Help Needed! My bulldog has a wound that keeps bleeding, see post For info


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Jan 2, 2021
United Kingdom
Bulldog(s) Names
My bulldog has a wound/skin blemish between his ears on his head, we noticed it a few days ago when we saw his fur was turning brown (dry blood) so we cleaned it and it didnā€™t get any better.
We have shaved a patch of his fur off to reveal the issue but we canā€™t put our finger on what the hell it is! Itā€™s a bump that keeps bleeding and I think a few more have formed around this existing bump. The smell is really bad and I canā€™t get a clear answer as to what it actually is so all we are doing is cleaning it and applying sudo cream to it, he canā€™t reach it himself so heā€™s not making it any worse.
Weā€™re not sure if heā€™s hit his head or if itā€™s a skin problem.
I have just ordered Vetericyn Plus which will be here in 2 days, but if this doesnā€™t sooth or heal it, what do I do next? Weā€™re trying to avoid vets if possible but will take him if necessary! Thankyou in advance for any advice, Iā€™m worried about him because this is the first problem weā€™ve had in his 2 year life!
Can you post a picture please

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Could be a hotspot but need pictures.

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Can you post a picture please

Hopefully the image has attached, it has got way worse since yesterday, heā€™s found a way to reach it with his back leg, i donā€™t know what to do nothing is helping
Itā€™s difficult to see on that picture but he has a bump in the middle that keeps bleeding and now the skin around the bump keeps bleeding, it seems to be spreading a lot more now
My bulldog has a wound/skin blemish between his ears on his head, we noticed it a few days ago when we saw his fur was turning brown (dry blood) so we cleaned it and it didnā€™t get any better.
We have shaved a patch of his fur off to reveal the issue but we canā€™t put our finger on what the hell it is! Itā€™s a bump that keeps bleeding and I think a few more have formed around this existing bump. The smell is really bad and I canā€™t get a clear answer as to what it actually is so all we are doing is cleaning it and applying sudo cream to it, he canā€™t reach it himself so heā€™s not making it any worse.
Weā€™re not sure if heā€™s hit his head or if itā€™s a skin problem.
I have just ordered Vetericyn Plus which will be here in 2 days, but if this doesnā€™t sooth or heal it, what do I do next? Weā€™re trying to avoid vets if possible but will take him if necessary! Thankyou in advance for any advice, Iā€™m worried about him because this is the first problem weā€™ve had in his 2 year life!


This is a better photo, I have cleaned it up and shaved a bit more as his fur was starting to Matt. I am not using any creams on it now, I am just going to use the spray I have ordered when it arrives, any more advice or if you think I should take him to the vets, please say as weā€™re not sure what the next step is, thankyou
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This is a better photo, I have cleaned it up and shaved a bit more as his fur was starting to Matt. I am not using any creams on it now, I am just going to use the spray I have ordered when it arrives, any more advice or if you think I should take him to the vets, please say as weā€™re not sure what the next step is, thankyou

Yep, it is a hotspot. It is due to a weaken immune system most likely from and allergy. Shaving it was the best thing, now keep it clean and dry. No need for vet, but you should add a probiotic to his daily routine... sauerkraut, raw goats milk, milk keifer
or Herbsmith micro flora are a few great options.

Are you aware of any allergies?

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Ahhhhh poor thing! Youā€™ve received advice from the best, sorry I have nothing to add except hugs and prayers for his quick healing and relief.
Yep, it is a hotspot. It is due to a weaken immune system most likely from and allergy. Shaving it was the best thing, now keep it clean and dry. No need for vet, but you should add a probiotic to his daily routine... sauerkraut, raw goats milk, milk keifer
or Herbsmith micro flora are a few great options.

Are you aware of any allergies?

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Ok Thankyou so much, is there anything I can do temporarily because heā€™s really agitated and uncomfortable at the moment, Iā€™m avoiding any creams (unless advised to use) or can I do anything to simply sooth the itching? Also the smell is quite bad! Is this normal? Iā€™m cleaning it with salt water and cotton pads at the moment.

