Angus has terminal cancer. 😭


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Bullie (RIP) & Angus (RIP)
Today is a very hard day.
Angus is my last surviving family dog. He turns 11 on Saturday.
We took him to the vet after I noticed an enlargement of his belly and a lack of luster of his fur. He is still the same happy Angus albeit he tires so much quicker. But then he is an old dog now.

The vet got him tested and scanned and they found almost his entire body riddled with cancer. It must've started in his spleen as the tumor there is the largest. I am devastated. The vet is surprised he hasn't been showing signs of being in pain. I love this dog sooo much and I can't bear to lose him. I just can't.

I took this video this morning:

I’m so sorry to hear Angus has cancer. Definitely not what we want to hear. Not much you or anyone can do :( But you had 11 beautiful yrs n you still have more. Hug him more n spoil him even more which you’re probably doing. :heart:
He has no idea he is 12 and sick…. You have given him a fantastic life and he has enriched yours.

so very sorry to hear he is ill, sending you all big hugs and prayers. This is heartbreaking to read, but to see him still loving life if even for a few minutes is a testament to you and how you have given him great love
Very sorry to hear this.
When the time comes, the hardest thing you will ever do[for him] will be to let him go before he's in unmanageable pain. It will also be the KINDEST thing you will ever do for him.
The right time will be determined by loss of interest in eating, very low activity, inability to get comfortable.
Until then all you can do is love him all you can for what time he has left.
I am sorry for the bad news. Enjoy the time you have left with him. Know that he has lived a good life, and you have done your best for him.
So sorry about Angus' diagnoses. He has lived a good,long happy life, thanks to you! It is never long enough for us. Many prayers for you both.
So sorry to hear this news. He looks so happy ! I am sure you gave him the best life ever.
They are for sure never with us long enough. Hugs to you and Angus.

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So sorry about the news, its never easy these little guys are our whole world, please give Angus a big hug for us.
Today is a very hard day.
Angus is my last surviving family dog. He turns 11 on Saturday.
We took him to the vet after I noticed an enlargement of his belly and a lack of luster of his fur. He is still the same happy Angus albeit he tires so much quicker. But then he is an old dog now.

The vet got him tested and scanned and they found almost his entire body riddled with cancer. It must've started in his spleen as the tumor there is the largest. I am devastated. The vet is surprised he hasn't been showing signs of being in pain. I love this dog sooo much and I can't bear to lose him. I just can't.

I took this video this morning:

Our Bulldog, Winston, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Tumor on back left foot Dec 2019. Nothing vet could do except refer to oncologist, start radiation and/or chemotherapy. Well, it was week before Christmas and vet going out of town, so being a Prayer Warrior, I first prayed and rebuked the cancer, then I did my research. Found someone who treated their pet with Curcumin Tumeric and had total recovery; so I ordered some from and started Winston on it immediately, then continued to research and put him on CDB. Needless to say when I took him back to same vet in Jan he was so surprised that Winston had not been put down yet. Let me just say, today, as a a 10 year old, he is thriving and playing.

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