Help Needed! My bulldog has a wound that keeps bleeding, see post For info

Ella went for a visit with the breeder for a few days a couple weeks ago and came home with a hotspot right at the top of her neck fold and a little one on top of her head. She had played rough (like Bulldogs do) with another dog over there and I suspect she had gotten a little bite or scratch and then it blew up as hotspots normally do. Louie starts to get little tiny ones on his head after a rough play session with Ella but his I catch right away and are gone after a day or 2 of spraying them. It's important to keep it dry. Since Ella's was in a roll, it was hard to keep dry and kept spreading and looked pretty bad. I eventually got her on an antibiotic from the vet and then it started clearing up in a couple of days and is now gone.

If it smells that bad and is oozing a lot of pus, it might be infected. Especially if he keeps scratching it. Because of Covid, I just sent some pictures of the area to my vet and then he prescribed the antibiotics which I picked up so an actual vet visit was not necessary.
He keeps getting extremely agitated and uncomfortable where heā€™s just shaking his head and trying to scratch himself

Just a thought: Have you checked his ears?

Although Castor's hotspot didn't bother him, when he has had ear infections he has done exactly what you describe. If you haven't already done so, look into Brian's ears. If there is a discharge (yellow, brown) and a nasty smell you need a vet to check up on the ears although I understand the new lockdown situation makes that difficult. Castor hasn't had any ear problems the last years - knock on wood - but when he was younger he had one every winter and the vet would swab his ears to find out what kind of infection and what meds he needed. Apparently there are different kinds of ear infections so I would not medicate ears without having a vet's assessment first (and I guess the relevant meds are on prescription in the UK too).
Just a thought: Have you checked his ears?

Although Castor's hotspot didn't bother him, when he has had ear infections he has done exactly what you describe. If you haven't already done so, look into Brian's ears. If there is a discharge (yellow, brown) and a nasty smell you need a vet to check up on the ears although I understand the new lockdown situation makes that difficult. Castor hasn't had any ear problems the last years - knock on wood - but when he was younger he had one every winter and the vet would swab his ears to find out what kind of infection and what meds he needed. Apparently there are different kinds of ear infections so I would not medicate ears without having a vet's assessment first (and I guess the relevant meds are on prescription in the UK too).

Iā€™ll have another look but I donā€™t think his ears are a problem - knock on wood - but he is getting more and more agitated by the hour, he canā€™t seem to settle to sleep properly, we have tried everything we have but he canā€™t seem to get comfortable and he keeps crying/yelping, we donā€™t know if heā€™s in pain or just frustrated that he canā€™t itch it, if anyone else has a miracle they can provide then anyone please tell me, there is a 4 day wait at the vets right now so itā€™s not a quick option, we feel like horrible parents and feels like we canā€™t help our boyšŸ˜­
[MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] [MENTION=9875]cefe13[/MENTION] [MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION] [MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION] [MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION]

What about benedryl for Brian, in the short term, until the vet can see him? It's breaking my heart hearing how uncomfortable he is and poor (awesome parents) are so trying to get him some relief.
Iā€™ll have another look but I donā€™t think his ears are a problem - knock on wood - but he is getting more and more agitated by the hour, he canā€™t seem to settle to sleep properly, we have tried everything we have but he canā€™t seem to get comfortable and he keeps crying/yelping, we donā€™t know if heā€™s in pain or just frustrated that he canā€™t itch it, if anyone else has a miracle they can provide then anyone please tell me, there is a 4 day wait at the vets right now so itā€™s not a quick option, we feel like horrible parents and feels like we canā€™t help our boyšŸ˜­

Oh, poor little Brian. Are there no online vet options that might be quicker?
[MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] [MENTION=9875]cefe13[/MENTION] [MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION] [MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION] [MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION]

What about benedryl for Brian, in the short term, until the vet can see him? It's breaking my heart hearing how uncomfortable he is and poor (awesome parents) are so trying to get him some relief.

Sorry, cannot answer that, but Brian clearly needs something to help him with what is ailing him. Hope others know more than I do about this!

I would not give human meds to a dog without checking with a vet first, but I know benadryl is used in the US for allergies in dogs.
it just smells real bad and producing quite a lot of puss/liquids.
Sounds like he has a secondary infection...a bad one. I would call the Vet and explain what's going on and ask for consideration to be seen much sooner or at least get some oral antibiotics to help until he can be seen. Let them know that his problem is getting out of hand and he needs immediate help. I think he would benefit greatly from a shot of Dexamethasone and an injectable antibiotic.
If that plea gets you nowhere or they direct you to an Emergency Vet(and you don't want to do that due to extreme cost), consider dosing Cephalexin if you have any. Maybe your Vet can give you some or call in a scrip until you can be seen. Triple antibiotic ointment may also help knock back that infection.
I understand your frustration and hope you can quickly get some resolution.
If you can't get the Vet sooner, give him one Benedryl per 25 pounds, or one claritin. It may help some, by possibly helping him rest. Do you have any human antibiotics at home? [MENTION=20009]HWxtts[/MENTION]
Hi all, just another update, we managed to get him into the vets today, they gave him 2 injections (one for the inflammation and one antibiotic injection) and prescribed him some antibiotic tablets and a steroid cream for his hot spots.

Heā€™s still extremely uncomfortable and keeps barking in anger/frustration! His hot spots have formed scabs instead of weeping now which I believe is a good sign, I just hope he can get a better sleep now heā€™s been treated, the vets emptied my wallet but worth it for my boy! Praying weā€™re on the final stretch now and itā€™s just healing from today...

If I have any more worries/questions Iā€™ll post back on this thread, but Thankyou all so much for giving advice and wishing for him to get better, this is a great forum and weā€™re happy to be apart of the bulldog community!

Brian the bulldog also thanks you! F51AAC74-44C1-45E6-8CC5-8A2C398C08F7.jpeg
Great to hear you could see a vet! We pray for Brian's speedy recovery!
Hi all, just another update, we managed to get him into the vets today, they gave him 2 injections (one for the inflammation and one antibiotic injection) and prescribed him some antibiotic tablets and a steroid cream for his hot spots.

Heā€™s still extremely uncomfortable and keeps barking in anger/frustration! His hot spots have formed scabs instead of weeping now which I believe is a good sign, I just hope he can get a better sleep now heā€™s been treated, the vets emptied my wallet but worth it for my boy! Praying weā€™re on the final stretch now and itā€™s just healing from today...

If I have any more worries/questions Iā€™ll post back on this thread, but Thankyou all so much for giving advice and wishing for him to get better, this is a great forum and weā€™re happy to be apart of the bulldog community!

Brian the bulldog also thanks you! View attachment 120284

GREAT NEWS!! I pray that Brian can relax and get some rest....and his loving parents too!!!
Hi all, just another update, we managed to get him into the vets today, they gave him 2 injections (one for the inflammation and one antibiotic injection) and prescribed him some antibiotic tablets and a steroid cream for his hot spots.

Heā€™s still extremely uncomfortable and keeps barking in anger/frustration! His hot spots have formed scabs instead of weeping now which I believe is a good sign, I just hope he can get a better sleep now heā€™s been treated, the vets emptied my wallet but worth it for my boy! Praying weā€™re on the final stretch now and itā€™s just healing from today...

If I have any more worries/questions Iā€™ll post back on this thread, but Thankyou all so much for giving advice and wishing for him to get better, this is a great forum and weā€™re happy to be apart of the bulldog community!

Brian the bulldog also thanks you! View attachment 120284

Great news .... please keep us posted

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Good to hear that your Vet stepped up saw the little fella. Good luck throughout the healing.

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