
  1. S

    Age to switch from puppy kibble

    Hi! At what age did you switch your puppy to an adult formulation? Our breeder suggested as early as now (4 months old) and my AKC flyer from registration also mentioned switching by 6 months old. The reason was for the %ages in a puppy formulation not being good for bulldog bone structure...
  2. summerep

    Raw food suggestions

    Hi everyone, Was just wondering what everyone’s raw food suggestions are?! (That are available in uk) Thank you 😊
  3. bulldogs1501

    Allergic to Food, or something else?

    Hello all! So Moose is almost 4 years old and almost all of his life he has been on N&D Cod Grain Free. We've switched up the protein, but anytime we've done so he has had either upset stomach or his eyes start bothering him. So we stuck with what works. Lately, he has started to throw up, and...
  4. gobronco

    Bruno is doing well

    Hi people. haven't been on for a while. life's trials. Bruno is doing well. At 19 months old he still thinks he is a puppy. Ankle biter. Crazy the little white deaf dog is doing well too and had her 9th birthday a few months ago. Crazy is the one laying on the couch. Bruno is the one...
  5. F

    UK food suggestions?

    hey everyone! im new here and have been loving reading all the advice but one problem i keep having is that many of the recommended products, especially food, isnt available in the uk. Lenny is only 14 months and had to have surgery for bladder stones last month :( the vet suggested purina HA...
  6. P

    Does anything really work to eliminate tear stains?

    Hello bulldog lovers! I have a puppy 7 months old. She has REALLY bad tear stains and I need help figuring out what to do. She had a little staining when we got her at 8 weeks. At that time she was on Fromm Puppy food. The breeder suggested switching to Victor Performance food as that is what...
  7. J

    Help Needed! Cyst between toes. Remedies? Ointments? Anything?

    My Sasha had a cyst form on her back foot between her toes. I read it's common in Bulldogs. The bad thing is my Vets only suggested surgery. To me that should be a last resort. It's not big and it doesn't bother her. Another crazy thing is another one is starting to form on her other back foot...
  8. YDsmomma

    New here, also new to owning a dog 🙂

    Hi my names ashley, I’m the proud owner to a 7 month old spoiled English bulldog �� I never owned a dog before this just cats so it’s been an experience, I got him when he was 8 weeks old, still kinda on formula and wet dog food. He’s the love of my life, and goes everywhere with...
  9. YDsmomma

    My dogs shedding like crazy😭

    So I’ve had my dog for 4 months now, he’s 6 months old he’s been on RC since he was with the breeder, he recently stopped wanting to eat it, like he’s not even enthusiastic like how he used to be he just smells it and walks away, he’s never been like that at all and I think he’s so over the...
  10. H

    URGENT!!! HELP with food selection food to transition (new four legged mommy)

    Hello to all. We just got a EBD. His name is Hank. He is 10 weeks old. The breeder was feeding him Victor and his stool was really soft, really dark and smelled really bad. After tons of google searches we decided narrowed it down to Royal Canin and Canidae. Took a trip to Petco to make a final...
  11. rocco24

    Bald spot

    Hi all! I noticed this little bald spot near my puppy’s ear but not sure what could have caused it? He’s 7 months old and I feed him Victor puppy food.
  12. C

    Bald spots please help

    Have a 6 month English Bulldog and recently started getting 3 bald spots. One in his neck and 2 on his body. They are very small but nothing I've seen before. Wondering if y'all know what it could be. Has me alittle worried. Idk if it a food reaction but berly came up and has been eating Acana...
  13. S

    Mr T is Switching to Raw

    After reading the posts here I’ve decided to switch Mr. T to a raw diet. I signed up for the Darwin’s Natural Pet “Natural Selection” line of meals. I will keep everyone posted on Mr. T’s raw food journey. Any suggestions re the switch are appreciated. Thanks!!!
  14. Coach

    Herschel Choking, Seizures, Or...?

