Need help-biting


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi everyone. It's been a while since I've been on. My bulldog Murray is 6. About 3 years ago he bit me on the side of the wrist after I tried to move him when he was sleeping and he snapped at me. Hasn't happened since with me. A few months later we moved in with my boyfriend. They haven't had any major issues but he has snipped a couple of times (not recently and nothing severe) at my boyfriend. But they have a great relationship normally. I'm not really sure what happened today but Murray snipped at my boyfriend in the leg. He calmed down and listened when I put him in his room and then I brought my boyfriend to urgent care because his leg was still bleeding. They cleaned it out and didn't require stitches or anything but he nearly passed out from the blood so they took him by ambulance to the ER. We're waiting to be seen now.

I don't know what to do about Murray. I was thinking a trip to the vet. He is not normally aggressive and he and my boyfriend are very very close and have a good relationship. I just am at a loss of what to do. Anyone who has had experience with something like this and could give advice would be very helpful. Thanks so much
Wowā€¦Welcome as not in a good way. Sorry to hear all of this. Murray is such a good fur baby too.

If he didn't require stitches or anything, Iā€™m confused why passing out. Hope BF feels better.

IMO if they are very close and have a good relationship Murray must be in pain. He probably does need a good vet check. At least youā€™ll eliminate certain questions you have. But as you probably know new people in a dogs life is not always easy. Murray is use to you only. Adjusting isnā€™t always smooth. They get great together one day n not another. :(

Iā€™m sure other members will come along.
Hi everyone. It's been a while since I've been on. My bulldog Murray is 6. About 3 years ago he bit me on the side of the wrist after I tried to move him when he was sleeping and he snapped at me. Hasn't happened since with me. A few months later we moved in with my boyfriend. They haven't had any major issues but he has snipped a couple of times (not recently and nothing severe) at my boyfriend. But they have a great relationship normally. I'm not really sure what happened today but Murray snipped at my boyfriend in the leg. He calmed down and listened when I put him in his room and then I brought my boyfriend to urgent care because his leg was still bleeding. They cleaned it out and didn't require stitches or anything but he nearly passed out from the blood so they took him by ambulance to the ER. We're waiting to be seen now.

I don't know what to do about Murray. I was thinking a trip to the vet. He is not normally aggressive and he and my boyfriend are very very close and have a good relationship. I just am at a loss of what to do. Anyone who has had experience with something like this and could give advice would be very helpful. Thanks so much
sorry to see thisā€¦ how is the bf doing? Murray might have some neurological or sight issuesā€¦ was there anything similar in when the bite/snapping happened?
So when they play they usually play a little rough. They like to tug with a rope toy a lot. Murray was playing with one of our cats toys, my boyfriend went to take it away from him and he nipped at him but thought he was playing. Probably didn't help that my boyfriend just had trunks on and not pants from coming out of the shower. 2 stitches later he's doing fine. When it happened I called Murray away and made him go to his room, which he did and he seemed to look like he felt bad (ears back) when he saw the bleeding and even later when we got home that night. Going to take him to the vet for a check up. Nice to hear from you guys! Hope all is well with your bully kiddos
So when they play they usually play a little rough. They like to tug with a rope toy a lot. Murray was playing with one of our cats toys, my boyfriend went to take it away from him and he nipped at him but thought he was playing. Probably didn't help that my boyfriend just had trunks on and not pants from coming out of the shower. 2 stitches later he's doing fine. When it happened I called Murray away and made him go to his room, which he did and he seemed to look like he felt bad (ears back) when he saw the bleeding and even later when we got home that night. Going to take him to the vet for a check up. Nice to hear from you guys! Hope all is well with your bully kiddos
Tug can be great fun, but some pups take it as a alpha move when the ā€˜winā€™ā€¦ we canā€™t play it with Lambeau Nd at times we have to remove his favorite toy because he gets protective of it and will lock up his jaw on the toy when we are trying to remove it

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