
  1. TheLost

    This site is cathartic...

    I spent the weekend freaking out over (my dog) Kevin's leg. As he gets into his golden years i know at some point his body will give out before his spirit. Last week he started limping more than normal... and by the weekend he would hardly walk. I spent all last night awake worried what...
  2. T

    Hi all - new to site and need help & advice (with the female)

    Hi to all Have come onto this site many times since becoming the owner of Jorja but have only registered today. Am currently at a loss as to what to do next. As since she turned 2, she has violent attacks on my other dog Davey. Not all the time but becoming more frequent. We have 3 dogs in...
  3. J

    Intro: Gravy

    Hi! First time dog owner here:blush2: I've been researching EBD ownership for the past 5 years and finally got this bucket of Gravy 8 weeks ago. Most of the questions I've had, I've found the answer to on this forum. This is his favorite this to do.
  4. TooTooMommy

    Collapsed trachea AND bronchiectasis

    Hi everybully! Our precious ten-year-old was recently diagnosed with collapsed trachea and bronchiectasis. Our vets are pawsome, and we trust them implicitly; HOWEVER, it is always nice to hear peoples' personal stories! I'd reallllly appreciate any info, tips, what worked, what didn't. How...
  5. dymeale

    Extremely Dry Nose

    Hi everyone! Itā€™s been a whileā€¦.my dog has an extremely dry/cracked nose. Any suggestions?
  6. 1Chumly

    And he is still such a happy boy

    This really made me laugh! Silly dog!
  7. summerep

    My dog was attacked :(

    Hi guys, Iā€™m just looking for some advice reallyā€¦ So last night I was out for a walk with my dog at our local field, out of nowhere a dog (French Bulldog) runs at Bear and attacks him. He grabbed him by his cheek and pinned him to the floor. I was with my dad who has grown up with dogs and...
  8. C

    just joined today

    hi im new and my dog just gave birth to a 6 puppy last week.
  9. 5

    Hello, New here and new pup on the way in two weeks.

    Hello, We just lost our six year old English Bulldog earlier this spring. He was a good boy but had many health issues, The worst of which was epilepsy. He required 5 pills twice daily on a pretty strict schedule to control seizures. He also had chronic ear infections and developed dry eye late...
  10. S

    Need recommendation for stroller

    Hi, My dog is about 50 pounds, has a torn a lot and is now 8 years old. Iā€™m trying to find a good stroller that I can walk over trails with. I just bought the Petique all terrain jogger but would like to know what others use. Was also looking at Pet gear no zip jogger but read complaints...
  11. D

    How do you keep a young EB entertained when youā€™re working?

    This is my first post but I have been lurking on this site for some time after getting my dog Mayo last May. Mayo is a 15 month EB and I feel like he needs constant attention every time. I try taking him to daycare 2x a week when Iā€™m working or busy. I also try to walk him in the morning...
  12. gobronco

    Bruno is doing well

    Hi people. haven't been on for a while. life's trials. Bruno is doing well. At 19 months old he still thinks he is a puppy. Ankle biter. Crazy the little white deaf dog is doing well too and had her 9th birthday a few months ago. Crazy is the one laying on the couch. Bruno is the one...
  13. anatess

    Angus has terminal cancer. šŸ˜­

    Today is a very hard day. Angus is my last surviving family dog. He turns 11 on Saturday. We took him to the vet after I noticed an enlargement of his belly and a lack of luster of his fur. He is still the same happy Angus albeit he tires so much quicker. But then he is an old dog now. The...
  14. D

    Newbie from Scotland

    Hello my names mark and Iā€™m the proud owner of an EBD called Geoff . Heā€™s 16 weeks old now and my first dog or any pet. Heā€™s such a wee character and very stubborn aswell. Loves being nosey and follows me everywhere. Joined to get information and make sure the wee boy gets the best life. He is a...
  15. YDsmomma

    New here, also new to owning a dog šŸ™‚

    Hi my names ashley, Iā€™m the proud owner to a 7 month old spoiled English bulldog �� I never owned a dog before this just cats so itā€™s been an experience, I got him when he was 8 weeks old, still kinda on formula and wet dog food. Heā€™s the love of my life, and goes everywhere with...
  16. YDsmomma

    My dogs shedding like crazyšŸ˜­

    So Iā€™ve had my dog for 4 months now, heā€™s 6 months old heā€™s been on RC since he was with the breeder, he recently stopped wanting to eat it, like heā€™s not even enthusiastic like how he used to be he just smells it and walks away, heā€™s never been like that at all and I think heā€™s so over the...
  17. F

    New to the forum :)

    hey everyone! just signed up after reading a lot of threads, excited to meet you all! this is Lenny, hes 14 months and loves to meet new people and dogs! hes my first dog so theres a good chance i'll be asking some newb questions in the next few days/weeks/months/years!
  18. 1Chumly

    Heat warning!

