
  1. summerep

    My dog was attacked :(

    Hi guys, Iā€™m just looking for some advice reallyā€¦ So last night I was out for a walk with my dog at our local field, out of nowhere a dog (French Bulldog) runs at Bear and attacks him. He grabbed him by his cheek and pinned him to the floor. I was with my dad who has grown up with dogs and...
  2. D

    Happy bulldog

    Iā€™m maybe being over sensitive but paranoid Geoff isnā€™t happy and loving life. Whatā€™s the signs I should be looking for to tell me my boy is happy. First time bulldog owner and I love him unconditionally and he is completely spoilt. Sometimes I look at him and think I hope your loving life and...
  3. H

    Rescue dog skin issue, suggestions wanted

    Hiā€¦ I joined back in 2017 when I was considering getting a Bulldog to do some research. Fast forward to 2021ā€¦.got that bully..a rescue, got another rescue and became a volunteer for our rescue. We lost our first rescue this year (we rescue seniors). So while doing a rescue transport last week I...
  4. NigelsMom

    Goodbye is the hardest part...Rest In Peace Nigel

    My beautiful boy is gone. We had to say goodbye early morning yesterday. It looked like bloat My heart is shattered and the joy he gave me is now gone. He passed with me and my husband and kids around him. We said our goodbyes and let him know what a good boy he was and how much we loved him...
  5. JessicaK11

    Hello, First time owner of a EBD

    Hey y'all, Just thought I would post a Hello. So glad I found this forum as this is my first time with this type of breed. Let me tell you, he has definitely been a character and is spoiled rotten for the week we have had him. He is so different from any other breed of dog that I have ever...
  6. bullmama

    ~ENTER HERE!~ 10th Annual Bulldog Grinch Contest!

    Welcome to the Bulldog of the Month Annual Bulldog Grinch Contest! :christmasgrinch: It's January and Christmas is over, and these bulldogs had enough of all that Holiday Cheer! These bullies and their pouty faces, they really make the Grinch look happy! Show us your bullies attitude and...
  7. helsonwheels

    Now thatā€™s one pissed off face!

    Had to put NuStock on his face. If words can speak I would have an earful!!
  8. J

    Cone Alternatives??

    My bulldog is dealing with a herpesvirus outbreak in her eye. Sheā€™s also doubling being difficult with allergies (which a balance between meds and the herpes is needed as the allergy meds that work for her suppress the immune system which we need to be at its best to get the herpes to go...
  9. D

    Raw Food Safety Tips?

    Hey Bully Lovers! Long time lurker, first time posting to the forum. I have a few questions for you about raw food safety. Iā€™ll ask them first and then give a little background info about us after for those who are curious. 1. How do you clean up your dog after a raw meal? 2. Any tips or...
  10. C

    Does my bully look fullbred?

    Hi all! I have an english bulldog who is going on 7months, he is a skinny guy, long face and the head it proportionate to his body. Ive had an english in the past and she was much more round. He is registered AKC, both his parents look different than him, more of the traditional bully look and...
  11. dymeale

    Seeking Diet Advice

    Hello, I am so happy I found this site as I am always looking for more information on how my EBD can live a happy & healthy life. My EBD, NikolĆ”s, turned two years old in April. He has always been extremely active and wild! He keeps us all on our toes. šŸ˜ƒ However recently i have been really...
  12. 1Chumly

    A seizure of some sort?

    Something weird just happened with Buster. I didn't see exactly how it started but the first thing I did see was him coming toward me, dry-humping, penis exposed. Then he started spinning and throwing himself around, shaking his head, then rubbing his face and head on the carpet. He never...
  13. B

    Scabs and sores on my puppyā€™s face

    My puppy is going to be 1 at the end of August, so far he had no problems other then one cherry eye, but now I noticed he started having scans on his face, I tried picking it and dead skin just falls off with the heat leaving an open sore, I think it started happening after I gave him a bath...
  14. anatess

    Bullie and Angus

    Here are my 2 english bulldogs: Brown - Bullie (12 years old, will be 13 in August) Black - Angus (8 years old, will be 9 in July) I haven't posted about them in a few years because we had a major issue with my son's allergies. We were faced with the decision to put up the dogs for adoption. I...
  15. 1Chumly

    Look what I've got!

