
  1. R

    Bulldog puppy teeth

    Our English Bulldog is about four months old. One of his 'Canine' tooth is very loose and it feels like he should lose it any day. I noticed it was loose yesterday when he had blood on his toy and I looked in his mouth. Now I just looked at it again and towards the top of his mouth that tooth...
  2. Momma2Bullies

    Hope for Leukemia diagnosis

    I wanted to share this is anyone who is going through a leukaemia diagnosis. Wilbur was diagnosed after he developed hydrocephalus (see my other thread), through bloodwork and specialized testing. Although I didn't opt for aggressive radiation and chemotherapy, I did put him on chlorambucil...
  3. G

    Help Needed! Anal bleeding and mucus.

    Good morning. My 9 month old EB Gunny has some Anal bleeding good my on. The blood is a bright red, he had a diarreah accident in his kennel, but i did not notice any blood in his cage. But noticed it when I took him out not much else was coming out but noticed spots of blood in his diarrhea and...
  4. Bender

    Bender's Cancer Journey (so far)

    Hi everyone, I wanted to share Bender's story and current status with hopes that it helps another furbaby out there. Bender initially presented with lameness in his left forelimb and underwent x-rays to determine the cause. The first round of x-rays showed no sign of cancer but indicated...
  5. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Mae~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Texas

    Please welcome Senior Saint Mae to the Lone Star Bulldog Club Rescue family. Many thanks to our volunteer Mary who picked up Mae from a local shelter today. Mary says Mae has lost many of her teeth. Her eyes are cloudy and it appears sheā€™s had several litters. She weighs only about 30 pounds...
  6. E

    IMPORTANT !!!!

    My 11 month old English bulldog got into a dog fight, and it seems he got a puncture wound on his eye. It doesn't seem to bother him at all, he isn't itching or acting different but it is really red and it scares me just because it's his eye. The carbuncle seems to be swollen and red. When he...
  7. G

    New member question about flying with EB to Hawaii.

    I am new to this site, well I've browsed here but never registered so I hope I'm asking in the correct thread. I searched the site and many other places and couldn't find a definitive answer. I am moving to Hawaii in January. Has anyone ever flown with their EB? Every airline I have found...
  8. Maximus

    Help Needed! You should see what my EB did to his front Paw ! HELP !

    My EB, Maximus, has been licking his front paws. Today I looked at his front (L) Paw and was shocked at what I saw. The paw was swollen, had been bleeding and just looked horrible. There was dried blood on the paw, and initially just looked like a bad Hot Spot. In any event, I had to clean the...
  9. lconceicao7

    Diagnosed Idiopathic Epilepsy - AWAKE all night pacing & panting

    Hi all, Fletch 14 month male English bulldog has been diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy. He spent one night last week on the night of his first seizure in the emergency Vet. There they took blood, prescribed him anti-convulsants and monitored for 24 hours. Itā€™s been 5 days, and no seizures on...
  10. SamiSalo

    Head Tremors

    Hi, His whole life, when they come, its a phase lasting a few days. Happens as he's falling asleep. As per my breeder, I'd give him a yogurt & honey sundae for a couple of weeks and the tremors would go away for 6+ months. Now, seems like they're here to stay. I've noticed they come on...
  11. nyerathrt

    Update on Jameson

    Hey all I wanted to update on Jameson. Monday morning Jameson was sleeping on our bed and I heard him get up to come eat. He has been sleeping through breakfast and eventually will get up and come eat. I heard a thump and I figured he jumped the remainder of the steps to get down. He didnā€™t...
  12. L

    FYI - Bloat

    Last week I lost Summer. She was 16ish, had several chronic issues, including dementia and vestibular disease. I had been evaluating her quality of life monthly for about a year. I often wondered if I would be able to make a rational decision. Tuesday the 17th of Oct. forced my decision...
  13. SampsonsMumma

    Sick Sampson

    In my last post I mentioned that we suddenly lost our family dog Frosty overnight. My 4 year old english bulldog at first seemed completely normal with the change and saw no signs of sickness or grievence. Over the past couple of weeks Sampson hasn't been acting right, he didn't want to eat so I...
  14. Mugmug

