seizures ...any advice?


New member
Aug 10, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
tripper and bailey
Good morning everyone,
I am hoping someone has an idea i haven't thought of or has experience with this:
My other wise healthy 7.5 yr old female started having seizures yesterday morning . She had 6 while at the vet and two more in the middle of the night, They don't know why, but I need more then that. To me there should be a reason . She isn't acting normal in any way . they put her on phenobarbital her blood work came out fine..Has anyone else had this happen? Thank you in advance for any information
Stacey, have you added any new medication, such as a different flea and tick preventative? If not, is it possible that she got into any kind of chemical outside that was sprayed, such as weed killer, insecticide, etc.?

This happened to my dog a year ago. The neighbors on the other side of my fence sprayed weed killer on their fence and he got sick from it. He began seizing very often and then he seemed extremely disoriented and almost like he wasnā€™t himself anymore. I fed him milk, and added mustard to his food and within 2 days he started showing signs of improvement. I really hope thatā€™s not the case. The vet didnā€™t pick up anything either.
Good morning everyone,
I am hoping someone has an idea i haven't thought of or has experience with this:
My other wise healthy 7.5 yr old female started having seizures yesterday morning . She had 6 while at the vet and two more in the middle of the night, They don't know why, but I need more then that. To me there should be a reason . She isn't acting normal in any way . they put her on phenobarbital her blood work came out fine..Has anyone else had this happen? Thank you in advance for any information

Can you get video or provide more details?
[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] [MENTION=2014]JeannieCO[/MENTION]

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Stacey, have you added any new medication, such as a different flea and tick preventative? If not, is it possible that she got into any kind of chemical outside that was sprayed, such as weed killer, insecticide, etc.?

This happened to my dog a year ago. The neighbors on the other side of my fence sprayed weed killer on their fence and he got sick from it. He began seizing very often and then he seemed extremely disoriented and almost like he wasnā€™t himself anymore. I fed him milk, and added mustard to his food and within 2 days he started showing signs of improvement. I really hope thatā€™s not the case. The vet didnā€™t pick up anything either.

Yup...I have no personal experience with this but was going to ask about flea/tick medication. I literally just saw a post on FB about certain products causing seizures.

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Yes, there are some flea and tick medication that do cause reactions, such as seizures that could be what is causing them. If it is monthly, I suggest not giving her a second dose of the same one. My schnauzer has epilepsy, and the flea and tick preventative was a trigger for him, but we adjusted his medication and now he is adjusted to it. We use guardian one. I have found it is the only one that my pets have not had reactions to.

Stay away from Bravecto, Nexgard, Simparica, Credelio. These are the four medications that have been reported by the FDA to contain isoxazoline that triggers seizures.
Stacey, have you added any new medication, such as a different flea and tick preventative? If not, is it possible that she got into any kind of chemical outside that was sprayed, such as weed killer, insecticide, etc.?

This happened to my dog a year ago. The neighbors on the other side of my fence sprayed weed killer on their fence and he got sick from it. He began seizing very often and then he seemed extremely disoriented and almost like he wasnā€™t himself anymore. I fed him milk, and added mustard to his food and within 2 days he started showing signs of improvement. I really hope thatā€™s not the case. The vet didnā€™t pick up anything either.

Thank you for responding. i have been crazy thinking of anything new and cant think of anything i feel is significant. I changed the kitty litter over a month ago, every once in a while she gets too nosy with..the only thing different for her is the little bit of canned food she gets in her dinner was changed about 4-5 weeks ago. i have not used any new products on her.. she had breakfast yesterday morning and when she got done she started foaming at mouth really bad ,tightening up her face,,looked scared or out of it then in maybe 45 seconds in was over. she then lost control and went to the bathroom and wandered around almost lost and confused and out of it. That happened 6 times yesterday and two last night . she just isn't acting normal at all, very food driven, isn't listening..acting more bull headed then usual and acting like she doesn't know the animals or where she is going in the house , she is normally pretty lazy but she seems restless. I was wondering what the milk and mustard does? and did you use mustard powder or regular mustard. I will try anything..thnks
Thank you for responding. i have been crazy thinking of anything new and cant think of anything i feel is significant. I changed the kitty litter over a month ago, every once in a while she gets too nosy with..the only thing different for her is the little bit of canned food she gets in her dinner was changed about 4-5 weeks ago. i have not used any new products on her.. she had breakfast yesterday morning and when she got done she started foaming at mouth really bad ,tightening up her face,,looked scared or out of it then in maybe 45 seconds in was over. she then lost control and went to the bathroom and wandered around almost lost and confused and out of it. That happened 6 times yesterday and two last night . she just isn't acting normal at all, very food driven, isn't listening..acting more bull headed then usual and acting like she doesn't know the animals or where she is going in the house , she is normally pretty lazy but she seems restless. I was wondering what the milk and mustard does? and did you use mustard powder or regular mustard. I will try anything..thnks

It was regular mustard. This sounds very familiar to the weed killer poisoning Oreo had. When he got sick, the day after he seized at least 10 times on one day and several times overnight. He relieved himself without meaning to, and would hardly eat. What I did was give him milk through a bottle, and mixed a small amount of mustard into his food. From what I had read, the milk neutralizes the weed poisoning and the mustard helps move things along. However, be VERY CAREFUL not to give too much mustard. It can potentially harm your dog if given in large amounts. I just added a squirt to his food.

