
Jan 8, 2013
Naboomspruit, South Africa.
Bulldog(s) Names
Boeboe, Bennie Boy and Joey


Hi, my name is Bruno and I am about 8 years old. Not a lot is know about my early years, but my previous owner found me abandoned in a snow drift, during the polar vortex, almost frozen to death. He was kind enough to bring me home and warm me up and decided to keep me as a pet. Now, he was very nice to me, but he doesn't know a lot about dogs, so he didn't exactly have me on the most ideal eating plan. I most likely got to eat lots of table scraps, and as a result, I got up to 112 lbs. My owner fell on hard times and had to get another job. He realized that he would hardly ever be home, and he knew that was not a very good scenario for me. He was kind enough to think about my needs, and he did what he thought was best for me, and that was to contact IEBR.

IEBR found me a foster home to stay at until I could find a forever home. My foster family found that the best way for me to meet new people is to let me come to them. I get a little nervous when new people come up to me. But once I know who you are, I just love to hang out with you. My favorite hobby is to take a nap, which I will do many times a day. I am perfectly content to just lay near you while you watch tv or work on your computer. Hanging out with a family is great!! My foster family also started feeding me a more appropriate diet, both in quality and amount. I've already lost about 7 pounds, and I'm still working on dropping more. I also need a little bit of eye medicine twice a day, but I'm pretty good about letting my foster family give that to me. I am housebroken and I have never had an accident in my foster home. I am also very good about letting you know when I have to go outside. I will stand right by the door and talk to you to let you know I need to go out.

My foster home had a lot of new things that I had never experienced before. They have these things called cats. I really love to chase them and try to play rough house with them. Because of that, my foster family says I should go to a forever home that does not have cats. My foster home also has other dogs, which I am not used to. I really don't like when they come by me while I'm eating or playing/chewing with a toy. I will growl and lash out at them if they do. My foster family makes sure I get fed separately from them. I will occasionally also try to show some dominance with the other dogs by getting on top of them. Because of this, my foster family thinks I would be best as an only dog.

I am a big lover boy who would do best in a low energy home where I am the only four legged family member.
Love Bruno

Update: Sadly Bruno has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

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