New here, also new to owning a dog šŸ™‚


New member
Jul 8, 2021
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi my names ashley, Iā€™m the proud owner to a 7 month old spoiled English bulldog ��
I never owned a dog before this just cats so itā€™s been an experience, I got him when he was 8 weeks old, still kinda on formula and wet dog food. Heā€™s the love of my life, and goes everywhere with me literally even the bathroom he will cry if heā€™s not in there �� anyways his names YD heā€™s 55 pounds of a whole lotta rolls and love �� thanks for having me here you guys have been so helpful so far �� also Iā€™m in Cali if anyoneā€™s out here and wants to go to a dog beach ��
Hello again :) We got a whole new bunch of pups this yr on EBN. :yes:

Question, what do you mean by formula or whatā€™s the formula?
He was on puppy formula when I got him, he was so small, about 7 pounds the breeder when I got him told me he was the smallest, the breeder keeps in contact with me and he is so surprised about how big he got.
Official welcome to EBN!

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Welcome to you and your boy! He sure looks good!
:welcome: i WISH we were in Cali so we could go for a walk :D bit far for us though
Awh me too, so hard to meet other dog moms ��
WELCOME!!!...from all the way over on the right side of the US! Please feel free to post up more pics and share some of YD's adventures.
What a beautiful dog. I hope it will please you for a long time. In general, pets are useful for a person. Moreover, it colors life with bright colors, saturates, and prolongs it. Mental health problems appeared last year. I was in depression for about two months. Nothing made me happy. Even my friends couldnā€™t help me. Therefore, I decided to contact The appearance of a four-legged friend made me move more. It was a kind of responsibility. Regular walks and stroking were also important.
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