General Question 11-week old puppy doesn't wag her tail?


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May 5, 2021
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello! I picked up an 8-week old English bulldog puppy from a great breeder about three weeks ago. She's now 11-weeks old, and we're totally in love with her. Lots of energy, very sassy, and a overall a great puppy.

She has some puppy traits that we are working on, but seem normal for her young age (biting / growling, touch-and-go potty training, barking for attention). My one concern is that she has never really wagged her tail (or wiggled her body, since she really doesn't have much of a tail!) She seems happy to see us, and loves to sleep on us / play with us, so I don't think she's sad or upset. She had an upper respiratory infection when we first got her but now is healed and has lots of energy.

So my questions for any experienced owners out there - is this normal? Will she perhaps eventually start to wag her tail when she's a bit older, or do some happy bulldogs just not express joy in this way? Alternatively, should we be doing something differently to make her happier?

Thanks so much in advance for anyone able to help!
Our Monty never ever wagged his stump of a tail or wiggled. He just calmly walked over to us and leaned a little bit. Buster moves his tail a little but does what I call the Texas two-step. He picks his front feet up quickly one at a time, like he is doing a little dance. All dogs are different.
A lot of bullies can't wag their tails for one reason or another. Many times like mine when they try they wind up wagging their whole rear end.
Many adult Bulldogs donā€™t wag their corkscrews, or stumps, or cinnamon buns, or stingers, or flags...
Some do some donā€™t.
Never seen a puppy wag a tail of any sort.
Worry not...theyā€™re happy!
Agree with the gangā€¦ nothing to worry about. My guy doesnā€™t have a tail so when he does ā€˜wagā€™ it is more of a dance

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Iā€™d assume itā€™s just something about her personality, bears little tail tries itā€™s hardest to wag and sometimes heā€™s successful. Most of the time heā€™s running at us sideways and his hips are going 90 miles an hour [emoji1787][emoji1787]
Iā€™d assume itā€™s just something about her personality, bears little tail tries itā€™s hardest to wag and sometimes heā€™s successful. Most of the time heā€™s running at us sideways and his hips are going 90 miles an hour [emoji1787][emoji1787]

[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23].... sideways run!!!

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