
New member
Jun 28, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
Booger and Buffy
hello! New here to this! I have an almost 4 yr old male bulldog named booger who has been the poster child to all bulldog issues from the time we got him to keep it in short. About beginning to mid April booger started to vomit bile in the am upon waking or in the middle of the night. At first we assumed it was grass as a few times he threw up there were a few blades of grass in the foamy bile. When he gets excited outside and doesn't have a toy insight he mouths at the grass to try to show you something. He has no intention on eating the grass and tries to spit it out after doing so but it's hard to have company over or play with the other two dogs when he does this upon excitement. Anyways he has a long history of multiple bouts of aspiration pneumonia. He has had 2 nose surgeries and the soft pallet surgery. We had about 1 good year with him but seems during a few times a year he would have a spout of vomit, usually receiving antibiotics because of aspiration and we would be ok another 6 months or so. This year we thought it was one of those episodes again however we have been careful and he has a specialist of internal medicine at avets he sees regularly because of all the issues and we dont want to wreck his immune system so we only give medicine it absolutely necessary. He was given a very small dose of an antibiotic because our vet thought he had a small respiratory infection and they wanted to get ahead of it before it maybe would branch out to be pneumonia again. From that point about a week later he was doing really good. About another week later we started vomiting again. He went to see his specialist and she ran blood work did x rays did ultrasound checked pooped urine sample the whole shabang because at this point we don't play around with the wait game when anything is wrong. We rolled out anything with his liver pancreas and all tests were normal except white blood cells were a little higher but not alarming. She decided we needed to change his food as he was on canned hills sensitive stomach and skin the salmon and veggie formula and took a daily probiotic fitoflora. (He eats 3 times a day) (immediately upon waking, around 2pm and at 830 or 8pm) (he is usually sleeping by 830 or 9pm, he also has a history that if he eats too late he will vomit with food in middle of the night so he needs an hr before bed to walk around and digest) We switch him to purina pro plan ha hydrolyzed formula chicken dry food. She said this food will help his body only recognize this food as amino acids incase he developed a sensitivity to the food he was currently on all of a sudden. Side note he also has been to a dermatologist to role out allergies since my other bulldog has severe allergies. We are on week 4 of fully only on this food and it took him about 3 weeks to fully transition as he has a history of not doing well switching foods. I have kept a daily log of when he vomits this bile and how much and specific times. The longest gap has been about 9 days but is usually about every 4 to 7 days where we see a morning vomit. He does nothing different in his day to day life as I also track that, his water intake and if his belly is rumbly or gassy. I have the opportunity to be home with him 24/7 and he is never alone. He does have a bad habit of licking his paws as he can't have bones or chews or most toys because he sucks on them rather than chew them and will get mucusy and stuff from doing so. I do catch him within seconds of doing this and he then quits. We have another follow up with the specialist this Tuesday but am worried with what additional tests she will want to do as we dont want to put him under unless 200% necessary. He has also been rolled out for rare diseases such as mega esophagus and they have done scopes to make sure he didn't have a hole anything as well. I guess I'm posting to help educate other bulldog parents and I have many more stories to share and information regarding all things bulldog and I also am wondering if anyone has experienced something similar with their bulldog? I know there's a lot of rambling details but like I said we don't know what connects to what and he's had a rough history of chronic issues. Any advice or suggestion would help us through this next phase with him and I plan on updating as this continues.
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My guy on occasion throws up bile....try feeding up a snack(sweetpotato or apple slice) if he doesnt eat for a while he throws up the bile....i usually feed up around 8am to 5 pm with snacks in between but not so much post dinner...i started givin him a snack before i go to bed..havent seen anymore more bile throwups.
Agree with what was said before. Some bulldogs throw up bile as soon as their stomachs empty. Try feeding 3 times a day smaller amounts. It doesn't sound like her dog food is very nutritious. Maybe [MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION] can comment since he has a dog with megaesophagus, which is worse than your dog. [MENTION=2874]anatess[/MENTION] thinks that vomiting bile is no big deal, that it'll go away once your dog doesn't expect a meal, maybe anatess can comment on your dog.
My vet is well known bulldog vet (richmond valley vet in staten island) she just put him on royal canin hp....but yea its very possible hes got an empty stomach...give him a little something before bed
Sorry but a well known vet should know royal canin is not healthy. Itā€™s full of grains. Dogs need protein from meat n not grains. Grains are for farm animals. Here are 3 great websites that will guide you. Most of us members will tell you to stay away from Royal Cain, Purina, Science Hill and basically ALL grain kibbles. :)
[MENTION=19741]Bulldogdadof3[/MENTION], yes split up the meals. But what your feeding your dog canned hills sensitive stomach there was last year a lot of recalls from Science Hill cans. The company themselves took them off the market. There are still some cans left n being sold. For a company like Science Hill to remove their products off the shelves says a lot. Read the links it will help you understand kibbles. I personally would put your dog on a raw diet. Itā€™s full of natural probiotics. He needs to re-build his immune system. If you want kibbles get a quality one like Acana n topp it with raw liver or any raw organs. Best is green smelly tripe at your pet store. Frozen section.



