes everywhere with...
  19. bullmama

    ~ENTER HERE~ JULY Bulldog of the Month Contest! "Cutest Bully Booty"

    Who's got the cutest Bully Booty? Welcome to the Bulldog of the Month Photo Contest! This month's theme will be: Cutest Bully Booty:D:D This month we would love to see a photo of your bulldog's sweet little (or large) tushie for a chance to win a 30 day supply of Nuvet Plus! 30 day...
  20. bullmama

    June Bulldog of the Month

    Hello friends! We will be announcing June's winner this weekend, we are trying something new using an unbias committee for the contest to simplify things. Just wanted to post an update!
  21. C

    Bald spots please help

    Have a 6 month English Bulldog and recently started getting 3 bald spots. One in his neck and 2 on his body. They are very small but nothing I've seen before. Wondering if y'all know what it could be. Has me alittle worried. Idk if it a food reaction but berly came up and has been eating Acana...
  22. 1Chumly

    Heat warning!

    This was just posted on my local bulldog group FB page here in Houston so I am posting it here as a warning to us all. So very sad. Everyone, please be careful this summer, it will be very hot. A week ago, my husband and I went out for a walk with our English Bulldog. It was about 8 PM and it...
  23. H

    Rescue dog skin issue, suggestions wanted

    Hiā€¦ I joined back in 2017 when I was considering getting a Bulldog to do some research. Fast forward to 2021ā€¦.got that bully..a rescue, got another rescue and became a volunteer for our rescue. We lost our first rescue this year (we rescue seniors). So while doing a rescue transport last week I...
  24. C

    Acana Food

    What acana food do y'all recommend for a 5month english bulldog. Seeing lots of people say feed him 1 protein at a time. But currently feeding my ebd the acana puppy and junior formula and has 3 or 4 different kind of protein. Should I keep him on that puppy formula or should I switch to a...
  25. C

    Bulldog Too skinny?

    Have a 5 month english bulldog and feeding him Acana puppy plan twice a day 1 cup and doesn't seem to be gaining weight, looks skinny for me but need y'all opinion. Am I feeding him too little? Just curious... comparing him to most English bulldogs I've seen that are chunky.
  26. D

    Traveling with English bulldog puppy

    Hello all! We have a 4 month old English bulldog. We currently live in CA and are going to visit my husbands family in Alabama in 10 days. Of course everyone wants us to bring the puppy and we really want to bring him with us as well. Would it be safe for puppy to fly. He is registered support...
  27. F

    Too Skinny?

    Hi All, Just joined as owned an English Bulldog since 8 weeks old... just over 13 weeks currently. I am just wondering if she is too skinny? She eats 3 meals a day currently on AVA dry puppy food, what can I use to fatten her up? My friend got one from the same litter and he is huge compared to...
  28. bullmama

    ~ENTER HERE~ June 2021 Bulldog of the Month Contest "FUN IN THE SUN"

    Welcome to the Bulldog of the Month Photo Contest! This month's theme will be: FUN IN THE SUN:sunny: :sunny: TLet's see those bulldogs outside in the bright sunshine..........for a chance to win FREE Nuvet Plus!:sunny: 30 day supply of NuVet Plus Supplement! To enter our next...
  29. M

    Swelling under Otis's jaw

    Otis has been lethargic the past few days which I have been attributing to allergies. However I noticed swelling under his jaw. If he were human I would say it looked a little like a goiter only higher up, his collar would fit right under it. . It goes the width of the neck, is soft and flexible...
  30. V

    Hello, newbie here :)

    This is my first time owning a bulldog, however I'm not even sure now if she is a bulldog... Bella is going on 12 weeks but is already 10"tall!
  31. D

    Newbie Here - Hello all from Long Island, NY

    After wanting an English Bulldog my entire life, my daughter and wife were the straws that broke the camels back. Finally got my dream pup in February and couldn't be happier. Perfect breed for my family and definitely makes us laugh as well as keeping us on our toes! Diesel (I know it's common...
  32. rocco24

    English Bulldog Shoes

    Hello everyone! Iā€™m a new English bully mom to my 5 month old Rocco. We live in Nevada and temperatures are starting to rise high enough to increase temp on concrete. What shoe would you recommend I get to protect his paws? Thank you!
  33. paw7004

    Looking for commercial wheelchair recommendations

    Due to spinal bone spurs and arthritis, Porkchop's back legs don't work well anymore. His feet are so displaced the pads are now pushed forward, one leg twists when he walks. He's 11 years old next month and still has some vigor. We go for walks with him in his buggy, but I think he would also...
  34. kehwriter101

    Hello friend

    Hi everyone! So glad to join. Iā€™ve just rescued an English bulldog from a puppy mill. She is about 8, and healing from a hard life. We have a long way to go, but she is living her best life now!
  35. bullmama

    VOTE NOW!!! My Favorite Picture Bulldog of the Month contest

    Welcome Members!! Thank you so much for voting for the Bulldog of the Month! We are trying something new, and that will be open voting for the Bulldog of the Month contest to a lot more members of the forum. In order to vote, you must be registered for a certain number of days, and you must...
  36. summerep

    Help Needed! Bulldog still crackly 2 months after KC

    Hi new member here and I joined really to seek some advice. I have a 17 weeks old puppy and after a couple of days of having him we found out he had kennel cough (caught it from the breeders) his symptoms were always hacking trying to clear his throat, wet nose and sounding crackly. After...
  37. A

    Please help me choose the best insurance for my English Bulldog puppies

    Hello everybody! I've brought home two lovely English Bulldog puppies. I know that they are very predisposed to have many health problems as they age if not taken care of properly. I would like to get insurance for them in case of injury, illness, accident, etc. I would be grateful if you could...
  38. GertieTerdz

    Hello! New member!

    Hi! I just joined this forum! I want to introduce my bulldog Gertie! She was a rescue and we got her from a friend who fosters dogs like her. She has been with us for over a year. We think she is around 8 years old. Gertie is a professional ball chaser She is very lovey with humans but she isn't...
  39. M

    Steroids for allergies

    My 8 year old bulldog was put on steroids last month. His personality has completely changed. He pees in the house if I donā€™t walk him every two hours. Is aggressive to my other dogs. He wonā€™t stop licking his front paws. My vet says this is normal behavior but I canā€™t keep living like this. Has...
  40. V

    General Question 11-week old puppy doesn't wag her tail?

    Hello! I picked up an 8-week old English bulldog puppy from a great breeder about three weeks ago. She's now 11-weeks old, and we're totally in love with her. Lots of energy, very sassy, and a overall a great puppy. She has some puppy traits that we are working on, but seem normal for her...