Hello, New here and new pup on the way in two weeks.


New member
Aug 2, 2021
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We just lost our six year old English Bulldog earlier this spring. He was a good boy but had many health issues, The worst of which was epilepsy. He required 5 pills twice daily on a pretty strict schedule to control seizures. He also had chronic ear infections and developed dry eye late in his life. He came from a questionable breeder but we still loved him despite all his health issues. We had a strong bond with him and heā€™s truly missed.

Everyone has told us we are crazy to get another Bulldog but we feel something is definitely missing in our home without a dog. We love the personality of the English Bulldog. We had the opportunity to put a deposit on another pup that will be ready in two weeks. This is a pretty respected breeder and we are hoping for a healthier dog this time around. We thought we were going to take a break from having a dog for a while but our kids are all grown and we miss having a dog around. This pup wonā€™t replace the boy we just lost but will help fill the void I think.

The main reason I searched this forum is to research some feeding options for the new pup. Iā€™ve even considered trying a raw diet but Iā€™ve never done it before. Hopefully I can learn something about a good Bulldog diet and maybe in return I can someday help someone dealing with an epileptic Bulldog. We learned a lot over the 5 years our boy was having seizures.

Thanks for having me
Welcome to our group and very sorry to hear of the loss of your little buddy. It sounds like you gave him the best care and life possible that you could. They are always a handful. Ours has his issues as well but not near as bad as epilepsy and we are thankful for that. You should be getting plenty of help with the new pup when it comes to diets and feeding. A whole lot of great people here to help out with that. Lets see some pics of the new pup as soon as you get time and again, welcome onboard.
Welcome to EBN [MENTION=20338]514parts[/MENTION] So sorry to hear about your boy. Yes epileptic isnā€™t an easy cure n Iā€™m sure members can learn with your experience. You are right about a raw diet. If possible start your new puppy immediately on raw. You will avoid so many health issues if any. Start them young on different proteins n yes give chicken n donā€™t worry about it. Both of mine eat chicken, turkey, pork, bison, beef, lamb, fish, horseā€¦.They eat everything. I donā€™t use any supplements cause of the raw. Only thing I add every other day only is oil of oregano n cbc as one is 4.5 n the other sheā€™ll be 6 next month. Both in great shape n I will have to say their diet truly does help. Iā€™m not saying theyā€™re immune to the world but something is working n not going to change anything.

Donā€™t forget the photos as we love photos :yes:
welcome i'm also new here. im excited for your new pup. hope you share some pics
Welcome to EBN! Sorry for the lost of your sweet baby.

Congratulations on your new family memberā€¦ happy you found us

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:welcome4: to EBN! I have been there with 2 epileptic dogs. Congrats on your new pup! Everyone here is very helpful. Got questions just ask, and someone will be able to help!

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