URGENT!!! prolapsed urethra surgery complications


New member
Jun 7, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
Brodie and Connor
Our neutered bulldog's prolapsed urethra was getting worse, so the vet sent us to a surgeon who did surgery on the area at another vet clinic. The day after the surgery, I brought him home. He was bleeding some when peeing, but we were told this was normal. When my husband came home and went to see our bulldog, blood started gushing everywhere. We rushed him to the ER. Once he was away from us, the bleeding slowed down and a blood clot formed. We took him back to the place where he had surgery. We tried two additional times to pick him up. Every time, he would get very excited to see my husband. Even though he has been neutered, he does get excited easily. The vet and surgeon felt that it was best for him to stay at the clinic in order to remain calmer and heal. Well, last week he started getting excited due to the people there and hearing other dogs. He has always been a very happy dog. Humping was an occasional thing before the surgery, but his area enlarging happened more frequently, especially around my husband. Last week the surgeon said there was an area that was prolapsed (possibly due to injuring it when we tried to bring him home), so the surgeon was considering surgery this week. They put our dog on hormones to see if that would decrease his excitement. It is a week and a half later, and it has not helped. The tried trazodone, but it didn't help either. This week the surgeon decided not to repeat the surgery on the area that is still prolapsed. He said the area was better, but would take 4-6 weeks to heal. He also said that repeating the surgery would take Brodie back to square one, and with his excitement issues surgery was not a good choice. They put him on Xanax 2 days ago (no change yet), and they want us to put him on the Chinese herb called yunnan baiyao. From what I read, the herb is for healing and clotting. Brodie does not have a clotting issue, so we are a bit concerned about putting him on it. It also says that he should be under vet care if usig. The surgeon had a colleague who mentioned trying the herb, but there is no one knowledgeable on the herb to monitor his progress. The surgeon said if he keeps getting excited, he will continue to injure that area. Brodie is now bleeding a lot more than before the surgery and is mildly anemic. We are getting him on Tuesday (5 weeks after his surgery), and we are taking him for a second opinion Tuesday also. The bleeding he had when we tried to get him the 3 times after surgery was considered life threatening. Supposedly, the amount he is bleeding now is not, but he also hasn't been around my husband since. We are devastated by having him away from us for so long and by the way things have turned out. Does anyone have any experience with complications like this or have any suggestions for us? Brodie will be 7 in October. We are heartbroken that he is now worse off than before the surgery. When we bring him home, we have been told to expect to deal with a lot of messes. We should have never have done the surgery. We had a previous bulldog with the same issue. That all went smoothly, so we were totally unprepared for this situation.
So sorry to hear about this situation. I have no experience of this, but Castor and I send healing thoughts to Brodie.
I am so sorry to hear about poor Brodie. Chumly was on Yunnan Baiyao for a while. I can't remember if it was just before or just after his Splenectomy. A lot of vets seem to use it now.

Do you have a University Vet Training Hospital near you? If you do, I would suggest calling them and taking him there ASAP. It would be the best place to go as they are the people that train the vets you and I go to and are on top of all the latest treatments.

I wish I could help more. Hugs to you all. :pray2::pray2:

Please keep in touch.
UT is the closest training hospital. I am taking him to Nashville Veterinarian Specialist on Tuesday. We will see how that goes. We had taken a pug to a specialist in Louisville years ago for spine surgery, so we may look into going there too. As of last evening, the Xanax may be starting to kick in. The vet said he was calmer with less bleeding. We are both excited and nervous about getting him Tuesday. Thank you for the information.

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Thank you!
UT is the closest training hospital. I am taking him to Nashville Veterinarian Specialist on Tuesday. We will see how that goes. We had taken a pug to a specialist in Louisville years ago for spine surgery, so we may look into going there too. As of last evening, the Xanax may be starting to kick in. The vet said he was calmer with less bleeding. We are both excited and nervous about getting him Tuesday. Thank you for the information.

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Thank you!

The Nashville Veterinary Specialist clinic is awesome... I went there for an emergency, and I only have great things to say about them. I hope they can give you some answers...
UT is the closest training hospital. I am taking him to Nashville Veterinarian Specialist on Tuesday. We will see how that goes. We had taken a pug to a specialist in Louisville years ago for spine surgery, so we may look into going there too. As of last evening, the Xanax may be starting to kick in. The vet said he was calmer with less bleeding. We are both excited and nervous about getting him Tuesday. Thank you for the information.

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Thank you!

Sending lots of healing prayers. Please keep us posted

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Will do. Thanks.
They were great when I had to rush Brodie there. Everyone was amazing. The consult is with a different doctor, but I googled her and her credentials are very good.
So sorry that you and Brodie are going through so much. Praying he will be helped and start to feel better!

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