
  1. G


    We just brought home a 4 month old puppy who is an English bulldog/Olde English Bulldog. We picked him up from an Amish farm (We didn't know when inquiring ) and 3 days later he threw up worms and had mucus diarrhea. Took him to the vet and he was diagnosed with pneumonia, roundworms and...
  2. V

    Help Needed! Five month old bulldog hates going on walks?

    Hi all, my five month old bulldog puppy is amazing - so happy, calm, and sociable. Really the only concern we have right now is that she just doesn't seem to like going on walks. We take her out multiple times a day to go to the bathroom and she just refuses to leave the area right in front of...
  3. TooTooMommy

    Collapsed trachea AND bronchiectasis

    Hi everybully! Our precious ten-year-old was recently diagnosed with collapsed trachea and bronchiectasis. Our vets are pawsome, and we trust them implicitly; HOWEVER, it is always nice to hear peoples' personal stories! I'd reallllly appreciate any info, tips, what worked, what didn't. How...
  4. F

    UK food suggestions?

    hey everyone! im new here and have been loving reading all the advice but one problem i keep having is that many of the recommended products, especially food, isnt available in the uk. Lenny is only 14 months and had to have surgery for bladder stones last month :( the vet suggested purina HA...
  5. Zedsded

    Does your bully?

    Just wondering if other bullyā€™s do what Dudley used to do and now Wesley also does it :w00t: When we give him a chew it doesnā€™t matter what it is, heā€™s currently enjoying goat, rabbit and camel chews but literally the second he manages to almost get the whole thing in his mouth he immediately...
  6. M

    Steroids for allergies

    My 8 year old bulldog was put on steroids last month. His personality has completely changed. He pees in the house if I donā€™t walk him every two hours. Is aggressive to my other dogs. He wonā€™t stop licking his front paws. My vet says this is normal behavior but I canā€™t keep living like this. Has...
  7. cefe13

    Help Needed! Elevated food bowl - how high?

    Castor finds it increasingly difficult to bend down to his food (not sure what's the problem - he will see his vet next week). He eats from a low wide pyrex glass dish which has worked very well for many years, but now he needs an elevated bowl or a box or something under his feeding bowl. We...
  8. sisters3

    Lawn Service - Safe ??

    Hello all! I have hired a lawn service, Lawn Doctor, who I used before Joey arrived (6 years ago). I stopped it because I was not sure safe for pups. Well at my new house I want to re-start the lawn service. Quarterly, just weed control and fertilizer. I can tell them not to do inside the...
  9. cefe13

    I've had enough

    :please: Does anyone know if there is some smart stuff that I can spray on my door step to deter passing dogs from leaving their poop there? This has become absolutely crazy. It is mandatory to pick up after your dog here and 99 per cent of dog owners do that without a problem. However, there...
  10. M

    Needing some advice

    We have the kindest, most beautiful Olde English Bulldogge named Lola. She is so perfect but has 1 major problem I need help with. When anyone comes around, she wants to jump on them. She is not aggressive, but overly friendly. We have been to 2 classes, but to no avail. She is 15 months old...
  11. jtyson

    Adopted a problem child

    My first english bulldog. Had a frenchie before. This dude came from a rescue in Utah by way of California. He was a breeder throwaway effectively. Has his share of issues at the ripe old age of 2. He is a pain, doesn't listen, and is the most high maintenance thing I've ever owned. But boy is...
  12. Zedsded

    Puppy hernia! Thoughts and advice please.

    We have just had a call from the breeder who has just been to the vets with the pups for their final check up and she has informed us that Wesley has a small hernia which her vet has said should not be a problem at all but ā€œmayā€ need a small corrective surgery if there is any problem when he is...
  13. H

    Help Needed! My bulldog has a wound that keeps bleeding, see post For info

    My bulldog has a wound/skin blemish between his ears on his head, we noticed it a few days ago when we saw his fur was turning brown (dry blood) so we cleaned it and it didnā€™t get any better. We have shaved a patch of his fur off to reveal the issue but we canā€™t put our finger on what the hell...
  14. sisters3