    ' Meet Buster, everybody! He came today and is such a sweet, sweet boy. We are over the moon and can't believe our luck. He is a much-loved boy that had to find a new home as his owner is going overseas and can't take him. They were very sad. He is 7 years old and about the same size as...
  16. oscarmayer

    CORONAVIRUS: Sara Cody says don't touch your face...

    and immediately touches her face.
  17. BabyDuke

    Cytopoint and Apoquel Questions

    Hi everyone So Oliver got his first Cytopoint shot Tuesday night @ 6 pm, last night and this morning he is rubbing everywhere. Face is red more so than when taking apoquel? Any thoughts / suggestions? was wondering if anyone does better with apoquel or does anyone supplement both? :pray:
  18. EllieMay

    Her first ride...

    Yesterday we took Side x sides out to the deer lease for some riding. The weather was a perfect 65F.. other than a few loops in the pasture, this was Cinderā€™s first ride.. You canā€™t really tell by her face but she loves it.. Lol... If anyone wondered, No one questioned why my dog was in the...
  19. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Frida~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Illinois

    Hello! My name is Frida, and Iā€™m a 4 year-old little lady being fostered in Chicago. Iā€™m a very petite bulldog, with long legs, a beautiful tiger stripe brindle, and the softest, sweetest face in the world! Iā€™m gentle and loving, a little shy at first, but ready to give (and receive!) love from...
  20. bullmama

    ~ENTER HERE~ Bulldog of the Month ~ 9th Annual Bulldog Grinch!!!

    Welcome to the Bulldog of the Month Annual Bulldog Grinch Contest! :christmasgrinch: It's January and Christmas is over, and these bulldogs had enough of all that Holiday Cheer! These bullies and their pouty faces, they really make the Grinch look happy! Show us your bullies attitude and...
  21. E

    Help Needed! Is this a yeast infection due to an allergy?

    Hello I have a 14 month old EBD named Bella. I noticed on Saturday night that she had been scratching her face and licking her paws. At first I thought that maybe she had scratched herself too hard that caused fold to get red. The following day I noticed the fold a little swollen and still red...
  22. paw7004

    Entropion treatment without surgery?

    Porkchop was diagnosed with entropion a couple of years ago, at age 7. Daily treatment with Genteel Eyes was helpful. In the last week, he has been dragging his face on the carpet, both eyes are squinting, tearing and gooey in the mornings. He has become combative if I try to exam his eyes...
  23. K

    Help Needed! My Bulldog keeps getting hives then her face swells. PLEASE HELP

    I have A 7mo old female Bulldog named Lexi. I got her when she was 4mo old, the first month we had no problems. One Monday morning she started to act strange running around rubbing her face on the floor and tossing her bed around.Then she threw up bile that's when I noticed her face was...
  24. EllieMay

    Welcome Home Cinder!

    We picked up the baby and she was a great car rider. She snuggled in her blanket as soon as the wheels turned and never made a peep. When we got home, I fed her and she ate like a pig (& sounded like one too) then I took her outside and she did her business.. we played some and she rested...
  25. Hankster

    hanks skin condition

    People always stop me to say what a stunning bulldog Hank is. I normally agree ;) but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! right now, he looks like CRAP to me (though he still struts his stuff and still *looks* good from a distance) and is itchy like not b4. Im pretty sure it's environmental and he has...
  26. B

    Please Help!!

    Hi everyone, I have a question. My baby was outside playing with the neighborhood pups and one of the boys was going potty and Farrah walked under his stream. So now she smells despite my best efforts to wipe her clean. She will need a bath, he piddled on her face. How do I wash her face without...
  27. Vahe418

    Lip swelling

    Hi everyone, so this morning I noticed the bottom lip of my puppy was swollen and when I wiped his face I noticed a little blood on the napkin from that same lip area.. it almost looks like a cold sore but maybe not.. anyone know what this is from?
  28. helsonwheels

    Nyala had a flashback...

