
  1. ColleenOJ

    Swollen Face, help!

    Sweet Ham woke up Wednesday with what looked like a bug bite on his face. Benadryl hasnā€™t been helping. We came home this evening and now the entire right side of his face is swollen! The swollen skin is red. Poor thing! Is there anything I can be doing other than Benadryl to help my little guy...
  2. ColleenOJ

    Swollen Face, help!

    Sweet Ham woke up Wednesday with what looked like a bug bite on his face. Benadryl hasnā€™t been helping. We came home this evening and now the entire right side of his face is swollen! The swollen skin is red. Poor thing! Is there anything I can be doing other than Benadryl to help my little guy...
  3. Zedsded

    Wesleyā€™s acting like ā€œ jekyll and hydeā€ !!

    Just hoping the experienced bully owners on here may have any more suggestions to help with Wesley who at the moment (7.5 months old) can be a complete and utter s##t!! :censored::cursing: He goes from being a sweet playfull bulldog to an absolute pain in the :censored:, jumping trying to bite...
  4. H

    Help Needed! Chewing

    Our 10 week old EBD chews on everything. We bought him a lot chew toys which he plays with but he looses interest real quick and starts to chew on his crate (metal), furniture, garden gnomes, etc. If I am wearing my fuzzy socks he starts to chew on them. He also tries to bite us. What do we do?
  5. B

    Barking Issues

    Our one-year-old EB (Frankie) is crated at night and during the day if no one is home with him. We have another dog that is also crated during the same time periods, but in a separate crate across the room. They can see each other, but pretty much ignore each other once crated. Our bully will...
  6. C

    frustrated and sad

    My kids had been asking for a dog forever and we finally gave in. Now we have this dog they can barely interact with because he is so agressive towards them. He is only 11 weeks and still a puppy but he is not affectionate. He goea after clothes and constantly tries to bite them. They can't help...
  7. Cbrugs

    Dog Fight

    One week ago today, Louie and Jax got into a full blown dog fight. I believe Jax is the one that started it. They were all in the kitchen while I was preparing dinner as they usually are and then they went at it. I broke them up and then went back to preparing dinner, and then round 2. It was...
  8. KrysA724

    Aggressive playing

    Hey guys! So as you all know, I have had Brisket for a little while, and he shares our home with a bunny (that is not in danger with Brisket around) and Oreo, our 5 year old schnauzer. Now, when we first brought Brisket home, Oreo was excited and very sweet and caring, playful with him, and...
  9. G

    Dog Constantly Jumping!

    Izellah is a good dog, I'm not going to lie but I'm at a loss on how to fix this problem I'm having with her and it's driving me crazy. She has these moments of "outburst" where she will go nuts and won't listen to anyone or anything we have to say. When she isn't having these burst of energy...
  10. Amy89


    hi, I honestly have no idea where I have gone wrong with Bruce. Darren is away on detachment atm for another 3 months and I can't control him, he lunges at me, bites me, I say no and put a flat hand up and it seems to wind him up further. If i ignore him he continues to jump at me and bite...
  11. M

    Pretty urgent help needed

    Hi, my wife and I are heartbroken at recent events. First we are new here. We have owned 4 bullies,2 pugs,Newfoundland and Great Pyrenees Over the last 45 years. We currently have two litter mates ,brother and sister. Our current situation is rather dire. These two were great for a year but...
  12. walterenglishbulldog

    My English Bulldog has weird red stuff on his eye!!

    Hello I just noticed now that my Walter has weird red stuff in his eye. Theres seem to be some bite on his eye and then under is some red kind of cherry looking stuff. I dont know where he got this from and I dont know how to react to this. Hes acting very normal about everything. Please see my...
  13. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Muffin~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Illinois

    Hi my name is Muffin and I'm 3 years old. I'm a small little nugget with the cutest under bite. My likes are cuddling, toys, car rides and my calm foster siblings. I dislike cats! They are only good for chasing. New things can be a little scary for me so I need a patient family to help me not be...
  14. Maife

    URGENT!!! Possible soft tissue sarcoma...

