Wesleys first trip to the pub!


Active member
Mar 30, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
Dudley (2015-2020) Wesley 2021
Lockdown finally eased here in the UK yesterday so we were able to take Wes out for his first pub (garden) experience, it was a day of mixed emotions as its the first time we have been to the pub without Dudley, it was his absolute favourite place and everyone knew him.

We all had a toast to Dudley in the pub which was really nice.

Wesley enjoyed it and everyone fell in love with him too although as you can see it all got a bit too much for him and he fell asleep on my sisters lap :D



[MENTION=13960]Zedsded[/MENTION] Thank you for the sweet photos! Wesley is following in Dudley's pawprints! I am sure Dudley, being the good fellow he was, approves of that. Wish there was a place here like that!
Great photos!
[MENTION=13960]Zedsded[/MENTION] Great photos!! It's so great but bittersweet I am sure for Wes's first trip to the pub! If I were closer Joey and I would have joined you!!!! We would have raised a BIG GLASS to Dudley with you :) Although, my glass would have had to have Coors Lite (girls lite as we call it) LOL!!
Great photos and happy to hear you are getting back out.

Dudley was right there with you

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Looks like a good time was had by the little one... recommend a 1/4 pint next trip.

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