    Herschel is 8. We have always fed him kibble With no issues. In the past year he has began to have bouts with either choking, seizures or something else while eating. At first i thought seizure for sure. Then I noticed this always happens when he's eating or just finished eating so I thought...
  15. B

    Barking Issues

    Our one-year-old EB (Frankie) is crated at night and during the day if no one is home with him. We have another dog that is also crated during the same time periods, but in a separate crate across the room. They can see each other, but pretty much ignore each other once crated. Our bully will...
  16. C

    Acana Food

    What acana food do y'all recommend for a 5month english bulldog. Seeing lots of people say feed him 1 protein at a time. But currently feeding my ebd the acana puppy and junior formula and has 3 or 4 different kind of protein. Should I keep him on that puppy formula or should I switch to a...
  17. B

    Help Needed! FOOD DECISIONS>>>>>AM I doing the right thing

    Trying to research what is best for my little girl. She is 28 lbs 5 months old and feed her Fromm Puppy Heartland Gold Grain free. Just under 1 cup three times a day. Where should I go from here? How long should I keep her on this food? When should I start mixing proteins? Which ones...
  18. D

    4 month old EBD

    Hello my fellow EBD lovers. Recently brought home my new baby boy Nugget. Slowly weened him off food Breeder was feeding him (Victor) to Hills Science Diet chicken and brown rice flavored because my vet recommended. He keeps having wet poos. Kind of like soft serve ice cream. No other symptoms...
  19. F

    Too Skinny?

    Hi All, Just joined as owned an English Bulldog since 8 weeks old... just over 13 weeks currently. I am just wondering if she is too skinny? She eats 3 meals a day currently on AVA dry puppy food, what can I use to fatten her up? My friend got one from the same litter and he is huge compared to...
  20. C

    New to raw

    Hi so put my bull dog on recommended raw food amount for her weight only been on a week she loves it but been constipated all day crying wen trying to poo wont let me near her bum panting should I be worried
  21. E

    Possible acid reflux??!!

    Hey all... so a brief background on my bully is this. Had the soft palate surgery when he was 1 after he aspirated his food and got pneumonia. Fast forward to 6 yers old.. i recently gone to a allergist and we switched his food to purina pro plan ha due to the fact hes allergic to almost...
  22. helsonwheels


    Company Response In response to our request for more information, Zuke’s replied: “At this time, we are proactively and voluntarily removing our Zuke’s Mini Naturals products from sale due to a quality issue. “Zuke’s is a natural product, which uses a natural preservation system. We have...
  23. N

    Baby Nutrition Needs

    Our new boy came home with us last night. He will be 12 weeks old on Wednesday. The breeder had him on Royal Canin bulldog puppy food. I will be cooking his food for him along with my other two dogs (different breeds). Is there anything I need to do differently for a puppy? I use
  24. cefe13

    Help Needed! Elevated food bowl - how high?

    Castor finds it increasingly difficult to bend down to his food (not sure what's the problem - he will see his vet next week). He eats from a low wide pyrex glass dish which has worked very well for many years, but now he needs an elevated bowl or a box or something under his feeding bowl. We...
  25. G

    Feeding help

    I have 2 British bulldog puppies now 12 weeks. Louie & Frankie. Both brothers. I was looking for advice on feeding. I started introducing raw food into their diet at. 10 weeks however Frankie developed an infection and his poo’s had blood in them for a good while. The vet advised me to stop with...
  26. cefe13

    Castor is 8!