To be honest I hate most all pet food soon as i read the back. But I'm not a pet food nutritionist and rely on these vets and specialists to guide me in the right direction. I think its sad that dogs don't have a larger selection of Quality food we can trust as pet owners. I will look into what you suggested above [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION]. Thank you. We did try at one point try Stella and chewys frozen raw dog food but he wasn't a fan. Not sure if it was just a bad brand though. I have a friend who owns frenchies that swears by Dr Marty's products but I've read so many mixed reviews and very scared to try them. Has anyone ever heard of or have personal testimony from that brand?
To be honest I hate most all pet food soon as i read the back. But I'm not a pet food nutritionist and rely on these vets and specialists to guide me in the right direction. I think its sad that dogs don't have a larger selection of Quality food we can trust as pet owners. I will look into what you suggested above [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION]. Thank you. We did try at one point try Stella and chewys frozen raw dog food but he wasn't a fan. Not sure if it was just a bad brand though. I have a friend who owns frenchies that swears by Dr Marty's products but I've read so many mixed reviews and very scared to try them. Has anyone ever heard of or have personal testimony from that brand?

Check out this list of food co-ops for a possible cheaper supply of frozen raw dog food near you. The national brands can get expensive.

To be honest I hate most all pet food soon as i read the back. But I'm not a pet food nutritionist and rely on these vets and specialists to guide me in the right direction. I think its sad that dogs don't have a larger selection of Quality food we can trust as pet owners. I will look into what you suggested above [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION]. Thank you. We did try at one point try Stella and chewys frozen raw dog food but he wasn't a fan. Not sure if it was just a bad brand though. I have a friend who owns frenchies that swears by Dr Marty's products but I've read so many mixed reviews and very scared to try them. Has anyone ever heard of or have personal testimony from that brand?

Donā€™t buy Dr Marty n there are a quite a few good qualities kibbles if youā€™re not going raw. Check the links. If itā€™s kibbles again top with raw organs. 1/2 cup per day to start. Freeze them in little ziploc bags and freeze them. Youā€™ll always have some on hand. Itā€™s better than zero raw. And definitely do not rely on vets when it comes to food. Vets school do not teach about food. Also you should have a holistic vet as 2nd vet. Just a thought :)


I haven't read this entire thread so I will apologize if this is a repeat but normally when a dog vomits bile it's because it has an empty stomach, also known as the "hunger pukes." Have you tried feeding more meals or some snacks throughout the day?
My vet is well known bulldog vet (richmond valley vet in staten island) she just put him on royal canin hp....but yea its very possible hes got an empty stomach...give him a little something before bed

How is he doing?

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