
  1. bulldogs1501

    Allergic to Food, or something else?

    Hello all! So Moose is almost 4 years old and almost all of his life he has been on N&D Cod Grain Free. We've switched up the protein, but anytime we've done so he has had either upset stomach or his eyes start bothering him. So we stuck with what works. Lately, he has started to throw up, and...
  2. G

    Feeding help

    I have 2 British bulldog puppies now 12 weeks. Louie & Frankie. Both brothers. I was looking for advice on feeding. I started introducing raw food into their diet at. 10 weeks however Frankie developed an infection and his pooā€™s had blood in them for a good while. The vet advised me to stop with...
  3. N

    Behavioural & dominance issues, please help šŸ™

    Good evening, I'm a newbie here and was wondering if I could have some advice about my winston please �� So Winston was originally my boyfriends dog but due to his busy lifestyle he didn't feel he was giving him the stability and commitment he needed so now he lives with me and my...
  4. SidNBear

    First time EBD owner

    Hello! First of all Iā€™m still figuring this website out so hopefully this posts correctly lol, but Iā€™m a first time English bulldog owner, heā€™s an absolute terror. I love him but he definitely gives me a run for my money. I just have a few questions regarding his care, we are feeding him Hills...
  5. N

    Are these issues food related?

    Hi all. Our 8.5 year old guy has been having issues for a couple months. It first started with occasional vomiting 30 min to 2 hrs after meals, and an increase in vomiting in the morning prior to breakfast. He had always done that every once in a while but it started happening more. Also, he...
  6. H

    Help Needed! My bulldog has a wound that keeps bleeding, see post For info

    My bulldog has a wound/skin blemish between his ears on his head, we noticed it a few days ago when we saw his fur was turning brown (dry blood) so we cleaned it and it didnā€™t get any better. We have shaved a patch of his fur off to reveal the issue but we canā€™t put our finger on what the hell...
  7. V

    Help Needed! My dog has anal gland issues?

    Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone's bully has ever had the same issue my dog currently has. If you look at the picture below you can see she has blood/pus coming out around her anal area. You can't see it in the picture but there is also some blood coming out of her tail pocket area also...
  8. B

    Help Needed! blood in urine and blood clots female bulldog 3.5 yes old spayed

    I have a 3.5 year english bulldog who started urinating blood clots or blobs today. The first once I noticed was around the size of a dime. A few pee's later still blood in urine and smaller clots in clusters. Took to avets and she peed again and there was a lot more blood this time. Did uti...
  9. M

    URGENT!!! prolapsed urethra surgery complications

    Our neutered bulldog's prolapsed urethra was getting worse, so the vet sent us to a surgeon who did surgery on the area at another vet clinic. The day after the surgery, I brought him home. He was bleeding some when peeing, but we were told this was normal. When my husband came home and went to...
  10. LolaLover

    Please help!!

    Does anyone know what this potentially could be? We took Lola in on last thursday and the vet really couldnā€™t figure out what it could be. She did a rectal exam, and took fluid off but said it only looked like blood. We are taking her back in today for another opinion. I donā€™t know if it could...
  11. S

    seizures ...any advice?

    Good morning everyone, I am hoping someone has an idea i haven't thought of or has experience with this: My other wise healthy 7.5 yr old female started having seizures yesterday morning . She had 6 while at the vet and two more in the middle of the night, They don't know why, but...
  12. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Foxy~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Tennessee

    Meet sweet Foxy. This girl was surrendered to us from another rescue. She had been found wandering along a road. Aside from obviously being starved, our vet found a severe respiratory problem, hookworms, ear and eye infections, and bad teeth. The good news is that she is responding to the...
  13. helsonwheels

    A bill that passed for Rabies

    SOMEONE SENT ME THIS... GREAT NEWS. NOW IT NEEDS TO BE SAME RULE EVERYWHERE! A simple blood test, a Rabies Titer measures immunity. This bill recognizes that fact. So many pets have died and been sickened by Rabies shots that had no medical benefit since the pets already had immunity that...
  14. W

