
New member
Jan 19, 2020
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Max, Twinkle, Winter, Blue
I hope I'm posting in the correct section.
I have a bitch that bled quite a bit during her first two heats. Her last heat was due in August. Her vulva swelled and stayed swollen for 14 days, but she never bled and never showed interest in letting my male try to mount her, so I skipped out on progesterone testing, thinking maybe a split heat. I figured her next heat is due in february, but she swelled up 4 days ago, and again, no sign of blood....i even swabbed her today. I figure she is go in into heat early because my other female went into heat and was bred. I'm just wondering, has anyone experienced a girl that bled during heats and then stopped bleeding at all? I am for sure going to get a progesterone test done and have her checked out by the vet.
I hope I'm posting in the correct section.
I have a bitch that bled quite a bit during her first two heats. Her last heat was due in August. Her vulva swelled and stayed swollen for 14 days, but she never bled and never showed interest in letting my male try to mount her, so I skipped out on progesterone testing, thinking maybe a split heat. I figured her next heat is due in february, but she swelled up 4 days ago, and again, no sign of blood....i even swabbed her today. I figure she is go in into heat early because my other female went into heat and was bred. I'm just wondering, has anyone experienced a girl that bled during heats and then stopped bleeding at all? I am for sure going to get a progesterone test done and have her checked out by the vet.

Welcome... I will tag members for you..
[MENTION=3354]RiiSi[/MENTION], [MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION], [MENTION=2071]Davidh[/MENTION]
Not a breeder, cannot help with this one...Davidh, Riisi would be best bets
[MENTION=1950]goobers mom[/MENTION]

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I Personally have never had a girl do this or have heard of this but you will just have to progesterone test regularly until you catch her but I would definitely get her pregnant on next heat cycle to much risk of pyometria if not. Interesting case please keep us all updated.
Never heard of anything like this, sorry.
I took a swab and looked under the microscope. She is progressing, so Thursday I will start progesterone testing. We shouldn't have to do anymore than 2 tests before she is ready. I'm guessing she is just one of the ones that just dont bleed. I think the only reason she bled during the first two heats is because she wasnt fully matured. I will keep you posted.
Update, Winter had two progesterone tests and was ready at the second one. She was bred on day 13 of swelling without a single drop of blood. She was definitely in standing heat. 2 days later, she started bleeding very little and it was not bright red. My guess is that she just bled so little that it pooled inside her and finally showed when the semen made it's way out. My vet confirmed that is probably correct. We missed her last heat because of no bleeding, so now I know to go by swelling.

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