
  1. Zedsded

    Wesley’s acting like “ jekyll and hyde” !!

    Just hoping the experienced bully owners on here may have any more suggestions to help with Wesley who at the moment (7.5 months old) can be a complete and utter s##t!! :censored::cursing: He goes from being a sweet playfull bulldog to an absolute pain in the :censored:, jumping trying to bite...
  2. K

    Bulldog with small head, will it grow?

    This is chubbs, she’s a 1 year old English bulldog. Attached are what she looks like as a puppy when we got her and her now. Her head is slim, and she’s very lean. We were just wondering if anyone else experienced a bully with a small head and did it grow? At what age? Or will she have a skinny...
  3. V

    Help Needed! Five month old bulldog hates going on walks?

    Hi all, my five month old bulldog puppy is amazing - so happy, calm, and sociable. Really the only concern we have right now is that she just doesn't seem to like going on walks. We take her out multiple times a day to go to the bathroom and she just refuses to leave the area right in front of...
  4. 5

    Hello, New here and new pup on the way in two weeks.

    Hello, We just lost our six year old English Bulldog earlier this spring. He was a good boy but had many health issues, The worst of which was epilepsy. He required 5 pills twice daily on a pretty strict schedule to control seizures. He also had chronic ear infections and developed dry eye late...
  5. D

    Happy bulldog

    I’m maybe being over sensitive but paranoid Geoff isn’t happy and loving life. What’s the signs I should be looking for to tell me my boy is happy. First time bulldog owner and I love him unconditionally and he is completely spoilt. Sometimes I look at him and think I hope your loving life and...
  6. anatess

    Angus has terminal cancer. 😭

    Today is a very hard day. Angus is my last surviving family dog. He turns 11 on Saturday. We took him to the vet after I noticed an enlargement of his belly and a lack of luster of his fur. He is still the same happy Angus albeit he tires so much quicker. But then he is an old dog now. The...
  7. YDsmomma

    New here, also new to owning a dog 🙂

    Hi my names ashley, I’m the proud owner to a 7 month old spoiled English bulldog �� I never owned a dog before this just cats so it’s been an experience, I got him when he was 8 weeks old, still kinda on formula and wet dog food. He’s the love of my life, and goes everywhere with...
  8. bullmama

    ~ENTER HERE~ JULY Bulldog of the Month Contest! "Cutest Bully Booty"

    Who's got the cutest Bully Booty? Welcome to the Bulldog of the Month Photo Contest! This month's theme will be: Cutest Bully Booty:D:D This month we would love to see a photo of your bulldog's sweet little (or large) tushie for a chance to win a 30 day supply of Nuvet Plus! 30 day...
  9. H

    URGENT!!! HELP with food selection food to transition (new four legged mommy)

    Hello to all. We just got a EBD. His name is Hank. He is 10 weeks old. The breeder was feeding him Victor and his stool was really soft, really dark and smelled really bad. After tons of google searches we decided narrowed it down to Royal Canin and Canidae. Took a trip to Petco to make a final...
  10. 1Chumly

    Proof that we start to look like our dogs

    I just love this picture! (And it is not my dog or human!) I seem to be having problems with my posts lately! I don't know what's going on and why it is duplicating....
  11. L

    New to the forum

    Hello everyone, we have 3 English bulldogs, 2 girls 6 years and 1 year and a boy 8 months. Looking forward to reading and interacting with others who dedicate their love and time into these beautiful babies.
  12. B

    Barking Issues

    Our one-year-old EB (Frankie) is crated at night and during the day if no one is home with him. We have another dog that is also crated during the same time periods, but in a separate crate across the room. They can see each other, but pretty much ignore each other once crated. Our bully will...
  13. S

    Giving surprise grooming session to my arlo

    its my Arlo birthday and i want ti give him a token of love by giving him a grooming session I found a grooming kennel did i give this as a gift or not to Arlo did he become happy after grooming session thanks fellows:) i am so excited to see arlo reaction:)
  14. JorjaSnoh

    New Member Jorja Snoh | Lilac Tri Merle

    Hello Everyone, Wanted to get more knowledge and involved in the EB community so I thought what better way then to Google for Forums. Bought My Beautiful Jorja , now 5 months old, about a Lil over a Month ago and have been lovin’ every second of it. Absolutely in LOVE with her! My first time...
  15. sisters3

    Happy Birthday Joey Girl !!!

