
  1. D

    Newbie Here - Hello all from Long Island, NY

    After wanting an English Bulldog my entire life, my daughter and wife were the straws that broke the camels back. Finally got my dream pup in February and couldn't be happier. Perfect breed for my family and definitely makes us laugh as well as keeping us on our toes! Diesel (I know it's common...
  2. V

    General Question 11-week old puppy doesn't wag her tail?

    Hello! I picked up an 8-week old English bulldog puppy from a great breeder about three weeks ago. She's now 11-weeks old, and we're totally in love with her. Lots of energy, very sassy, and a overall a great puppy. She has some puppy traits that we are working on, but seem normal for her...
  3. SidNBear

    First time EBD owner

    Hello! First of all Iā€™m still figuring this website out so hopefully this posts correctly lol, but Iā€™m a first time English bulldog owner, heā€™s an absolute terror. I love him but he definitely gives me a run for my money. I just have a few questions regarding his care, we are feeding him Hills...
  4. Hstead

    Breeders - colors, exotic, Health, Temperment - Trends

    So I haven't posted a lot over the past couple of years although I do visit to see pup pictures and any time I have a question about something that pops up with our 3 1/2 year old Bolt. We have been thinking about getting Bolt a lil sister. The breeder we bought Bolt from has two litters...
  5. KrysA724

    Addressing a potty accident late

    Hey everyone. I am still working on potty training Brisket, but he seems not to be making any progress anymore! His biting it getting better, as is the leash training, but the potty training is still on the rocks. I have been keeping him in a small area lately because he keeps having...
  6. KrysA724

    Brisket does not like leashes!

    Brisket is only 8 weeks old, and though we have a fenced in backyard, I thought it would be a good idea to start trying to leash train him. I have experience doing this with other breeds, but Brisket was not having it. He got so aggressive towards the leash and began biting it and trying to rip...
  7. iBully

    12 week old EB girl Zsa Zsa says hello all!

    Hi everyone, We got our EB girl Zsa Zsa at 8 weeks old, she is now 12 weeks old. She is my second EB girl. My first EB girl Layla lived almost 12 years. I lost her almost 2 years ago. She was the sweetest love of my life. I couldn't imagine having any other dog but an EB. Now that I have...
  8. Stephr90

    Help please

    Hi I was wondering if anyone could help. Bruno is 11 weeks old and I am finding it hard to get him to stop biting people's hands and feet any suggestions would greatly be appreciated thank you in advance.
  9. H

    12 week old playing tug of war with son's shorts and leash

    I have a 12 week old that is jumping up on my 26 yo son and biting and growling on his shorts--almost like tug of war. She does the same exact thing with when I leash train. I started yesterday with placing a treat on her nose and giving the command "release" and if she doesn't release I say...
  10. A

    Bad breeding/bad genetics does it always equal a dog with issues?

    So, Cooper (male, neutered) is coming up to a year old soon. The breeder gave a whelp date that is different than her website. Our understanding now, is that he was removed from his mother and litter mates and crated alone (on top of other crates) at around 5-6 weeks. We brought him home at 8...
  11. V


    Hello all. Itā€™s been a while since I posted anything on here. Our beautiful Lola isnā€™t looking her best at the moment. She started to develop scabs and bald patches on her back which has since spread. Her shoulders are now practically bald. She is not scratching or biting, she doesnā€™t seem...
  12. Amy89


    Hi all, Just out of curiosity how well behaved is your OEB. I keep seeing all these post and they all look so calm and well behaved. Bruce is just a bulldozer, he is so naughty and has so much energy. He eats anything he gets his paws on, is now ignoring all commands and he knows what they...
  13. T

    "Fly biting Syndrome" ??

