
New member
Jul 18, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi all. Our 8.5 year old guy has been having issues for a couple months. It first started with occasional vomiting 30 min to 2 hrs after meals, and an increase in vomiting in the morning prior to breakfast. He had always done that every once in a while but it started happening more. Also, he started having some looser, orange-ish stools. He has been on Fromm chicken a la Veg his whole life, so when this started happening, we greatly reduced it and added chicken and rice. He has been to the vet a couple times to try to figure this out, has had blood work and an ultrasound. The vet could not see everything in his stomach due to gas (he was fasting but still...) but there were no obvious red flags that he saw. Now, for the past week he has been having diarrhea and the most horrible, non stop gas. Heā€™s still hungry but not begging for food like normal. Just by how heā€™s acting we can tell his stomach is more upset. He is on Pepcid 20 mg every night before bed, and gabapentin twice a day for arthritis. Right before this started, the vet had us start him on omeprazole. He took it for a couple days during all this but we stopped it bc we thought maybe thatā€™s what was causing him to feel worse.

So now, weā€™ve stopped the chicken a la Veg and are transitioning him to Fromm whitefish and potato. We were hesitant to do the Hills Science Diet the vet suggested because we are aware of how bad that food is. We are at a loss. Could this all be food related? Could he have swallowed something and itā€™s sitting in his stomach? The vet said an X-ray with barium would be the next step. Thanks!
Personally I would have the xray done. That really needs to be explored, to rule it out. My opinion.
Doubt itā€™s the food. Heā€™s 8.5y/o if it was the food something would have come up way before. Like [MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION] mentioned get the X-ray done. Probably something is sitting in there. And yes definitely stay away from science hill or their Royal Canin. So do start with the X-ray.
I concur that it is highly doubtful that the food is the cause and should be checked by a vet s it could be just about anything.
Agree with the gang... needs. xray

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Castor (who is also on Gabapentin twice a day) says hi and we hope Samson soon feels better.
Thank you all so much for your responses. Sorry-it took me a while to get back here. We ended up slowly switching his food to Fromm whitefish and potato and all has gone back to normal. If we happen to see his poop go back to what it was, or if he vomits again, we will bring him in immediately. I really didnā€™t think it was the food, but it really might have been. Thank you again!
Thank you all so much for your responses. Sorry-it took me a while to get back here. We ended up slowly switching his food to Fromm whitefish and potato and all has gone back to normal. If we happen to see his poop go back to what it was, or if he vomits again, we will bring him in immediately. I really didnā€™t think it was the food, but it really might have been. Thank you again!

Glad heā€™s back on track. Keep us posted n we would love to see photos of him. We like photos :)
I wonder if something changed in the Fromm formulation...

But it could also just be coincidence that when Samson's natural body defenses overcame the issue, it was also when he was transitioned to the whitefish and potato.

In any case, glad that Samson is well again. Yeay.

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