
New member
Nov 30, 2019
Bulldog(s) Names
Our female English bulldog is 9m old. Unfortunately due to covid we were not able to get her fixed. She has been rescheduled for the end of the month. She seems to be starting her first heat. Her vulva is swollen, sheā€™s acting out of sorts. We donā€™t see any real blood yet, but the SMELL. Oh. My. She smells SO BAD. Itā€™s not a poop smell, not a yeast smell, it smells hormonal or something and it is sickening and makes every room sheā€™s been in smell. Sheā€™s unable to clean herself because she canā€™t bend like that. We have bathed her. The smell Is literally Making us sick. Is this normal?? What can we do? How long does this last? Please please please tell me this will go away after sheā€™s fixed.
[MENTION=19347]ChaosAndMayhem[/MENTION] I've had several female dogs, and a few have had one heat before spaying. They have never smelled as you say your girl does. A stinky smell if you got close, but I would call your vet and ask about the smell,or bring her in, as I've never heard of such an overwhelming smell. I guess it could be normal, but to me, sounds like she may have an infection. [MENTION=2071]Davidh[/MENTION]
Iā€™m starting to actually wonder if itā€™s her tail pocket and not being in heat after all. I noticed when we were cleaning her there was pink on the towel like sheā€™s maybe bleeding?? Do tail pockets get super super stinky if they develop problems? I canā€™t even begin to describe how awful smelling this is. Doesnā€™t smell like poop, it smells just horrible tho.
Thanks. I will call the vet tomorrow.

Also, has anyone used Absorbine jr on their dogs before? Itā€™s an antiseptic.
I've used bactine and Neosporin in an emergency it is quick to relieve any pain or discomfort and soothes them but keep her from licking off the ointment if it's reachable. Also, I asked a friend of mine about the oder you were talking about and they said it could be different from dog to dog as to how bad the smell was. I know that wasnt much help but maybe it will allow you to relax some until morning when you go to the vet. I know how upsetting it is when our little fur baby issf not feeling well and it becomes a guessing game. I know for me it was helpful just having someone to chat to about what was going on , it got me through til the next day's vet visit. Anyway, keep everyone posted and have a good night and give your cutie pie a kiss from Bubba! KimberlyS
Please Help [emoji1785]


I agree she must have something else going on. I am sure there was an odor but not where it would be noticeable just entering a room.[emoji23][emoji1787]
One our dogs had anal gland problems before. Not a tail pocket issue but actual anal glands. Now that would clear a room!! Awful smell!!!!![emoji2961]

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Re: Please Help [emoji1785]

I agree she must have something else going on. I am sure there was an odor but not where it would be noticeable just entering a room.[emoji23][emoji1787]
One our dogs had anal gland problems before. Not a tail pocket issue but actual anal glands. Now that would clear a room!! Awful smell!!!!![emoji2961]

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:goodpost:Anal glands have a horrific smell, and it can get on clothing, carpet, your clothes etc... it also sounds as if she IS going into heat. DO NOT have her spayed during her heat cycle, in fact I would give it several months [MENTION=2071]Davidh[/MENTION] ... vets will try to talk you into doing it, but trust me... it is NOT safe, and I learned that lesson the hard way.

IMO I would have her checked out just to be sure what the smell is coming from...
Thanks. I will call the vet tomorrow.

Also, has anyone used Absorbine jr on their dogs before? Itā€™s an antiseptic.