    Dear all, Ulysses and I are back and we are extremely happy to reconnect with our bully forum family again. So sorry to have been disconnected for a while but as you all know, sometimes life gets in the way and one looses touch for a bit. Sadly, we received not such good news from the vet this...
  15. MFrey2012

    Ellie tried to Nip...

    Happy Sunday Bulldog Family, SOOOO, I just need to let this out.... I know this is TOTALLY on us but, we have NEVER had any issues with Ellie nipping or trying to bite, however just recently she has tried to do so twice. Once was with the FedEx lady, I did have her on a leash, and the second...
  16. B

    New baby bully and new member

    Hi everyone! We just purchased our very first bully, she is 11 weeks old, adorable and hysterical. Can be a bit of a devil at times though too. Lots of biting, chasing feet, etc. She got me really good today, blood and everything. I thought she was climbing up in my lap for a cuddle but she took...
  17. K

    We have found a lump

    Yesterday we found a pea size lump on Ronnie itā€™s hard and doesnā€™t move around freely with his skin. Itā€™s right on the side of his front leg. I have parted all the hair to have a look and there appears to be no broken skin or anything that would indicate that itā€™s a bite. The lump is visible...
  18. L

    Agression after being spayed

    So my sweet little girl was spayed 3 weeks ago and ever since she has been a complete asshole (for lack of better word lol) She has been super aggressive and humping so much. She used to try to hump people before she was spayed but its increased by like 80 percent. Now she will just come out of...
  19. D

    Looking for help puppy nipping hard and often with my son

    I have a 12 week old puppy he is great most of the time but at times he chases and terrorizes my son nipping his clothes and feet! I believe this will blow over once we get out of the puppy shark teeth stage does anyone have any ideas to make this smoother ??? He seems to bite me harder and is...
  20. oscarmayer

    something to consider for those Bullies with chronic dry eye...

    Yesterday, Rex and Sandy visited with our surgical specialist for his soft palate eval. Rex is scheduled for soft palate surgery next Friday, June 15th. While they were there, the eye specialist was treating/evaluating a rather nasty bulldog. The dog was fine until it came time to treat...
  21. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Bentley~Special Needs English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Oklahoma

    Gender: M Age: 7 Restrictions: SPECIAL NEEDS - Neuro, No Pets, No Kids Adoption Fee...
  22. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Hercules~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in New York

    BITE WAIVER REQUIRED Although Herculesā€™ name conjures up images of strength and bravery, Hercules the bulldog also has a silly, adorable and chilled out side. Folks, this isnā€™t just another pretty face. Hercules is a man on a mission, determined to find true commitment in the form of a forever...
  23. B

    URGENT!!! Spinal Stenosis

    We adopted a 5 year old male from a local couple who had to move and couldn't keep their bully. We have had him a year with no irregular issues that most bullys have. But over the past few months he has become more and more aggressive to the point of attacking my female great dane and biting...
  24. C

    face cleaning

    I have recently adopted a five year old male Bulldog who is delightful. However, he will not allow me to touch his face and, in particular, clean his folds. If I approach him with a cloth, his jowl quivers. As soon as I touch his face slightly, he tries to bite me. He was surrendered by a person...
  25. Marycarmen

    Help Needed! Spider bite?

    Hi y'all!!! My maximus (3 years Male bulldog) yesterday apparently was bitten for an spider, I'm not sure, but he got out to make pee, when he came back, be had a bump in its toe, is swelling, red and itchy, I don't know what to do, my vet is close in weekends, any recommendations. Thanks.
  26. D

    Help Needed! Is this what ear mite bites look like ?

    Poor Gus is our 8 week old bull dog I have noticed over the last couple days and increase in here scratching today while he was cuddling with me I noticed his year looked red and a bit inflamed so I flipped it up to see what was going on inside and I noticed some tiny What look like bite marks...
  27. E

    Hives won't go away?