    Hi all. My name is Todd. I am the proud owner of Walter, a male pure bred English bulldog. Being a long time dog owner, my dream dog was always an English bulldog. 1 year ago on November 16th, Walter was born. My wife and daughters being so amazing, surprised me by taking me to the moms house...
  14. B

    New baby bully and new member

    Hi everyone! We just purchased our very first bully, she is 11 weeks old, adorable and hysterical. Can be a bit of a devil at times though too. Lots of biting, chasing feet, etc. She got me really good today, blood and everything. I thought she was climbing up in my lap for a cuddle but she took...
  15. V

    Whopper terrorizes new puppy

    Hey everybody. Here's a little background first. I got my bulldog whopper when he was 3. He's 5 now. He's a pretty good dog but he is food aggressive if I try to pick up his food bowl or touch him while he's eating and every once in awhile he can be slightly resource aggressive. He has never...
  16. SMammers816

    Really Need Some Advice...

    Hi All - I have a five year old male bully (Gunner) and we recently got a brand new bulldog puppy named Cooper who is now 7 months. My husband and I are at our wits end and need some information/advice from more experienced Bulldog owners. They are constantly going at each other... at first we...
  17. J

    Help Needed! New to the breed. Should I be concerned?

    To sum it all up in order to get a quick response: is this normal 8 week old puppy behavior or is this a sign of aggression? The EB just met the Goldendoodle. If no sound...
  18. M

    Help Needed! Inflamed lymph node from play?

    Hi I am a newer member and also new to Bulldogs having just found my little guy a year ago. My bully plays with a neighbor's bulldog including biting and holding on to each other's faces and jaws. It appears that they're being gentle, there's no growling or signs of distress. However last night...
  19. J

    Paw Protection After surgery

    Hi All, Our Bully has to go in for minor surgery on Wednesday as it looks like she has an infection between her toes and the Vet believes there maybe a grass seed or ingrowing hair which is the cause of the problem. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to stop her licking at her paw...
  20. Marlana

    Puppy biting

    Iā€™ve done a lot of reading and generally Brutus is a really good puppy. I know nipping is normal and is apart of having a puppy. Usually he will stop when I say no, even with nipping. But tonight I was playing tug of war with him and after ā€˜winningā€™ the toy, he grabbed my hand. He bit down hard...
  21. B

    URGENT!!! Spinal Stenosis

    We adopted a 5 year old male from a local couple who had to move and couldn't keep their bully. We have had him a year with no irregular issues that most bullys have. But over the past few months he has become more and more aggressive to the point of attacking my female great dane and biting...
  22. T

    Help with my puppy

    We have an English bulldog puppy called Maisie who is 6 months old. She is extremely high energy and at times can be aggressive. This was a huge surprise to me. I'm not someone who has previously owned dogs, but I was lead to believe that English bulldogs were laid back, docile animals that...
  23. S

    going nuts after poo

    Hello All, Has anyone had experience with a puppy going bonkers after completing a #2? He is now 7.5 months old and has for the most part been getting very calm and well behaved over the last few months. However, he has been getting progressively worse when finishing his "business" outside. If...
  24. D

    Our boy is here

    Weā€™ve had our boy a few days now and heā€™s our first eb. Heā€™s 9 weeks tomorrow. He settled in right away and has been very happy. Plays with our older dog and get on fine but does try to bully the cats lol. A few questions though, the breeder had him on royal canine and also mixing in raw green...
  25. S

    Puppy advice

    Hello All, We now have a bulldog puppy (Male, 12 weeks old) in our family and was hoping to go over a few questions and concerns if I may ... I noticed when reading over previous puppy threads some advice to not give string tugs or rawhides and wanted to find out the reason for this...
  26. Helicoptermom

    Need help fast with psycho female!

    Munson is 3 year old neutered male, laidback, loveable lump of sweetness. Sugar is 2 year old spayed female filled with anxiety and alpha craziness. She is also on Prozac because she is afraid of wind and sound of raindrops and birds chirping....has gotten better but used to be a real nut case...
  27. F

    Help Needed! Aggressive puppy?

