Goodbye is the hardest part...Rest In Peace Nigel


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Community Veteran
Oct 21, 2011
Houston, TX
Bulldog(s) Names
Frenchy - Ian Wentworth Carlisle, Eng Nigel Wentworth Sinclair (RIP) & Karly Isabella Sinclair (RIP)
My beautiful boy is gone. We had to say goodbye early morning yesterday. It looked like bloat My heart is shattered and the joy he gave me is now gone. He passed with me and my husband and kids around him. We said our goodbyes and let him know what a good boy he was and how much we loved him. I let him know it was ok to rest now he didn't have to keep holding on. He took such good care of me by walking next to me around the house and making sure I didn't fall down (I have a health condition that affects my walking). He was always close to me and I'd have to tell him that it was ok for him to go to the living room with dad. He was so loyal and I loved him so much and I know he loved me too. I am so broken and it is so hard because the house is too quiet and he's not here sleeping between us and kicking me and pressing up against me so much so that I was literally on the edge of the bed. I miss his snoring and the sound of his paws on the floor. He wasn't just a pet he was my best friend. There will never be another Nigel Wentworth Sinclair and he has taken a large piece of my heart with him to the Rainbow Bridge. He was the heartbeat at my feet.

I find comfort in him passing with us around him and not in some strangers hands or on a cold table alone at a vet that he didn't even know stressed out and wondering where I was and why I left him. I could never do that to him, my love for him wouldn't allow it. Now I have to get through each day without him and that's the hardest part but I'm so lucky and blessed that I got to be Nigel's Mom. I raised him from a puppy and he was 10 years old. He just turned 10 in December. Our time together was the best and right now working from home due to Covid I'm glad we had each day together - all day, every day. He brought so much joy to my life and I'm thankful for that. The memories I will carry and share with anyone who will listen lol. He was so smart and loving although he didn't like to be smothered, he did love attention from anyone he met. He made me so proud.

I know he's at the bridge with Karly and I look forward to picking them up when it's our time to be reunited. This may be the only thought that makes the loss just a bit easier. I tried to prepare myself for this day because I knew that it would come, but you're never ready and I wasn't. The pain comes in waves and I just break down and it's even harder because he's not here to lick my face and distract me with his cuteness. I pray for strength and peace for all of us.

Nigel I love you and miss you so much!

I am so very very sorry for your loss. I was shocked and saddened reading your post. Your love for Nigel comes through every word!!!! I will remember you in my prayers and hope for some kind of comfort for you and your family through amazing, loving memories!!!!!


Sue and Joey
oh so sorry. As i say, i believe they all go to heaven when they passed. If they do not go to heaven, i want to go where they went upon my own passing.
We will all miss you, Nigel Wentworth Sinclair. :angelheart:You were your family's angel in life, and now you are an angel at the rainbow bridge. I am so sorry that you have passed, but I know that one day, you and your family will be reunited,and you will lick their faces again! If there is a good thing about covid, it's that your family was with you at this time. You will join all the bully angels that many of us have lost, and play and romp and nap together, until we all meet our babies again. I am truly sorry for your family's loss. We will miss you, Nigel.
He was a very happy boy for many lucky to find you, you him. Rest In Peace Nigel.
So sorry....

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I’m so sorry for loss. I don’t know what to say. This month many also loss their fur babies. It’s sad. Nigel will be missed. :angelheart:
I'm so sorry for your loss <3
I am so sorry for your loss. Having recently lost our Castor, I know the pain. I find comfort in believing that bulldog heaven is a lovely place.
As has been said previously in this post, we seem to be losing so many gorgeous bully’s recently.

I am so sorry for your loss and you are not alone in your feeling there are many going through this right now and many have in the past including me and my wife.

It does get easier he was a lucky bully and so glad you were able to be with him at the end.
Oh my gosh... I'm just now reading this... I'm SO very sorry to hear, my heart breaks for you & the family. RIP sweet Nigel, and hugs to you my dear friend :angelheart:
I’m so sorry Sally…. Your boy was so loved and one of the sweetest boys. Sending hugs and prayers to you and the family

Rest well sweet Nigel

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I am so very sorry to hear about Nigel. It's so hard to bear when they leave you. :angelheart:
This is so hard to read, another bully over the rainbow bridge.

My heart aches for you. All of you that have lost your babies recently.

I know Nigel loved you as much as you did him. I really pray that the beautiful memories you made together will bring you some comfort during this time.

I am so very very sorry[emoji3590]

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