    Prolapsed Urethra

    Hello All, So Mugsy, the king of the castle, has had this issue his whole life. It first started when he was just a pup and we found blood all over whenever he'd get excited. So he was neutered and the vet told us it would bleed from time to time but wouldn't do anything but be an...
  15. ObietheWan

    Obie and his poor face

    Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I posted. And it saddens me to come back with bad news. But this past Sunday, I had to rush Obie to the ER. My girlfriend had come home, and as I was sitting at my desk she informed me that Obies face was swollen. Immediately I panicked. Under his right...
  16. Gfitz911

    blood in stool

    Hi all! It has been ages since I have posted on here. Unfortunately, I have been battling leukemia, which has been quite an experience. Anyhoo, I need some suggestions and reassurances. Our 5 yo boy Koozer, recently (like 2 days) has had loose stools with blood in it. The blood is bright red and...
  17. JennyBean

    Its been a hard year and Farley Foo went to the rainbow bridge

    Well everyone,I haven't been posting much in over a year. I have had major events happen in my life. I must say that looking back everything seems surreal and in a fog. It started last September when my 16 year old Boston Terrier had a brain tumor and passed. Then October my precious mom was...
  18. C

    Diarrhea help, please!

    Hi guys! My sweet little Finn and Violet both have been having suuuuper loose stools. It pretty much pours right out (sorry :() and I'm not sure why. We treated them for giardia a couple weeks ago. They've had solid stool a couple times since them but it's mostly loose or liquidy. The only other...
  19. A

    Brought in a rescue bully to our home - bulldogs fighting, please help. :(

    Hey everyone, So backstory - I adopted my current bully, Brynnlee, when she was 6 years old - now she is 10. I got her due to her previous owners needing to rehome her as they stated she was an aggressive dog and did not get along with their other animals. They had two small bengals that did...
  20. Vikinggirl

    Hot Spots - Diagnosis and Treatment the Natural way

    [*=center] I'm Jun 27, 2017 HOT SPOTS ā€” DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT THE NATURAL WAY Spine and muscle injury can cause hot spots By Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM In health-knowledge If you have ever seen a dog dressed in a T-shirt laced up the back or another one looking like a punk with bald...
  21. M

    Random misbehavior

    This is my first post and I'm still trying to understand the site so bare with me lol -- Our Maybelle turned 3 years old this month. We have had her since she was a teeny tiny baby and she was raised around our young children, ages 8, 8 and 4 (twin boys and a girl). She has always done very well...
  22. G

    im a new member!!:)

    Hello! My name is Gianna and i am a proud mama of a bulldog! His name is Rocco and he will be a year old July 26TH! I purchased him from Petland in Naperville for a hefty few thousand dollars. Only to find out i was getting a sick puppy.. little did i know at the time that those puppies were...
  23. L

    Desperate for Advice on My Bulldog--

    Hi, everyone, I'm new here and so glad to be in the company of people who know and love English bulldogs. I've loved them always and am the happy owner of three rescued English bulldogs. I do my best for them but I'm at a loss on what to do for one of them, Princess. She is 5 and I've had her...
  24. 1Chumly

    A warning to us all

    This was posted to reinforce the danger of Xylitol. A sweet young bulldog puppy died because of it. So sad. 2 July at 15:48 Ā· I am incredibly saddened to share that we lost our wonderful puppy Lola this Friday due to a horrible tragedy. I want to share this to help prevent it from happening...
  25. C

    New puppies with bloody diarrhea..

    We brought our EB pups home last Friday and noticed on a Sunday that Violet's poop was loose and that's continued. Then we noticed the same for Finn Monday evening which has continued. Yesterday, we noticed blood in both as well. We've take a stool sample to our vet and should hear back soon...
  26. S

    My heart is broken, I lost my baby

    Dexter was and always will be my baby! We took him to the dog beach he was under shade the entire time. There was a breeze, he was drinking water being playful. On the way home we had the ac as we always do but he stared to pant a lot so we pulled over gave him wet towels, water but he wasn't...
  27. V

    URGENT!!! Diarrhea and Throwing up every other day!