When this happened Oreo was not himself and I was almost certain he wasnā€™t gonna make it, but after giving him those two things, he overcame it, and now heā€™s 100% back to himself. I hope this offers some help. Attached is a video of how Oreo was acting when he got sick, so you can compare it to your fur baby.


Day 1:

Day 3:

Day 6:

Oreo Today:

Please note guys, I was not holding him down hard, just enough so that he would not fall off the pillow and hit his head on the floor.

It was a long road to recovery. I had to potty train him all over again, but he got back to himself and I am grateful we didn't lose him. I was a wreck and in tears throughout this whole process. Sorry for the sniffles in the videos, but he is my baby just like Brisket and my kids. I would do anything to keep them healthy. I hope these videos give you some hope for your baby. If oreo got through this, yours can too :heart:
I can offer no help, I'm afraid, but Castor and I hope your girl will soon be well again!
Yes, there are some flea and tick medication that do cause reactions, such as seizures that could be what is causing them. If it is monthly, I suggest not giving her a second dose of the same one. My schnauzer has epilepsy, and the flea and tick preventative was a trigger for him, but we adjusted his medication and now he is adjusted to it. We use guardian one. I have found it is the only one that my pets have not had reactions to.

Stay away from Bravecto, Nexgard, Simparica, Credelio. These are the four medications that have been reported by the FDA to contain isoxazoline that triggers seizures.

Trifexis kills. It caused seizures in Diane Slocumā€™s Steve. After many month of seizures and tests, it turned out to be a huge side effect of Trifexis. Steve eventually lost his life.

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Hi there, you have some good advice up above on the possible side effects of flee and tick meds. Emma is my seizure girl. She started at the age of 3 and has had over 150 grand mal seizures. Shy of it being chemical related that may have brought it one since sheā€™s 7.5 now thereā€™s really no explanation what brings them on for Idiopathic epilepsy (thatā€™s what Emmaā€™s are). After a year of her regular vet I finally took her to a neurologist and he was able to get her meds in order and is seen regularly by him. Sheā€™s now 1.5 years seizure free but will be on 4 compounded seizures meds the rest of her life, sheā€™ll be 9 in December. Post recover can take a while sometimes for them too to full come out of it and like you noticed there are signs if recognized before before they have one. Emmaā€™s bloodwork always came back normal, just fyi. And its common for them to urinate during one and after, their brain is not normal during this time. I learned a lot from Cheryl (@libra926) from her Vegas that had them. Not sure on giving them milk/mustard, just never heard of that before.

Keep a log of her seizures; date, time, length and any other tidbits. Itā€™ll help on finding a relapse pattern if she continues to have them. Holler at me if you have any questions on my experience. Iā€™m not on here much anymore unless tagged.
This just breaks my heart. Seizures are such a horrific thing to witness. First thing I want to do is share a story I wrote many years ago for EBN. Here is the link. I'm sure there are a few broken links by now, but read it with caution. I joined EBN in May of 2010 when Vegas was almost 3 years old. By this time, we had already been dealing with this disease for 2 years. There really wasn't a place for me to go for answers, but we are here for you today. There is a facebook group for bulldogs with seizures, you can also post your questions and concerns there. It's a whole community of bulldog owners dealing with seizures due to trauma, lesions and others owners who got the same diagnosis as I did, idiopathic. Truth is, if you've ruled out toxins, ruled out trauma, ruled out brain lesions.... you may fall into the category of idiopathic. Usually this diagnosis is most common in dogs under 5 years of age, after that age, it is usually something else. If you decide to look into the Facebook group, let me caution you first. There are a lot of opinions in there. Every bulldog has experienced seizures... but please understand that no two bulldogs are the same. Some have focal seizure and some have small grand mals. Some are violent grand mals and some are clusters. They all are heartbreaking. Vegas was medicated heavily for his entire life and he still had seizures every 3 to 6 weeks. Like clockwork. Some bulldogs, like sweet Emma... she was just as bad as Vegas, maybe worse. Today, she is 17 months seizure free.

I used the blog section of this forum as a diary, not to mention the daily posts I would make as a moderator of EBN. I gathered everything I could to put into a story to talk about his life.

I loved Vegas more than anything in this world and I cry when I talk about him. I loved him that much. He was an amazing first bulldog to own. He made me check myself more than once. He made me laugh every day with his crazy antics.. one of which landed him on America's Funniest Home Videos. I may cry when I talk about him, but I also love talking about him. Please read our story and watch our videos. You can tag me here if you have more questions or you can private message me. Best of luck!
Good morning everyone,
I am hoping someone has an idea i haven't thought of or has experience with this:
My other wise healthy 7.5 yr old female started having seizures yesterday morning . She had 6 while at the vet and two more in the middle of the night, They don't know why, but I need more then that. To me there should be a reason . She isn't acting normal in any way . they put her on phenobarbital her blood work came out fine..Has anyone else had this happen? Thank you in advance for any information

A ketogenic diet for dogs stops seizures and keeps them very healthy.


Hope this helps.

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