    Bulldog puppy bladder infection

    Hi, Iā€™m new to this forum and I really need help. We have a 10 week old puppy. He is an English bulldog and has had blood in his urine for 48 hours. He doesnā€™t seem sick- heā€™s eating, playing and as active as always. We took him to the vet and heā€™s been prescribed anti-biotics. He has only had...
  15. B

    vomiting bile for months

    hello! New here to this! I have an almost 4 yr old male bulldog named booger who has been the poster child to all bulldog issues from the time we got him to keep it in short. About beginning to mid April booger started to vomit bile in the am upon waking or in the middle of the night. At first...
  16. E

    Blood blister on finger

    Hey dog watson has had a blood blister on the side of his finger for a month now...we atteibuted it to allergies and started the cytopoint shots...itching has gone down 80-90% and put him on royal canin hp formula and only give him sweet potato and apples for treats....the blister wont...
  17. TooTooMommy

    Babesiosis (tick-borne) disease ....sooo worried! :-(

    PLEASE, PLEASE watch your babies for TICKS !!!!!!!! **UPDATE 2 days later ** (6/13/20) Our precious 9-year-old girl crashed in the critical care unit when she stopped breathing. They intubated her, but she did not make it. :( She had been at the specialty hospital overnight and had done...
  18. C

    Please Help šŸ¤¢

    Our female English bulldog is 9m old. Unfortunately due to covid we were not able to get her fixed. She has been rescheduled for the end of the month. She seems to be starting her first heat. Her vulva is swollen, sheā€™s acting out of sorts. We donā€™t see any real blood yet, but the SMELL...
  19. RissaT

    Help Needed! Anesthesia/Dental work and senior bulldogs

    Hello everyone, I have a dilemma and thought this was the best place to get some advice. My Charlie is 10 years old; he has some kidney disease, arthritis, and is in blood pressure medication. He is a happy ham. I used to get him for dental cleanings and dental work in the past, but I have...
  20. xskyzx

    Major with enlarged heart.

    Major been gagging/coughing all day so took him to the vet, He got diagnosed with ( lung lesions, cranial lung field soft tissue density, enlarged heart areas of spondylosis dedormans observed), white blood counts at 17. Plus lower back arthritis . He's also been dealing with dry eyes n losing...
  21. B


    Hi, I am new to this forum, never posted before but have read a few threads before. So my English bulldog, Benny who is 2 years old finally had his tail amputation surgery 3 days ago after battling infections constantly and so I was wondering if any other owners had any information on cleaning...
  22. Maxthebulldog1210

    Please help

    Max my bulldog has transitioned to raw, after months of acana duck and pear. Currently he is on 2 patties a day. Well, took him to the vet last Friday to get dhpp, rabies and bortdatella. This was Friday, Saturday I also gave him flea medicine, frontline. He weighed 43 lbs but only had the 45 lb...
  23. BabyDuke


    Hi Everyone! Well tonight is the night:w00t: . our first Cytopoint shot! Poor Oliver ( he is almost 4) has had HORRIBLE allergies. he is allergic to .. well lets just say everything. :ashamed: Last year after a night of blood all over from him rubbing his eyes and skin so bad and being on...
  24. J

    UTI/white blood cells

    My bully is on her third round of antibiotics for a UTI (or at least that what was initially believed. December 19th, the urine showed white blood cells (50 something) and she was given CIPROFLOXACIN 250MG for 10 days. A recheck showed the white blood cells decreased by about half but a higher...
  25. L

    Heats turn into silent heats?

    I hope I'm posting in the correct section. I have a bitch that bled quite a bit during her first two heats. Her last heat was due in August. Her vulva swelled and stayed swollen for 14 days, but she never bled and never showed interest in letting my male try to mount her, so I skipped out on...
  26. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Ruby & Tank~Bonded Pair of English Bulldogs Available for Adoption in Illinois

    I came into CEBR separately but have formed such a close bond and love for my foster brother Tank that CEBR has decided that we should be adopted as a bonded pair and stay with each other forever ā€“ Yay for us. You may have heard of us by our celebrity couple name #Truby. Iā€™m 16 a month old...
  27. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Cash Money~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Georgia