    My sweet Joey Girl turned six years old yesterday. Combination Memorial Day celebration and Joey's birthday! She had an amazing day! Dear Sweet Joey, On your sixth birthday I want you to know that you are the sunshine, smiles, happiness, blue skies, and LOVE of my life. Thank you for being...
  16. Zedsded

    Wesley’s first trip to the beach

    We took Wesley to “Runswick bay” at the weekend for a two night stopover unfortunately it was freezing cold so wasn’t the best first experience of the beach for him as he was trying to get climb into his mums arms because he was scared of the noise of the wind and waves crashing! :( We took him...
  17. A


    Hello everyone...still coping with the loss of our beloved Billy after a few weeks, but trying to focus more on the good times we all had and the blessing he was instead of the grief and it is making things more bearable....we put up a little table with his picture and ashes and some of his toys...
  18. NigelsMom

    Goodbye is the hardest part...Rest In Peace Nigel

    My beautiful boy is gone. We had to say goodbye early morning yesterday. It looked like bloat My heart is shattered and the joy he gave me is now gone. He passed with me and my husband and kids around him. We said our goodbyes and let him know what a good boy he was and how much we loved him...
  19. V

    General Question 11-week old puppy doesn't wag her tail?

    Hello! I picked up an 8-week old English bulldog puppy from a great breeder about three weeks ago. She's now 11-weeks old, and we're totally in love with her. Lots of energy, very sassy, and a overall a great puppy. She has some puppy traits that we are working on, but seem normal for her...
  20. H

    Stella and Angus’ babies

    Because our family and friends all love Angus and Stella so much and wanted one of their puppies, we decided to go ahead and breed once. We had a great breeder to help us along and happy to report Stella had 4 boys and 1 girl. Unfortunately the girl was a walrus baby and did not survive. But the...
  21. Zedsded

    Wesleys first trip to the pub!

    Lockdown finally eased here in the UK yesterday so we were able to take Wes out for his first pub (garden) experience, it was a day of mixed emotions as its the first time we have been to the pub without Dudley, it was his absolute favourite place and everyone knew him. We all had a toast to...
  22. SidNBear

    First time EBD owner

    Hello! First of all I’m still figuring this website out so hopefully this posts correctly lol, but I’m a first time English bulldog owner, he’s an absolute terror. I love him but he definitely gives me a run for my money. I just have a few questions regarding his care, we are feeding him Hills...
  23. kyredneck

    Your day is not so bad after all

    In my line of work it is full of stressful days, come home aggravated and mad at the world and just need to be left alone but,,when you are owned by a Bully they just seem to know how your feeling and before long all my troubles are forgotten,, I love these dogs!
  24. Brian.and.Kyle”s.Mom

    Day 3 and he is absolutely precious! Pics included

    Hi Y'all! Our sweet Brian came home on Tuesday and we have been obsessing over him (and losing sleep :tongue:) Our 6 daughters are in love and I just wanted to share our sweet boy with you. He is so sooo sweet! 2nd night he did better and didn't cry so much - hard not to bring him onto our...
  25. bullmama

    ~ENTER HERE~ April Bulldog of the Month ~ Beautiful Bulldog Smile

    Welcome to the Bulldog of the Month Photo Contest! This month's theme will be: Beautiful Bulldog Smile Contest:D:D This month we would love to see how happy those bulldogs are now that spring is here.....(and most of the family is home doing this quarantine thing!).....for a chance to win...
  26. Brian.and.Kyle”s.Mom

    Newbie here... baby coming on question..HELP!

    Hi gang! We are so excited to bring our sweet boy home. I have a food transition question. Breeder feeds Country Value which I saw was rated as one of the worse ones 😭😭😭. I'd love to hear how you transitioned your pup to something high quality. I'm looking into dry kibble and want to make...
  27. 1Chumly

    It's our Anniversary!