    Please Look- Joey's Eye Problem

    Hello all, This started about a week ago, Joey's left eye. She's never had cherry eye and the vet says not cherry eye but a scratch on her eye. She has a follow up appointment with the vet on Friday and has been on triple antibiotic eye ointment since last Friday. Thoughts? Look familiar to...
  15. S

    Breathing issues

    I have a bully female that shows to have breathing issues. Always super phlegmy and junky Had xrays done early she showed a 2mm trachea at 8 weeks old Thought she had pneumonia treated but here we are 4 months later with this junky phlegmy Bulldog Any thoughts on allergies or possible soft...
  16. G

    Dog Constantly Jumping!

    Izellah is a good dog, I'm not going to lie but I'm at a loss on how to fix this problem I'm having with her and it's driving me crazy. She has these moments of "outburst" where she will go nuts and won't listen to anyone or anything we have to say. When she isn't having these burst of energy...
  17. N

    Droopy Eyes

    Hey folks, i am from germany sorry for my english. I have a pure breed english bulldog he is 1 year and 1 week old. He has droppy eyes and they look red. He has not Problem with it yet. His eyes was droppy as a puppy. It is not cherry eyes ? What do you think ? Do you think it will be better...
  18. M

    Pretty urgent help needed

    Hi, my wife and I are heartbroken at recent events. First we are new here. We have owned 4 bullies,2 pugs,Newfoundland and Great Pyrenees Over the last 45 years. We currently have two litter mates ,brother and sister. Our current situation is rather dire. These two were great for a year but...
  19. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Foxy~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Tennessee

    Meet sweet Foxy. This girl was surrendered to us from another rescue. She had been found wandering along a road. Aside from obviously being starved, our vet found a severe respiratory problem, hookworms, ear and eye infections, and bad teeth. The good news is that she is responding to the...
  20. L

    13 week old puppy - ALWAYS HUNGRY

    HI everyone, Iā€™m feeding him Purina puppy food and the serving size is 1 cup per day. So I give him 1/3 cup 3 times. I feel that itā€™s not enough for him even thought itā€™s the recommended serving and my puppy has knuckling problem so Iā€™m supposed to give him low protein food. Plz let me know if...
  21. mer55

    Need Some Advice

    Hi all! I have popped in once in awhile, but just can't find the time to spend what I would like here! Jackson is now almost 11 months old, and is just a love!! He has been very healthy and happy- until the past several days. He started 4 days ago with one episode of vomiting during the night...
  22. Zedsded

    Leg hip problems what are the symptoms?

    We have noticed over the last few weeks Dudleyā€™s back legs, mainly his left one are slipping backwards slightly when he walks on our wooden floors. To be honest it could of been going on longer but we didnā€™t notice it but now we are purposely looking out for it. Obviously our floors are slippy...
  23. yankydoodle

    Is your bulldog getting really fat during this time ?

    Long story short, my bulldogs have put on a lot of weight, and last week or so i could finally walk them, with permission, as we live in a complex with different houses, and i cannot take them on long walks, as people are supposed to stay at home, or will get fined or thrown in jail. What i do...
  24. paw7004

    Overgrown nose issue

    Since Porkchop's tongue can't reach his entire nose to "exfolliate", I put coconut oil on it at least 5 days a week and then he'll rub it on the carpet (or wherever) and little nubs will come off. However, lately that isn't working well. I attached a photo here. (It's the best shot I could get...
  25. E

    Shaking, panting, depression

    I have a 7 year old male bulldog, Woody. Over the course of the last year, he's shown some odd behavior. It used to be once every few months. And since the beginning of this year, it's at least once (if not more) a week. He'll start walking really slow, breathing a bit strongly through his nose...
  26. oscarmayer

    Excellent map for following the Coronavirus outbreak...

