Help Needed! blood in urine and blood clots female bulldog 3.5 yes old spayed


New member
Jun 28, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
Booger and Buffy
I have a 3.5 year english bulldog who started urinating blood clots or blobs today. The first once I noticed was around the size of a dime. A few pee's later still blood in urine and smaller clots in clusters. Took to avets and she peed again and there was a lot more blood this time. Did uti test and came back negative they are going to send it out anyways for a second opinion. Waiting on xray and blood work to come back now. She started doxycycline at 2pm today due to developing symptoms of kennel cough following a bordatella live vaccine. Shes eating drinking and demeanor is normal but im worried about missing a diagnosis. Vet is currently saying if there are no findings we would monitor her for a few days and then need to sch ultrasound with their internal medicine. My only issue is I'm very crazy about my bullies and I dont like to miss anything in the workups just to have to wait for a specalist appointment to do the same tests at a later date. Has anyone else ever experienced this with their bully or have other ideas of what could cause it?
Also she hasn't had any trauma to the area to cause the bleeding. She was spayed at 8 months shes now 3.5.
I hope they can find out what is causing this since it is not a UTI. We will be thinking of your bully and please let us know what they find out. It could also be a kidney infection.
I would be hoping for a UTI...something easily treatable. Could be stones. Blood in urine and no UTI is not a good way to be.
I was also thinking bladder or kidney stones. [MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION] [MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION] [MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION]

sending prayers and positive thoughts
Cystitis, Liver or kidney disease.stones in the bladder, or kidney stones, can be causes of bleeding.
Castor sends his best wishes and we hope your girl soon feels better!

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