    Hello Everyone. First time caller here. I have VooDoo Lou Nanne. 3 1/2 yrs. Male This started two weeks ago. Every other day, Lou wakes up to throwing up yellow bile and diarrhea. His stomach sounds like star wars, and he would not eat! On these days (Lou Eats, lol) This happned Monday...
  28. J

    Insect bite/sting ---reactions

    Saturday my bully came inside after going out to potty and shortly after she was freaking out and rubbing her face. Closer inspection she was swollen. We went to the vet and she got a steroid shot and Benadryl. Remainder of Saturday and Sunday she seemed fine. Sunday late night she begins...
  29. tiffykay06

    Fur falling out in clumps with white scabs

    Rumble is losing his fur again. This has happened about twice a year for the last year and a half but never this bad. He loses his fur in clumps and the fur has little white pieces on the bottom. Once he loses the fur, his skin is clean meaning no scabs, no blood, just regular skin. We are...
  30. ddnene

    Update on the Wallygator... and Willow!!!

    My wonderful vet is NOW fully operating, so she came by today to do the annuals on the pups and take Wallygator's blood again... Walter's potassium, thyroid and electrolyte levels were perfect!!! SO now we are attributing his flank hair loss to seasonal alopecia, which I'm NOT going to treat...
  31. Libra926

    The Vegas Story... Our life with Epilepsy

    At first, documenting anything and everything Vegas related was very important to me. I wrote this article for a sister forum that has since been shut down. Thankfully Lisa was able to save this article from being deleted. Over the years I've referred people to this article simply to let them...
  32. 1Chumly

    Deep Infection

    I am so upset. Monty has been battling an infection deep in his body which started as a tail infection for months now. He has been on antibiotics (cephalexin 500mg), the last an extended course of about 3 months. That ended about 10 days ago with him being clear for weeks, then this...
  33. B

    Help Needed! face sores

    Toby developed this face sore 2 years ago. I took him to 2 vets and they didnt know and said it should go away. It took months for it to heal. Now its back again. It has been getting better. Now looks like hes getting one on the other side. They are blood filled lumps and the start oozing pus...
  34. ddnene

    OK this is really weird...

    As most of you know, Wally has been a mess... he has a double ear infection (which I had packed last week) he is gaining weight and losing his hair. My vet is in a transition faze to a mobile unit, so she is going to check his thyroid in a week when her meds come in. I have him on a regime of...
  35. cefe13

    Injured dew claw

    No idea how this happened, but Castor has injured his dew claw, probably by hopping in or out of bed last night. This morning his white chest was all bloody which was a scary but it turned out the blood came from his dew claw. He doesn't seem to worry about it himself - no pain and no incessant...
  36. L

    Help Needed! Bladder stones and possible prostate cancer

    Hey guys, My rescue bully Hercules (not sure age but vet thinks between 8-11) had been urinating more often than usual and having accidents in the house. Upon taking him to the vet, I was told that he had blood in his urine and probably had a bladder infection. After our return visit in two 2...
  37. S

    General Question Blood in my bully's pee, but not all the time

    Hi, I'm curious how many bully owners go through their bully having blood in their pee. We have a vet appointment this morning because we discovered a small amount of blood in his pee, but it's after hes done peeing, he'll stop then let a very small amount of pee go with a small amount of...
  38. Seline Weiskopff

    Should I be worried !

    My Molly has been licking everything and throwing up not alot almost like a dry heave from licking. She had been eating only half of what she normally does. Drinking ok and some treats she is panting alot at night. I talked to the vet this am she said another Bully was spayed the same day as...
  39. C

    Free whelping versus c section English Bulldog

    A week ago I thought I knew what was the better option for my girl. Now, after feeling the guilt- I'm unsure! Diamond is a healthy 23 month old English Bulldog. She was vet checked and cleared to breed. Her 2 year old stud Benny had been checked and cleared as well. This would be both of their...
  40. Ditavon77

    Hope I am putting this in the right place! (Tail amputation)

    Hey everyone! My name is Erika and I am new to this community. I have a 5 year old English Bulldog named Thor. We have had him since he was about 10 weeks old. About 2 weeks ago, we took him to the vet to have his tail looked at, as we were dealing with his very first tail infection. It was...