
Jan 8, 2013
Naboomspruit, South Africa.
Bulldog(s) Names
Boeboe, Bennie Boy and Joey


Hello everyone, meet Flaca and Gordo who are a BONDED Pair who were in their former home since 8 weeks old. These sweet loving littermates were dumped at Animal Control by their former owners simply because they had allergy issues. These fur siblings are friendly with other dogs, Gordo is a little more timid than Flaca and takes some coaxing to go out in the yard, but has been doing great.
Gordo came in EXTREMELY underweight at 37 lbs. He has been gaining weight steadily and feeling much better. He has bad allergies and is on predisone in addition to Dry eye and highly calcified ears, he needs daily maintence of both. Hi skin issues will always require weekly baths. Gordo has displayed a bit of food aggression be we think it may have been due to his extremely low weight. He will need to eat separate, but don’t let that scare you away because he loves people and is just a happy happy guy! He is very nimble and fast for a 7 year old. He loves running after balls, cuddling and LOVES car rides.

Flaca is a loving happy girl who is curious but has Medical- Allergies, which will be a life long status. She is ITCHY! Also issues with dry eyes and infected/neglected ears. This will also be a chronic issue, which she will be on life long meds for. Making sure her ears are flushed every few days as well as Cyclosporine Opththalmic Emusion (Restasis). She does not like her eye and ear meds though but will tolerate the cleanings. She also has swollen lymph nodes were swollen (non-cancerous) that will need to be monitored. She is friendly with people and other dogs, in fact she loves to cuddle and sleep with other dogs. She also LOVES car rides. Currently, We are working on her potty training and is currently wearing a diaper at night to help with that.

Update: We've been ADOPTED!

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