    My 9 month old bully has had hives for 4 days now. I've been giving him Benadryl twice a day which calms the swelling but they don't go away. By the morning he is covered again and itching like crazy. About a month ago he had hives for the first time and as a new bulldog owner I rushed him to...
  28. rjisaterp

    A Holiday Message From Bentley

    ATTENTION EBN BULLDOGS, This is a message brought to you from my daddies Space Buddies through me...da da da da da Ta....Bentley. My daddy reiterated (wow such a big word for me--Bullygarten is paying off) to me and Jewel that we are to be especially patient with them during this time...
  29. Cbrugs

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Gwen~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Ohio

    Intake Date: 8-22-18 Last Update: 10-15-18 Date Available: 10-15-2018 Age: 4 yrs old DOB: Unkown Gender: Female Weight: 50 LBS Energy Level: Medium to low unless she sees a small critter. Color & Markings: White with Red Patches Can go to a home with other dogs: Yes Can go to a home with cats...
  30. Cbrugs

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Josie~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Ohio

    Intake Date: 6-22-18 Last Update: 7/30/2018 Date Available: NOW Accepting Applications until: Age: 6 DOB: 6/29/12 Gender: female Weight: 40 lb Energy Level: low Color & Markings: black brindle and white Good with other dogs: yes Good with cats: Good with kids: BBR Policy states no children...
  31. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Baldwin~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Illinois

    Meet Baldwin who isnā€™t even a year old yet but has already lived through terror and pain as a bait dog. Baldwin was found in a ditch with multiple wounds and brought to Lake Co Animal Control by a good samaritan. While treating the wounds they suspected Baldwin was used as a bait dog for...
  32. O

    Naughtiness Gets Frustrating!

    Kobieski is just getting too naughty. He is six months now, wonder how long will this go on for? We are all getting frustrated and fed-up with him. It seems that he just loves to irritate! Can be at peace unless he is sleeping! It starts when he wakes up in the morning, once he is out of...
  33. JohnSnow

    Teaching a deaf dog?

    Hello, As some of you might know, I adopted a dog in Bolivia and had no clue about his history. Only I did wonder why they put him to adoption, because his breed is expensive in Bolivia. Then I found out he had some behaviour problems: He would jump on the people and try to catch their legs...
  34. Hceril


    So Bella has been licking her back left paw for the last few days. I looked at it and am not sure whatā€™s bothering her. Maybe a bite? It is red like from her licking it. But only the one paw so I donā€™t think itā€™s an allergy thing (because she would be licking all paws??). Thinking maybe...
  35. Bottii12

    My dog being very dominant!!

    Hello everyone so i new at having an EB my baby's name is Boti he is 6 almost 7 months he so nice and loves to play but i been noticing that when he is with me he is totally diffetent in the way that he will growl at me he will bite when ever i dont pay attention to him or sitting next to him...
  36. Cbrugs

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Addy~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Ohio

    Intake Date: 4-17-18 ā€‹ Last Update: 7/6/18 Date Available: NOW Accepting Applications until: Age: 4 DOB: 8/26/13 Gender: spayed female Weight: Energy Level: low Color & Markings: brown brindle & white Good with other dogs: No Good with cats: No Good with kids: No Object aggression: None...
  37. MamaAndi

    AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! ~Selena~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Texas

    Please welcome Selena to Lone Star Bulldog Club Rescue! She writes: Iā€™ve seen a lot in my 8 years on this earth. But I never dreamed I would find myself in a shelter for abandoned dogs and cats. The folks I had always lived with took me there and left me. They said something about me being too...
  38. A

    New Bulldog

    New Hello
  39. J

    agressive puppy

    Hello, I own 5 bulldogs two 8 year old males (the uncles), 1 female (the mom) 4yrs old and 2 brothers just turning 1 (not fixed) . One of the 1 year olds fights with the other when my wife or myself are present. This is to the point where the less agreesive one ends up with bite marks and I have...
  40. M


    Wyatt is 10 weeks old, and he wonā€™t stop biting. Heā€™s drawn blood on several occasions, and it seemike itā€™s all he want to do. Puppies play bite, but when heā€™s biting until I bleed, itā€™s can I curb this?