    This was just posted on my local bulldog group FB page here in Houston so I am posting it here as a warning to us all. So very sad. Everyone, please be careful this summer, it will be very hot. A week ago, my husband and I went out for a walk with our English Bulldog. It was about 8 PM and it...
  19. 1Chumly

    Eating contest

    I think the dog showed remarkable restraint! :lol::lol:
  20. H

    Rescue dog skin issue, suggestions wanted

    Hiā€¦ I joined back in 2017 when I was considering getting a Bulldog to do some research. Fast forward to 2021ā€¦.got that bully..a rescue, got another rescue and became a volunteer for our rescue. We lost our first rescue this year (we rescue seniors). So while doing a rescue transport last week I...
  21. B

    Barking Issues

    Our one-year-old EB (Frankie) is crated at night and during the day if no one is home with him. We have another dog that is also crated during the same time periods, but in a separate crate across the room. They can see each other, but pretty much ignore each other once crated. Our bully will...
  22. Corea99

    Stubbornness creating safety issues

    Hi all- I am in need of advice. Over the past couple of months, my bully 3-year old bully has become super stubborn. When walking, if something catches his attention (usually a person or another dog) he stops and will not budge. This has become a safety issue. For example, walking alone at...
  23. Corea99

    Help Needed! Stubbornness creating safety issues

    Hi all- I am in need of advice. Over the past couple of months, my bully 3.5-year old bully has become super stubborn. When walking, if something catches his attention (usually a person or another dog) he stops and will not budge. This has become a safety issue. For example, walking alone at...
  24. C

    New to raw

    Hi so put my bull dog on recommended raw food amount for her weight only been on a week she loves it but been constipated all day crying wen trying to poo wont let me near her bum panting should I be worried
  25. helsonwheels


    Company Response In response to our request for more information, Zukeā€™s replied: ā€œAt this time, we are proactively and voluntarily removing our Zukeā€™s Mini Naturals products from sale due to a quality issue. ā€œZukeā€™s is a natural product, which uses a natural preservation system. We have...
  26. S

    Knee acl tear back issues

    Hi Red is soon going to be 8 he has a torn acl shown on X-rays. Is there some kind of brace I can use for him? They also think he may have myelopathy in the back. Wondering if anyone has ever tried a dog chiropractor. He doesnā€™t seem to be in pain in the back area Iā€™m more concerned about his...
  27. N

    Behavioural & dominance issues, please help šŸ™

    Good evening, I'm a newbie here and was wondering if I could have some advice about my winston please �� So Winston was originally my boyfriends dog but due to his busy lifestyle he didn't feel he was giving him the stability and commitment he needed so now he lives with me and my...
  28. kyredneck

    Bulldog proof dog bed ?

    Any suggestions for a dog bed thatā€™s ā€œBully Proofā€ ? Levi loves his beds but,, if there is any flaw in a bed at all that he can make a small incision with those 5 sharp little front teeth,, heā€™s gonna find it. I mean if there is a thread hanging out he will find a way to dissect it till he can...
  29. Zedsded

    Wes is on the sofa already!

    Wesley is big enough now to climb on the sofa the second you leave the room! Just keeping an eye on him to TRY and make sure heā€™s not jumping off! We also have the floor covered with dog beds/duvets so he has a soft landing if we get to him before he launches himself off! :w00t:
  30. kyredneck

    Senior dog food question

    So,,, was at my local pet store,,Feeders Supply,, where Levi actually has his own fan club there,, no kiddnā€™ lol. While he was picking out a new squeaky to drive me insane with:D a couple came in with a magnificent 3 year old EB. Amazing body definition and gorgeous shiny coat. I asked them what...
  31. G

    Help Needed! My bulldog won't walk

    Hey there, I have my English bulldog for 2 years already and for the first year of having him I didn't have any issues. This year it's really hard to walk him as everytime I try to take him outside he's just pulling the leash and doesn't want to walk. I contacted two dog trainers and they both...
  32. ladywebb

    2nd bully ?

    ok...We possibly have an opportunity to get another EBD. He is 4 yrs. old and healthy (as far as I know). Person who has him says he doesn't have the time for all his needs (assuming just daily maintenance). That is the extent of info I have at the present time. I will be talking to the owners...
  33. I

    Reputable breeder

    Hello. I spent a little time searching this site for the answer to my question and didn't really find it. I am looking for a puppy. From searching the internet I see price ranges from $800-5000. That's obviously quite a range. I'm weary of the lower priced puppies and can't spend 5k. I actually...
  34. helsonwheels

    Look....Same Dog

    Princess to Grinch
  35. ddnene

    Latest food recalls...

    Here is the latest list of food recalls according to dog food advisor..midwestern-pet-foods-dog-cat-food
  36. gobronco

    Bruno half way through his first one mile walk

    Bruno (the rescue dog) half way through his 1 mile walk. Since his recurring pneumonia and throat surgery in December I have been taking it easy on him. He needed time for his lungs to heal. Short walks at first then 1/2 mile then 3/4 mile walks. His lungs seem to be doing much better and he...
  37. cefe13

    I've had enough

    :please: Does anyone know if there is some smart stuff that I can spray on my door step to deter passing dogs from leaving their poop there? This has become absolutely crazy. It is mandatory to pick up after your dog here and 99 per cent of dog owners do that without a problem. However, there...
  38. JessicaK11

    Hello, First time owner of a EBD

    Hey y'all, Just thought I would post a Hello. So glad I found this forum as this is my first time with this type of breed. Let me tell you, he has definitely been a character and is spoiled rotten for the week we have had him. He is so different from any other breed of dog that I have ever...
  39. helsonwheels


    Dear Fellow Dog Lover, You're getting this email because you signed up on our website and asked to be notified. If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please click the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of this message. Bravo Packing of Carney's Point, NJ, is recalling all Performance...
  40. helsonwheels