    11/8/19: Please welcome Cash Money! His owner was no longer able to care for him, so she asked us to find him a new home. He needs to be vaccinated, neutered, have his palate shortened, had his saccules removed, nostrils widened, and his teeth cleaned. He appears to have chronic ear infections...
  28. helsonwheels

    Raw Ratio

    I get asked often about ratio in dogā€™s raw meals. Rule of thumb, the meat/protein needs to be at least a good 65% preferably 70-80% n the rest would be organs, bones n blood. If you see on your raw ingredients saying 50-60% moisture, I would ask the company what they mean by that. Moisture like...
  29. J

    10 month old with terrible skin problem

    For the first 6-7 months he was perfectly healthy and out of nowhere my sweet baby started developing papules/pustules all over his body. These are filled with a little bit of pus but mainly blood and tend to be dark colored. (They pop when he plays with his big brother Zeus who is a boxer) They...
  30. Vahe418

    Lip swelling

    Hi everyone, so this morning I noticed the bottom lip of my puppy was swollen and when I wiped his face I noticed a little blood on the napkin from that same lip area.. it almost looks like a cold sore but maybe not.. anyone know what this is from?
  31. B

    New baby bully and new member

    Hi everyone! We just purchased our very first bully, she is 11 weeks old, adorable and hysterical. Can be a bit of a devil at times though too. Lots of biting, chasing feet, etc. She got me really good today, blood and everything. I thought she was climbing up in my lap for a cuddle but she took...
  32. helsonwheels

    Blood Pressure Pills RECALL!!!

    Whoever takes high blood pressure pills, please check which ones you have!! Same people for Zantac... go figure!! produced in China and India and tainted with NMBA, NDMA...
  33. R

    Help Needed! Watery rusty red/orange saliva staining on dog bed from mouth

    Hello there, Every morning I find a watery rusty red colour stain from her saliva wherever she sleeps - Is this bleeding from her gums or stomach acid? It doesn't smell like blood Please see picture below, anyone know what it is? Thanks Roxy
  34. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~DaisyMae~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Illinois

    My name is Daisy Mae and I'm 3yrs old. I came into the club because my elderly parents couldn't take care of me anymore. My mom got the news from the dogtor that I most likely had B Cell Leukemia and she said she would rather "let me go". The dogtor didn't want to "let me go", so she asked mom...
  35. rjisaterp

    Grain Free Dogfood And Cardiomyopathy

    What Dog Owners Need to Know About the FDAā€™s Grain-Free Diet Alert By Anna Burke Jun...
  36. rjisaterp

    Jewel Is On Chemotherapy

    Jewel is on Chemotherapy for a Mast Cell Tumor which was removed. The tumor was subcutaneous which I noticed in January and brought to the vets attention. The tumor was aspirated and certain cells were found that warranted the tumor to be removed. The tumor was surgically removed and was found...
  37. TooTooMommy

    Vomited red blood, and black, tarry diarrhea :-(

    :( We always knew that NSAIDs can have the horri-bull side effect of stomach bleeding (and other bad ones!) , plus, we know that black stools mean "old blood". Anyway, we weren't home when it happend, but Thursday at 5:00, DH came home to find Sophie sleeping peacefully and in NO distress, but...
  38. N

    Chronic UTI while in heat

    Both my bitches get a UTI while they're in heat. they are mother and daughter. Does anybody else have this, this screws up my AI. It is so hard to tell when they are in standing heat. I do have a stud in my house and that's normally how I can tell when they're in standing heat but it seems like...
  39. J

    Bulldog head tremors

    Do any of your dogs have head tremors and what do you do? My chunk just started them last year she is 3. I took her to vet she was on steroid pills for 3 months 1 every other day. I have a log I keep. They say only suppose to last for a few minutes hers last a where from 10 min to half hours...
  40. berlin78

    General Question Bronchitis

    Bella constantly likes eating grass. She does it all the time. Last weekend we caught her chewing on a long grass in the yard and the next morning at 1am she puked up a rather large amount of it when we were sleeping. For the following 15 minutes or so she kept hacking almost like dry-heaving...