    One year ago today we got Buster! What a treat he has been, as stubborn as they come but such a character. We just love him to bits!
  28. JessicaK11

    Hello, First time owner of a EBD

    Hey y'all, Just thought I would post a Hello. So glad I found this forum as this is my first time with this type of breed. Let me tell you, he has definitely been a character and is spoiled rotten for the week we have had him. He is so different from any other breed of dog that I have ever...
  29. Mechadogzilla

    Harness and other items for new puppy.

    Hello all, It looks like we will finally be getting an English Bulldog puppy (Hugo) later this month. We have had Frenchies in the past and currently have a Rottie, but this will be our first English. I am starting to order supplies in anticipation of picking up our new pup and had a few...
  30. Hceril

    Nurse Bella taking care of her dad...

    She insists on sleeping in the recliner with him.😝 not so comfy for him but he does love it! He had rotator and bicep repair surgery a week and a half ago. This is her a couple of days before the surgery sleeping on him since she couldn’t squeeze between us.
  31. S

    Shirley Wigglebutt's fur siblings she's terrified of!

    My #1 love of my life. I've had him since he was a baby and he turns 19 on April 17th. He's also the only male on the homestead. This is my Buddy, he's a registered quarter horse. This is Buddy's girlfriend Tina. She is a very rare draft horse breed that the equus trust listed the breed as...
  32. Zedsded

    Puppy hernia! Thoughts and advice please.

    We have just had a call from the breeder who has just been to the vets with the pups for their final check up and she has informed us that Wesley has a small hernia which her vet has said should not be a problem at all but “may” need a small corrective surgery if there is any problem when he is...
  33. P

    4th month Pablo Escobar Testicle concern

    My 4th month old, Lilac Merle English Bulldog, currently has one testicle that descended. I’m concerned that he might suffer from cryptorchid (one testicle descending) being the second testicle has yet to drop. The breeder provided a health check on the puppy and the parents and is willing to...
  34. Zedsded

    2 weeks until puppy arrives!

    Hi everyone, for those that didn’t know we lost our gorgeous big bully Dudley suddenly last November and miss him unbelievably still and always will. We we’re always going to get another bully but originally thought we would leave it longer BUT we can’t live without a bully in our house and...
  35. gobronco

    Bruno update, all is good

    Update on Bruno the rescue dog. No more lung issues so far. We have been watching him really closely to make sure he doesn't get overexcited. We have found out he is super smart. every day when I get home from work I put all of my stuff away before I greet the dogs (this prevents Crazy from...
  36. S

    Excessive panting also choking

    Hi All, My Red used to love riding in the car. For the last 6 months he pants while in the car and even if he goes to a familiar house he continues to pant for hours after we arrive. He has been to the vet and the vet says he he healthy. Anyone ever experience this and if so what did you do...
  37. L

    Hello! Here for palette and nare info.

    Hello! I have joined your forum because I am desperate for information. I need to locate a veterinary surgeon that is skilled at nare and soft palette surgery. I actually own a French Bulldog and she is having a lot of trouble breathing in air through her nose, she also gags and throws up food...
  38. MamaAndi

    AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! ~Boomer~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Texas

    Boomer has spent most of his life living in a cage indoors with his humans just out of reach or outdoors. He is fully appreciative of his new foster family and all the love and snuggles they are happy to give him. Boomer is also learning about toys and how to dog. He's nearly got this 'fetch'...
  39. MamaAndi

    AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! ~Beowulf~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Texas

    Beowulf may look very serious at times, but he's really a sweet gentleman. This senior boy has claimed the couch as his rightful kingdom, which he very much deserves after being found as a stray and ending up in a shelter near Austin. Wulfie is soaking up all the love and attention from his...
  40. MamaAndi

    AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! ~Belle~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Texas

    Belle had a sudden turn of events that led her to the rescue, but she is ready to start 2021 in her furever home! Belle might be young, but she KNOWS what she wants in her life. She is a strong independent woman looking for a likeminded human who also thrives in routine. Belle is a very...