    Select "layers" and check "Coronavirus" Zoom in for more detail... Major metro areas are a huge problem with a few exceptions The darker the color the more confirmed cases. This works well on my iPhone and with Firefox on my PC...couldn't get it to work with Chrome Depending on your speed...
  27. N

    Corkscrew Tail

    I just got a new puppy and was told that he has corkscrew tail and that it is causing him to poop all day. The vet told us that the pain that his tail rubbing on his behind is causing him to not be able to get in position to poop properly but I have not herd about anyone that has had the same...
  28. A

    ACL tear. Surgery vs Brace

    I looked for a similar thread and couldn't find one on ACL tears.Just curious if anyone has dealt with a ACL tear in their bulldog.It happened almost three weeks ago, and he still favors his back right leg.Our vet has done over a dozen ACL surgeries ,but I wanted to ask other owner's...
  29. B

    Bosco and Cats

    Hello..We just got Bosco..he is approximately 8-9 years old. He was picked up on the streets of Palm Desert, CA..spent 4 days in the shelter, was neutered and is now with us....problem. We have two loving cats and although its only been a few's not looking good. He even lunges at them...
  30. paw7004

    Need recommendation on soft treats

    Porkchop, age 9 yrs, has gum covering most of his teeth now. I add water to his regular food so thatā€™s not a problem. But he canā€™t manage the little biscuits anymore. Any recommendations on safe soft chew treats? I read a long time ago that some are not safe but I canā€™t find the list. BTW, my...
  31. Sedaves

    Help Needed! Rapidly worsening skin problem

    Hello, I have a 7 year old English bulldog that was just diagnosed with Cushings disease. We havenā€™t started the meds(trilostane) because they were ordered Friday and should arrive tomorrow. In the meantime, Millie has developed severe spreading ulcerations on her skin. Sheā€™s been on...
  32. R

    Bulldog has cancer

    Hello all I am new to the forum and I am looking for some opinions about weather or not I should pursue chemotherapy for my 5 year old bulldog. My oncologist says that it is not necessary but that if we want to treat the cancer aggressively that they feel it will help. He had a subcutaneous mast...
  33. J

    Help Needed! My dog peed while humping me : (

    Hello Everyone! Back in December my boyfriend and I adopted an adorable 1 1/2 year old English Bulldog named Finn. Neither one of us had any prior experience with the breed and have been trying to learn as much as possible. Finn is a wonderful dog, listens very well, but has issues which we...
  34. J

    Help Needed! Help! Infected tail pocket!!

    My bulldog Gus is 7 years old and has never had any issues with his tail pocket. We always clean his facial folds and ears but never knew we had to clean his tail fold. About a week and a 1/2 ago I noticed he started to be itchy and realized his tail pocket had a bad smell. We took him to the...
  35. M

    Oh, what to believe about entropion

    Experience with entropion surgery? What to expect post surgery? Recovery time? Surgical pain level vs relief from procedure?
  36. 1Chumly

    Pro Plan Calming Care

    As some of you know, Monty suffers from Sundowners, a form of dementia. He gets anxious and very needy in the evenings. I have tried a couple of different CBD oils and also calming chews, nothing helped. I took him to the vet two weeks ago for his senior check-up (he is 9.5 now) and all is...
  37. K

    Help Needed! My Bulldog keeps getting hives then her face swells. PLEASE HELP

    I have A 7mo old female Bulldog named Lexi. I got her when she was 4mo old, the first month we had no problems. One Monday morning she started to act strange running around rubbing her face on the floor and tossing her bed around.Then she threw up bile that's when I noticed her face was...
  38. W

    Hives & Swollen Nipples

    This is my baby girl Nala 10 months old. She has had this happen 4 times in the last 2 months. The first time they thought it was a bee sting. 2nd and 3rd time, she had just gotten a bath with some special medicine shampoo, and immediately broke out, so we thought it was the shampoo. We got...
  39. EllieMay

    Interviewing veterinarians

    So I have used the same veterinarian for all my critters (which have been numerous) for the past 18 years... The problem - we moved to a different town in 2013 and itā€™s now almost a two hour drive for me. They are excellent with my horses and with my labs ( who are now senior citizens). I will...
  40. jool92

    5 mo puppy suddenly poops at night

    Hi everyone, I've been lurking here for a while and since you're all so great with advice I thought maybe you will be able to help me sort out this issue. My almost 5 months old puppy has been having accidents at night (more like early morning even) for the past 3 days. Up till now she has been...