
Community Veteran
Dec 9, 2016
Seattle, WA
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
King Louie, Jax (French Bulldog), Ella Mae and Darla Rae

Intake Date: 9/5/18
Last Update: 9/21/18
Date Available:
Accepting Applications until:
Age: 5yrs
Gender: F
Weight: 54.5lbs
Energy Level:
Color & Markings: Brindle
Good with other dogs: Yes
Good with cats: NA, she hasn't met one to date, as we know of
Good with kids: BBR Policy states no children under the age of 8+.
Object aggression: No
Special Needs: Slow introductions to EVERYTHING, most importantly, sounds
Medications: Yes: Rimadyl 100mg 1x(pain), Doxycycline Hyclate 150mg 2x daily(antibiotic), Tobramycin Ophthalmic Solution 0.3%, 1 drop 3x daily(antibiotic)
Crate Trained: Yes
House Trained: Yes, only accidents have been in her crate
Physical Fence Required: Unknown yet
Adoption donation:

My Ideal Home: Hi, my name is Nugget, and I have a big ol' nugget of a story to tell...so grab your water bowl, a chew toy, and maybe a tissue...its gonna take me a minute to tell you!

You see, the first chapters in my life had me a victim of a puppymill. Life was very hard for me, and my fellow canine inmates. I am a strong girl, and tried my very best to hold on, but then I started feeling really, REALLY bad. Then one day, I was taken out of my jail cell, put into a "hot room" that was moving. When the "room" stopped moving, a big man took me into an unfamiliar new place. By now, I was feeling even worse inside my body, and was getting so very tired. Then I heard the sweetest sound, and opened my eyes to see the most beautiful lady I've ever smelled, who had the kindest eyes to ever look at me, begging me to "please hold on, I'm going to get you help"! She cradled my sickened body, placed me inside a VERY "cooled room", and then could see that some of my fellow inmates were also around me. We all could faintly feel the "cooled room" was moving, and none of us knew where or what going on, but we all could hear the lady telling us "you're safe now, you'll never know that kind of life again"! I really needed to believe her because by now, I knew I was feeling so awful and heard the ladies say, "oh my God, they're dying...we've got to hurry"! After some time, the "cooled room" stopped moving, and those same kind eyes...my saving angel, carried me into a hospital, and my life was forever changed!

The next thing I know to tell is when I woke up, I didn't feel so bad anymore, and there were lots of kind eyes looking at me...and I could feel their worries. My belly was very tender, and somebody there thought I should be wearing a lampshade...and I wasn't having any of that! You exist where I did for 5yrs, and you wouldn't like not knowing what's heading your way either...so, I shook my head until it was off! And, let's just tell the truth here, I'm a big girl...too big to get to the part of my belly that they didn't want me touching, and it was so tender just to move in my VERY clean crate anyways...so, I let them know they could keep that awful thing! I would learn I was in the "hospital", and each day there, I started feeling a little bit better. After a few days, I saw a new set of kind eyes, and he said "Nugget (that's what he called me), it's time to go", and he put me in another "cooled room" that started moving again. I was worried he was "moving" me back to the bad place because he put that lampshade BACK on! Seriously, I thought we had an understanding...so, I shook it off my head AGAIN...and I guess I made my point because he didn't even try to put it back on!

I would learn, that man with the kind eyes, was a "furbaby chauffeur", and a "cooled room" is called a "car". When he stopped the car, he carried me into another new place, and it's called a "foster home". It was all too much for me, but I really needed to go potty...but this new "foster pawrent" man didn't put me in a crate...HE TOOK ME "OUTSIDE"?? I was sooooo scared, and overwhelmed with all the sounds and smells...but now, I really had to go, so I marked a spot pretty quickly. I was so scared to learn how much trouble I would be in for this accident(??)...but he smelled like goodness too, and told me I was a "good girl"(?)...(seriously??...) I was so confused in what to think/do now, so I panicked to find the furthest corner away from him in "the yard"! I scare too easily with this new place, the sounds, the smells...nothing is familiar, but I suppose that's good too. As he sat down in front of me, on the "grass", he calmly showed me his hands and slowly stretched his hands out to let me smell him...and his scent told me didn't want to hurt me, but didn't know why, he too, was being so kind to me. Until that first set of kind eyes I met nearly 2 weeks ago, human words and actions were much different to me. The male humans seemed nice enough, but those females at the mill, were very cruel and I knew they could or would hurt me.

So, life these days are drastically different from what I hope becomes a long distance memory. I am learning to trust and forgive humans, I am learning to live with a pack of furbabies(...thats what my foster pawrents call us), I'm hopeful to learn to play with them...but for now, I just watch. I am getting healthier each day, and no longer feel so sick inside. The medications I still need do make me tired...but I know I need to take them to be strong enough to play with all the "toys"(...cause they're IN & OUTSIDE the house!!), my foster pawrents, and my new pack mates.

I think my "foster mama" is really a dog inside her human clothes, cause she really seems to understand what I need. She does "touch therapy" 2x everyday...and it feels so good, that now I'll at least come out of my big, safe space crate for her "therapy" time. I think she loves how beautiful my coat feels under her finger tips...cause she sure does run them on EVERY part of my body! So I like to thank her with ONE lil kiss and I let her now rub my belly too! She really likes giving me yummy treats too, but if I want them...I have to "come see me" to get them. Sometimes I do, and sometimes I'm not so willing. She has also been making my skin less itchy, but the spray she puts on my coat is wet, and the sound of the spray scares me. So my foster dad tries to distract me by talking me through it, stroking my body when she's putting it on, and that seems to be ok. And I really like when she cleans my tail pocket, it feels really good...and I sit very still when she cleans the wrinkIes on my face too. I hear I'm getting a "luxurious bath" this weekend because she said I could get one after I got all my tummy stitches out...and Dr. Wendy did that on Thursday!

I am learning to show my foster pawrents when I need to "go potty" outside in the grass, rather than inside my crate, and my pack mates ALWAYS want to read my pee-mails to know more about me! I think they really like me, I know I like them(...especially the girl pack leader)and when I get better, its gonna be a furbaby PARTY here with that huge playground outside...and 2 pools that are just my size too!

I am still learning my big backyard, but hear when the weather "cools off", we're going to start walking in the neighborhood. Not sure how I feel about that yet(...so many new sounds really scare me), but I do like that purple harness I wear to see the doctor, and since I'll be wearing that for a walk...if we go slow, I think maybe it'll be ok? Car rides scare me too, so I lay completely still with my foster mama beside me in the backseat, but would prefer to huddle on the floor.

Well, that's all I know for now, but I promise I will tell you more...when I have more experiences to share. Thanks to BBR, and the humans who rescued all of us...because now I'm learning how to be a "mill mama" survivor and my heart feels much lighter, my body is getting stronger, I'm learning new things everyday(...even if I don't want to), I want to try to share more of the bubbling spunkiness I've given hints of...but not ready yet, and the food here is SO yummy!

And finally, whichever of you humans make that cheesey goodness in the can...I would like to give you my best booty bounce...cause its magical stuff!! And I also heard a tale about "cheese in plastic" is so delicious, it will wake a furbaby from the deepest sleep...and that the sounds coming from JUST unwrapping it can be heard from far off distances??? That's definitely on my new "To Do" list, cause this curvy girl is ready to live the best life my angel lady promised me if I "hold on"...so here I am...bring on all the goodness!!

Intake info: Nugget is a former breeder from a shelter. We suspect she was from a puppy mill.

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