Apr 28, 2019
United States of America
Bulldog(s) Names
Max my bulldog has transitioned to raw, after months of acana duck and pear. Currently he is on 2 patties a day. Well, took him to the vet last Friday to get dhpp, rabies and bortdatella. This was Friday, Saturday I also gave him flea medicine, frontline. He weighed 43 lbs but only had the 45 lb dose I didnā€™t give him the whole thing. Sat I gave him no more than 1/4 spoon of peanut butter. Sunday either all the side effects of the shots plus fleas kicked in at least I thought. I woke up to our morning walk and he seemed very lethargic. He wouldnā€™t come out of his crate like normal. I took him to the vet (dr Butchko) and 615 dollars later he prescribed some stuff. Turns out he has a right ear infection, his x ray also showed cloudy lungs consistent with respiratory illness. Blood work came back fine minus the elevated white blood count due to those two factors. Slight urine oh elevation/ seems dehydrated. I need help I want my max back!!! He is not feeling well. Please help
The peanut butter given to him did NOT contain Xylitol. It was skippy (blue top)
Max my bulldog has transitioned to raw, after months of acana duck and pear. Currently he is on 2 patties a day. Well, took him to the vet last Friday to get dhpp, rabies and bortdatella. This was Friday, Saturday I also gave him flea medicine, frontline. He weighed 43 lbs but only had the 45 lb dose I didnā€™t give him the whole thing. Sat I gave him no more than 1/4 spoon of peanut butter. Sunday either all the side effects of the shots plus fleas kicked in at least I thought. I woke up to our morning walk and he seemed very lethargic. He wouldnā€™t come out of his crate like normal. I took him to the vet (dr Butchko) and 615 dollars later he prescribed some stuff. Turns out he has a right ear infection, his x ray also showed cloudy lungs consistent with respiratory illness. Blood work came back fine minus the elevated white blood count due to those two factors. Slight urine oh elevation/ seems dehydrated. I need help I want my max back!!! He is not feeling well. Please help

Was this the first time he got Frontline? We used Frontlione once and Castor had a bad experience. He got all itchy and the fur looked weird where the stuff was administered, and when I now look back at the forum (Frontline has been discussed here several times), I see that this was also when Castor got his first ear infection.

See here for info on side effects of Frontline: under the heading Hazards To Domestic Animals halfway down the page, it says Frontline can interact with other medicines. Did you tell your vet that Max had got both the shots and Frontline? If not, I would call the vet again to check that there is no known side effect due to the combination of Frontline and the shots.
Did the vet say anything about a potential reaction to the flea meds or vaccines? I know both can cause bad reactions but I have no personal experience. Also make sure your vet is knowledgeable with bulldogs.

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Was this the first time he got Frontline? We used Frontlione once and Castor had a bad experience. He got all itchy and the fur looked weird where the stuff was administered, and when I now look back at the forum (Frontline has been discussed here several times), I see that this was also when Castor got his first ear infection.

See here for info on side effects of Frontline: under the heading Hazards To Domestic Animals halfway down the page, it says Frontline can interact with other medicines. Did you tell your vet that Max had got both the shots and Frontline? If not, I would call the vet again to check that there is no known side effect due to the combination of Frontline and the shots.

I told them he did use frontline after the shots. They said it could be a possibility but between that and bravecto we have alternated since he was a pup. I am done with frontline because I did read the articles posted on the forum.

- - - Updated - - -

Did the vet say anything about a potential reaction to the flea meds or vaccines? I know both can cause bad reactions but I have no personal experience. Also make sure your vet is knowledgeable with bulldogs.

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Dr Butchko is a well knowledgeable vet with knowledge of bullies. Lots of them go in and come out everyday
Max my bulldog has transitioned to raw, after months of acana duck and pear. Currently he is on 2 patties a day. Well, took him to the vet last Friday to get dhpp, rabies and bortdatella. This was Friday, Saturday I also gave him flea medicine, frontline. He weighed 43 lbs but only had the 45 lb dose I didnā€™t give him the whole thing. Sat I gave him no more than 1/4 spoon of peanut butter. Sunday either all the side effects of the shots plus fleas kicked in at least I thought. I woke up to our morning walk and he seemed very lethargic. He wouldnā€™t come out of his crate like normal. I took him to the vet (dr Butchko) and 615 dollars later he prescribed some stuff. Turns out he has a right ear infection, his x ray also showed cloudy lungs consistent with respiratory illness. Blood work came back fine minus the elevated white blood count due to those two factors. Slight urine oh elevation/ seems dehydrated. I need help I want my max back!!! He is not feeling well. Please help

This has nothing to do with food itā€™s all the meds in one shot... ā€œ Friday to get dhpp, rabies and bortdatella. This was Friday, Saturday I also gave him flea medicine, frontline.ā€ Way too much in one shot... I personally donā€™t give any shots to any of my dogs but thatā€™s ME. If youā€™re going to give shots to your dogs, split them up like one at a time. Wait a couple months do the next etc. Donā€™t want to alarm you but keep an eye on your dog for next month. This vet should know better. Also still have lots of vets out there giving full doses to example 100lb dog to a 50lb or under. Stop the flea meds as itā€™s all pesticides. Itā€™s a known fact. Sorry donā€™t want to scare you but just keep an eye on your dog...
I told them he did use frontline after the shots. They said it could be a possibility but between that and bravecto we have alternated since he was a pup. I am done with frontline because I did read the articles posted on the forum.

- - - Updated - - -

Dr Butchko is a well knowledgeable vet with knowledge of bullies. Lots of them go in and come out everyday

Dr. Butchko has a great reputation... keep us posted and sending lots of positive thoughts for your boy

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I gave Ralph Frontline, within 20 mins i thought he was dying! he couldn't stand up, shaking, being sick! i would never recommend Frontline.
I don't want to alarm you, but Frontline has been getting a lot of negative reviews... many dogs have reactions, and unfortunately there are "fake" Frontline formulas that are on the market. I would keep a close eye on your pup, and consult w/your vet about using another product. I use Sentinel on my pups, and we've never had an issue.
I'm sorry your baby is experiencing this. I pray it gets better quickly!

While i can't really offer advice i do know that when it's shot time i do stagger them so they are only getting one at a time with a month in between.
When it comes to flea and tic or heart worm, i also do those a couple weeks apart... just so i can monitor and make sure they aren't getting too many things at once.

Please keep us updated on the progress! love and prayers to you and sweet Max
I'm sorry your baby is experiencing this. I pray it gets better quickly!

While i can't really offer advice i do know that when it's shot time i do stagger them so they are only getting one at a time with a month in between.
When it comes to flea and tic or heart worm, i also do those a couple weeks apart... just so i can monitor and make sure they aren't getting too many things at once.

Please keep us updated on the progress! love and prayers to you and sweet Max


A 20 yr vet, canine handler told me what he coughs/spits up is kennel cough. I think he is right.
He looks much better today though then when I showed him pics yesterday. I just think I could do without the bortdatella vax

A 20 yr vet, canine handler told me what he coughs/spits up is kennel cough. I think he is right.
He looks much better today though then when I showed him pics yesterday. I just think I could do without the bortdatella vax

There's really no reason to do a bordetalla vaccine unless they are going to daycare or boarding because they usually require it. I stopped giving it as soon as my guys stopped going to daycare.
There's really no reason to do a bordetalla vaccine unless they are going to daycare or boarding because they usually require it. I stopped giving it as soon as my guys stopped going to daycare.

It is my first bully. I have one year of experience but when I got the dog he already had his vaccines so I am still learning a lot. This site really helps out.

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