    Hello All - We just got our first bulldog puppy, she is 8 weeks today and we noticed lately that she very aggressively biting Fingers, charges at your face, and attacks your feet when walking, now she even has started growling and biting when we try to pick her up to remove her from the...
  28. H

    Aibou - May 2006 to 2 July 2018 - 12 years

    AIBOU ā€” May 2006 to 2 July 2018 ā€” 12 years old (Aibou was euthanized today ā€” and this is my Tribute to him; sorry if it is very long but I wanted to put down all my thoughts). In early winter 2006 we drove fourteen hours in one day to Rotorua and back to pick up a beautiful bulldog puppy with a...
  29. C

    Nre Handful of a Puppy (peeing in crate, biting)

    New Handful of a Puppy (peeing in crate, biting) Hi all, We have a new addition to the family named Bojangles. We got him at 10 weeks old, and he's now currently 13 weeks. I had an English bulldog previously raised from a pup and didn't run into any of the issues that I'm running into with...
  30. S

    Need help/advice for severe dry eye and biting paws

    Hello, My name is Kristi and I am new to this group site. I stumbled across you guys here while I was searching for advice on best way to treat our new ā€Sausageā€. She is our 2nd English Bulldog and we just adopted her from a rescue about 10 days ago. The lady at the rescue was very clear when...
  31. B

    Olde English Bulldog biter

    Hi - I'm hoping there are some with Olde English/Leavitt Bulldogs here - I'm not sure if this is breed-specific behavior. My last dog, Winston Churchill, was a Frenchie, and he was waaaay different as a puppy from my 12 week old Samantha. I've had Samantha since she was 8 weeks old. I know the...
  32. A

    New Bulldog

    New Hello
  33. M


    Wyatt is 10 weeks old, and he wonā€™t stop biting. Heā€™s drawn blood on several occasions, and it seemike itā€™s all he want to do. Puppies play bite, but when heā€™s biting until I bleed, itā€™s can I curb this?
  34. D

    New puppy help

    We got a English Bulldog 3 weeks ago. He's almost 5 months old. He refuses to walk on leash, even when I have my son walk ahead of us and bribe him with treats. He digs in and refuses to move, or lays down. How can I make sure he gets enough exercise if he won't walk? I try to play with him, he...
  35. Sleepersd

    Getting old

    Hi everyone Itā€™s my first post here.I have a 12 years old bulldog.He is great dog,my best friend through all this years,but he went through a lot so far.They removed his ear canals,he had two other small surgeries,he recently had pneumonia,but he is still great and strong. I realized that in...
  36. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Thelma~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Texas

    Please welcome Thelma to our rescue family! She comes to us after a recent local puppy mill bust that involved the seizure of 132 animals. Thelma is 3 years old and only weighs 28 lbs. She is a mess health-wise, but everyone in the shelter loved her personality and came out to bid her adieu...
  37. SiuMai


    Siu Mai is now 3 months old today and she has a bad habit of biting and tearing apart the urinary pads and even the green mat 'toilet' pad bought for her to use. Everytime I placed a new piece for her and immediately it gets torn apart. The green mat toilet was only used twice on the day of...
  38. MFrey2012

    Biting her nails

    Hi all!! Hope everyone is good. SOOOOO - recently Ellie had been trying to chew her back toe nail, something terrible, its not all the time, everything seems fine. Anyone elses bully do this??
  39. Chevysmom

    Chevy behaving badly HELP!!!

    Hi all most of u know my Chevy and remember when he was 8 or 9 wks old and was begging for help to get him to quit biting well he done really well he would nip every now and then but nothing like he was but now he is 15 wks old and has taken to barking and biting and I dont know if it is his...
  40. K

    Not biting, but gnawing puppy

    I know Daisy Mae is young, just about 5 mos old, and puppies' go through great amounts of teething. With that being said, she LOVES to gnaw on my hand. It starts out as excessive licking, but then she wants to gnaw on me like she's trying to find a place to latch on. It's not nipping, its not...