And no I am unaware of any allergies, heā€™s had the same diet since weā€™ve had him, sometimes we will give him a splash of milk with his dry food and sometimes a tin of tuna (in spring water), we try to stick to a regular diet so there are no complications
Looks like a hot spot. Castor had a bad one that we treated with chlorehexidine shampoo (Trizchlore I think it is called). Washed once a day: sponge scrub, leave on and then rinse after ten mins). Took less than a week to heal the ulcer (but longer for the fur to grow back).
As stated, this sure is a hot spot. Vetericyn Plus usually works. I would wash it each time, before apply more.Another product that works for hotspots, and many other wounds is NuStock, which you need to keep on hand. Keep up with the hotspot, until it is gone! Agreed-also start a probiotic for Brian. All will be well! [MENTION=20009]HWxtts[/MENTION]
Ok Thankyou so much, is there anything I can do temporarily because heā€™s really agitated and uncomfortable at the moment, Iā€™m avoiding any creams (unless advised to use) or can I do anything to simply sooth the itching? Also the smell is quite bad! Is this normal? Iā€™m cleaning it with salt water and cotton pads at the moment.

And no I am unaware of any allergies, heā€™s had the same diet since weā€™ve had him, sometimes we will give him a splash of milk with his dry food and sometimes a tin of tuna (in spring water), we try to stick to a regular diet so there are no complications

What is the diet... especially protein. To clean use peroxide in a cotton pad. Th salt is probably irritating him and can be painful. I'm trying to remember, but I think coconut oil will help the healing process.
Following up on my previous answer: although one doesn't want to go to the vet's these covid days, I think it makes sense to have a vet take a look as this is the first time your boy is dealing with a hot spot. I would take him to a vet and ask them to come outside to confirm that it is a hot spot and to confirm what treatment is best. As he seems to feel the hot spot, he might need some meds for that - this is not something I would deal with without talking to a vet as it is an open ulcer.

Castor was shaved at the vet's and they washed him with a disinfectant called hibiscrub and then told us to sponge bathe the ulcer with this shampoo TrizChlor once a day for a week. This was in summer time so he had his spa treatment outdoors and then we took him for a walk so he would dry; in winter, it will of course be essential that you get this fur dry before he goes out.

Best of luck and please update us how it's going.

Update: sorry; I now see you are in the UK and I relaise you may not be able to take him to the vet at this point - do you have any online/telephone vet service available? Here there are options where you call the vet and show the animal on your phone. Perhaps you have something similar? Or just a phone consultation? Although we all here have experience of hot spots and know how we have treated our pets, when it is a first hot spot, talking to a vet makes sense, especially since you say he's agitated which sounds as if it hurts. I cannot remember Castor even noticing he had this really big sore all over his neck rolls.
...he has a bump in the middle that keeps bleeding...
This is what started the hotspot. All hotspots are caused by scratching an itch. You've done good by shaving the area and allowing it to dry out. It will look nasty once it begins to dry and scab over but this is just part of the healing process.
It is, however, important that the cause(the bleeding bump) be addressed or the hot spot will persist. If it does not go away on its own quickly then a trip to the Vet will be necessary.
Hi all, just a quick update, I have received the vetericyn and Iā€™ve washed him in an antibacterial, anti fungal cooling shampoo thatā€™s supposed to help sooth and clean the skin, and my partner got some coconut oil today also, so hopefully it starts to help him, Iā€™ve stopped using salt water and just going to find another cleaner for him. I have also got him some probiotic powder to mix in with his food.

His diet is just simply Harringtons dry food, heā€™s had it since he was little and itā€™s always worked for him, he has some for breakfast and then some more in the evening so weā€™re not over feeding him. Sometimes we put a drop of milk in with his food so he doesnā€™t get bored of it, and very rarely we will give him a tin of tuna in spring water with his food as a treat. Then he has a dentastix every day after his dinner to look after his teeth and breath.

He keeps getting extremely agitated and uncomfortable where heā€™s just shaking his head and trying to scratch himself, he canā€™t seem to keep still, today we have washed him in the shampoo, cleaned the wounded area, used the vetericyn spray and some coconut oil to sooth it, he seems to be slightly better today but the wounds donā€™t seem to be healing over, it just smells real bad and producing quite a lot of puss/liquids.

Anymore help would be extremely appreciated, and thank you so much for your help so far! Hopefully my pooch can get better soon because we feel horrible for him and we feel like weā€™re not helping as much as we could right now

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