Donā€™t use that itā€™s chemicals.. Iā€™ll give you an essential oil mix if you tell me whatā€™s the AJR for.. :)
Please don't use Absorbine Jr on the tail pocket. It burns like crazy. Your bullygirl will not like that what so ever.
It does sound like anal glands, but I have seen where an infected tail pocket smells bad too. As others have said, if she is in heat, don't spay her yet, wait a few months after her heat cycle.
Hey everyone. Warmest thanks for your care and concern and input.
We had chaos to the vet this morning and it seems she has a badly infected tail pocket.
I feel terrible.
Her tail pocket is deep and her tail is tight, and I suspect itā€™s from swimming in the little puppy pool at daycare and then not being tried thoroughly after. Lesson hard learned for us and our poor sweet girl especially. Sheā€™s in so much pain and very protective of her backside. They shaved her, cleaned her, gave her morphine, an antibiotic shot, a topical ointment, and have her fasting with a special food given in very small doses to slow down digestion and spare her from pooping for a while.
The way she cried coming out of the vet. I just burst into tears. I would have paid any amount of money to spare her that pain. We clean her tail pocket with wipes etc. But with covid sheā€™s not getting it professionally cleaned every other week with her nails like usual. And I think that pool just did her in. My poor babe.
Hey everyone. Warmest thanks for your care and concern and input.
We had chaos to the vet this morning and it seems she has a badly infected tail pocket.
I feel terrible.
Her tail pocket is deep and her tail is tight, and I suspect itā€™s from swimming in the little puppy pool at daycare and then not being tried thoroughly after. Lesson hard learned for us and our poor sweet girl especially. Sheā€™s in so much pain and very protective of her backside. They shaved her, cleaned her, gave her morphine, an antibiotic shot, a topical ointment, and have her fasting with a special food given in very small doses to slow down digestion and spare her from pooping for a while.
The way she cried coming out of the vet. I just burst into tears. I would have paid any amount of money to spare her that pain. We clean her tail pocket with wipes etc. But with covid sheā€™s not getting it professionally cleaned every other week with her nails like usual. And I think that pool just did her in. My poor babe.

Poor girl! Our girl had a tight pocket too we used witch hazel on a cotton pad each day. To help keep it clean and dry.

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Hey everyone. Warmest thanks for your care and concern and input.
We had chaos to the vet this morning and it seems she has a badly infected tail pocket.
I feel terrible.
Her tail pocket is deep and her tail is tight, and I suspect itā€™s from swimming in the little puppy pool at daycare and then not being tried thoroughly after. Lesson hard learned for us and our poor sweet girl especially. Sheā€™s in so much pain and very protective of her backside. They shaved her, cleaned her, gave her morphine, an antibiotic shot, a topical ointment, and have her fasting with a special food given in very small doses to slow down digestion and spare her from pooping for a while.
The way she cried coming out of the vet. I just burst into tears. I would have paid any amount of money to spare her that pain. We clean her tail pocket with wipes etc. But with covid sheā€™s not getting it professionally cleaned every other week with her nails like usual. And I think that pool just did her in. My poor babe.

My brindle lives with a tail pocket issue for over 4yrs. It does have a horrible sour smell. I made a special essential oil mix n being using it weekly now. Sometime her cleaning can be once a month then back to once a week or 3 days. When she sits on her bum n wiggles is my sign of cleaning. Iā€™m surprised why your vet gave morphine. Also what is that special food they gave you? Tail pocket basically is a real pain cleaning. But Iā€™ve decided to go the essential oil way than amputation of her tail. 4yrs and sheā€™s absolutely fine. She does eat a raw diet which helps a lot. I do the recipe below, use about 4-5 wipes n yes do wear surgical gloves. You need to make sure you go as deep as you can inside the pocket till you feel the back wall. Clean till all comes out clear. This recipe works! Also I use the same recipe for ear maintenance. If your dog is on antibiotics always feed a probiotic food item like plain Greek yogurt, fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies to restore the gut flora. All antibiotics will also kill the good cells in a body. You can also buy at your pet shop in their freezer section their green smelly tripe patties. Needs to be the green one n cut it up in 4 sections, keep it frozen n give a slice per day. That the best probiotic.

15 drops Lavender
15 drops Geranium
15 drops Frankincense
15 drops Basil
10 drops Arborvitae

Fractionated Coconut Oil the clear one, fill a bottle of 5oz about n fill 3/4 of the way full. Add your EOs. Shake bottle well before using.

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