    Sweet Castor turned eight today and celebrated with his own hamburger and even some fries (and no, he usually doesn't eat on the door mat!). We got him a lick mat and some hopefully tasty wet food plus a treat dispenser toy, but since he was so happy and surprised by his hamburger dinner we...
  27. ladywebb

    Another (2 part) food question

    Ok..I am already the type of person who tends to 2nd guess themselves (always want to make sure I am doing doing the right thing). So, sorry for sounding like a crazy person You all know Gilbert was having the tummy issues..I believe it was too many marrow bones and and the...
  28. kyredneck

    Senior dog food question

    So,,, was at my local pet store,,Feeders Supply,, where Levi actually has his own fan club there,, no kiddn’ lol. While he was picking out a new squeaky to drive me insane with:D a couple came in with a magnificent 3 year old EB. Amazing body definition and gorgeous shiny coat. I asked them what...
  29. Brian.and.Kyle”s.Mom

    Newbie here... baby coming on question..HELP!

    Hi gang! We are so excited to bring our sweet boy home. I have a food transition question. Breeder feeds Country Value which I saw was rated as one of the worse ones 😭😭😭. I'd love to hear how you transitioned your pup to something high quality. I'm looking into dry kibble and want to make...
  30. ddnene

    Latest food recalls...

    Here is the latest list of food recalls according to dog food advisor..midwestern-pet-foods-dog-cat-food
  31. cefe13

    Lick mat?

    Have any bulldogs here experience of lick mats (there's one called Lickimat, for instance)? It is a rubber mat with some texture and you spread raw food or some treat and apparently it will keep dogs and their brains busy. I have no idea if this is something that Castor would like, so thought...
  32. S


    Shirley has vomited a small amount of what looks like undigested supper twice this week. It happened both times between 3-5am (yeah I hardly sleep). She's not lethargic nor showing any signs of not feeling well, no temp, eyes clear, no runny nose etc. I feed her bfast at 6:30am and supper at...
  33. ladywebb

    Help needed!

    I am at a loss! Started last Thursday night/Friday morning, my hubby came home early morning to find poo in Gilbert's tent (little pop up tent we use as a kennel for nighttime and when gone..he loves it!). Ok...Gilbert has not pooped in his kennel and/or tent (have both..just different areas of...
  34. JessicaK11

    Hello, First time owner of a EBD

    Hey y'all, Just thought I would post a Hello. So glad I found this forum as this is my first time with this type of breed. Let me tell you, he has definitely been a character and is spoiled rotten for the week we have had him. He is so different from any other breed of dog that I have ever...
  35. helsonwheels


    Dear Fellow Dog Lover, You're getting this email because you signed up on our website and asked to be notified. If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please click the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of this message. Bravo Packing of Carney's Point, NJ, is recalling all Performance...
  36. G

    Newbie needing advice or reassurance.

    Hello to everyone I’m Kelly and the very proud owner of Duchess, a 6 year old (although you would never think it) rescue bulldog. We have had her a month now and she’s just great. She has a good background but was handed in as her owner was taken into hospital and no one else could have her...
  37. I

    Raw feeding body smell?

    I started feeding my Bulldogs raw food that I purchase at a local pet market. It’s been a week and noticed a horrible smell that their body is throwing out. Smells rotten. What am I doing wrong? Should I just buy raw meat human grade for them? And I’ve noticed raw meat non human grade is very...
  38. berlin78

    Coughing Puppy

    Hi everyone, We just brought home eight-week-old baby Chloe on Sunday afternoon. All has been well, until yesterday evening when we noticed her cough a little. She has been otherwise totally puppy-like - eating, drinking (a lot! is that normal?), playing, sleeping, peeing etc... Today she is...
  39. jlj781

    New Puppy tips

    Hey, does anyone have any tips for puppy’s to ensure they are off to the best start possible? we are feeding good food and giving nuvet vitamins as treats. we have heard and read conflicting info on letting them or not letting them jump up, jump off couches, climb stairs, and even play tug o...
  40. S

    General Question New rescue won't listen unless I raise my voice

    Just adopted a 6 year old breeder surrender rescue. She seems very deprived of many things, doesn't know how to play, is very guarded over food and water and inhales both (got a slow feed/water bowl). She's great but will not listen until I raise my voice and basically yell. I know she hears me...