    I noticed Jake kind of limping this evening. Looked under his paw and saw a little raw scrap probably done on our earlier walk. I took out the bag balm and one sock. Nyala like flipped. Her head going left n right looking for something none stop. Jake came up to me n I put some BB on his paw...
  29. RiiSi

    Finally a product that really works for those tear stains!

    Hi guys! I know that many of you work your a***s off trying to keep those beautiful bulldog faces clean and stain free. All my bulldogs have white faces and those stains are really an eye sore. Voittos other ear also use to get really dirty quickly. My bullies stains were not too bad, but still...
  30. Amy89


    Hi I don't want to sounds silly but I was just wondering if it was normal for OEB to have small lumps with the odd hair growing out of them on their face? Bruce has a few and 1 under his chin. Noticed they are getting bigger as he is growing up. Thanks in advance
  31. Sofia

    Help Needed! Dry food and protein

    Hello everyone I dont have much experience adout dogs food but i always try to search the best for Kyla.We finally choose Acana (west coast ) and until now she loves her food. It has 29% protein it the lowest level in acana.we also choose that because she was limping for short period (when kyla...
  32. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Izzy~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Georgia

    4/19/19: Please welcome Izzy! She joins us from Columbia County Animal Control. She had been picked up by animal control as a stray a few times, and this last time her owner decided not to go pick her up. She needs to vaccinated and spayed. We are treating her for an ear infection as well and...
  33. helsonwheels

    Paul Newman

    Cbrugs Decided to start a new tread for Newman. I think I will call him Jake. Again Newman reminds me of Jerry saying ā€œ Hellllooo Newmanā€. He slept well. I put him in the kennel cause heā€™s still intact. He tried on Nyala and she turned around and growled at him 2ā€ from his face. Nyala will put...
  34. ddnene

    Ugh... I'm running a vet hospital!!!

    Most of you already know about Wally's pulled hammy... NOW Willow is having issues. I was on the phone w/my mom, and I noticed that Willow was pushing ALL of the dining room chairs across the room. Her face was swollen... call the vet and luckily I had the meds on hand. Her face swelled up...
  35. Snoboardchk911

    10 month old vomiting diarrhea

    Hi guys! I havenā€™t been on here in forever. I have a second bully now which Iā€™m having some problems with. Heā€™s 10 months old. 2 weeks ago he started with watery diarrhea and vomited several times . Vet put him on metronidazole and took an x ray and didnā€™t see an obstruction. I was sent on...
  36. TooTooMommy

    Vomited red blood, and black, tarry diarrhea :-(

    :( We always knew that NSAIDs can have the horri-bull side effect of stomach bleeding (and other bad ones!) , plus, we know that black stools mean "old blood". Anyway, we weren't home when it happend, but Thursday at 5:00, DH came home to find Sophie sleeping peacefully and in NO distress, but...
  37. McPikie

    U WOT M8?

    George with his angry face at weekend
  38. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Hercules~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in New York

    BITE WAIVER REQUIRED Although Herculesā€™ name conjures up images of strength and bravery, Hercules the bulldog also has a silly, adorable and chilled out side. Folks, this isnā€™t just another pretty face. Hercules is a man on a mission, determined to find true commitment in the form of a forever...
  39. D

    Stinky Bulldog

    Louie stinks so bad within 2-3 days of a bath!!! I can't figure out why. Here is what I do & feed. Bath with Zymox shampoo & conditioner. I've bathed him as often as every other week. I've gone as long as 8 weeks per my vet. He still smells. Food: Last Sept. I switched to primarily frozen...
  40. C

    face cleaning

    I have recently adopted a five year old male Bulldog who is delightful. However, he will not allow me to touch his face and, in particular, clean his folds. If I approach him with a cloth, his jowl quivers. As soon as I touch his face slightly, he tries to bite me. He was surrendered by a person...