Bennie is getting possessive or jealous?:(


Jan 8, 2013
Naboomspruit, South Africa.
Bulldog(s) Names
Boeboe, Bennie Boy and Joey
Lately I've noticed that when my husband is home and we sit on couch, Bennie comes to sit by me and he starts to stare at Boeboe, licking his mouth, drooling and the hair on his back is standing up like he's ready to attack her. Last week he even stared my husband out like that:( It sucks.

It's so easy for me to tell others to not "baby" them and put them in time out and what what... but now when it comes to my little boy it's not so easy:ashamed:. He's closed out of the living room, we can't have him with us, he immediately gets shitty with Boeboe. I feel so bad but I'm so scared he'll start fights, I guess he deserves the time outs... I am with him basically the whole day, so it's not that he doesn't get attention from me... maybe that's the problem... to much attention... As soon as my husband comes home he starts his bad behavior, why is it only when my husband is home and not when I'm alone with them?

I try to activate him during the day but he's got zero interest in anything. Boeboe is out in garden with me, sniffing and checking stuff out, Bennie just wants to sleep in the sun. He loves walks but it's not safe for me to walk him alone:( I want to order antlers for them, I've seen there is a place here in South Africa that sells them, but what if they start fights over them? Do you guys separate your dogs when they have things like that? They have lots of toys, and fights over toys hasn't been a problem so far.

I've been doing the nothing is for free exercises with him but I think I need to step it up a notch...

Do I need to feel bad for not letting him be with us in the evening? It's for about 2 hours while we watch TV and eat. I don't want to risk a fight:(

On the upside, Joey is getting lots of evening couch time nowadays when Bennie can't be with us... It's hard having dogs not getting along:moping:.


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May 2, 2013
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Hi [MENTION=7710]Petra[/MENTION] It sounds to me like Bennie is getting protective of you-wanting you all to himself! I think you are doing okay,separating him at TV time. I am sure he gets plenty of attention otherwise. I noticed with one of mine(Maude) when I favored her-she started to get a little "attitude" at times, with the others,so I stopped the "spoiling" and she returned to her better self. Mine do have an occasional spat over a toy. I would never get antlers for them, as I know there would be war,because no matter how many, they always want the same one! It's not a big deal for one to be away from you for 2 hours. If you DO get antlers, I would definitely seperate them. I don't even want any here, because I think it would just be asking for trouble. They get along mostly all the time-so I think the smell of antlers in the house would bring out the "beasties!" They don't know about them-so they don't miss them.


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
maybe you can try to leash benny and have him sit next to you, not on the furniture, but on the floor at your feet. if he starts to get funny, you can give a pull on the leash and give a firm no command to let him know that is not allowed. If he doesn't stop then you can put him in the other room. Brutus does this exact thing with Frankie and I can always tell when he is gearing up for an attack, he gets this look about his face and I usually just yell NO Brutus, and he will stop. I have read that if you try to grab him to make him stop this will make the situation worse. Use your voice or leash only.


Jan 8, 2013
Naboomspruit, South Africa.
Bulldog(s) Names
Boeboe, Bennie Boy and Joey
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[MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION], I think you're right... getting antlers is probably not a good idea:unsure: and they have other rubber chew toys that they really like.

I wish there was something Bennie would enjoy doing that doesn't involve me, I think he's got some energy that needs out... he loves when I take photos of him or when we play together but that will only make his possession worse. I can't hide treats cos he's got food aggression towards Boeboe, such a mission. If I throw a ball for him he just looks at me like I'm crazy:facepalm2:.


Jan 8, 2013
Naboomspruit, South Africa.
Bulldog(s) Names
Boeboe, Bennie Boy and Joey
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maybe you can try to leash benny and have him sit next to you, not on the furniture, but on the floor at your feet. if he starts to get funny, you can give a pull on the leash and give a firm no command to let him know that is not allowed. If he doesn't stop then you can put him in the other room. Brutus does this exact thing with Frankie and I can always tell when he is gearing up for an attack, he gets this look about his face and I usually just yell NO Brutus, and he will stop. I have read that if you try to grab him to make him stop this will make the situation worse. Use your voice or leash only.

Know exactly what you mean... Bennie can sit by me sometimes and be normal but other times I can see he's going to be a brat. When he does I get up and direct him away from the situation. I has worked so far but a fight is in the air:(

They've only had one fight since we moved to his house in October last year... that's more than 6 months of no fighting. The fight was about 3 weeks ago and that's when he started to be shitty. But it was my husbands fault in a way... he ate food and gave them by the couch. I've asked him not to but... well... men:mellow: I'm hoping that Bennie will stop his behavior if we keep taking him away when he's being naughty... He knows very well he's doing something wrong cos when he's away from the situation he looks at me with sad eyes and hanging head. He's very soft but it's like he can't help himself from acting out.


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
Know exactly what you mean... Bennie can sit by me sometimes and be normal but other times I can see he's going to be a brat. When he does I get up and direct him away from the situation. I has worked so far but a fight is in the air:(

They've only had one fight since we moved to his house in October last year... that's more than 6 months of no fighting. The fight was about 3 weeks ago and that's when he started to be shitty. But it was my husbands fault in a way... he ate food and gave them by the couch. I've asked him not to but... well... men:mellow: I'm hoping that Bennie will stop his behavior if we keep taking him away when he's being naughty... He knows very well he's doing something wrong cos when he's away from the situation he looks at me with sad eyes and hanging head. He's very soft but it's like he can't help himself from acting out.

He may not be able to help it. We have put Brutus on medication to help him out. It is like a miracle. He is still food aggressive, but has essentially stopped all other bad behavior. He actually looks relieved.


Jan 8, 2013
Naboomspruit, South Africa.
Bulldog(s) Names
Boeboe, Bennie Boy and Joey
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He may not be able to help it. We have put Brutus on medication to help him out. It is like a miracle. He is still food aggressive, but has essentially stopped all other bad behavior. He actually looks relieved.

What medication is that? Bennie is fixed so at least he doesn't have those hormones bothering him... We haven't really had problems with him before, he turns 5 now this months. In the past it has usually been Boeboe that starts the fights over a toy or if Bennie annoy her while she sleeps.


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
What medication is that? Bennie is fixed so at least he doesn't have those hormones bothering him... We haven't really had problems with him before, he turns 5 now this months. In the past it has usually been Boeboe that starts the fights over a toy or if Bennie annoy he while she sleeps.
He is on 30mgs of Prozac a day.


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
That's interesting, glad it works:) I think... hope... that we can sort Bennie out if we keep managing his behavior. There hasn't been much discipline in this house lately:ashamed:

I think you can get it sorted out. Good luck!


Pooper scooper
Nov 5, 2012
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I think your husband needs to spend quality time with him, take him out and walk him or wrestle around with him, I bet that would do the trick.


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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I think your husband needs to spend quality time with him, take him out and walk him or wrestle around with him, I bet that would do the trick.

[MENTION=7710]Petra[/MENTION] ... I was thinking this too... maybe get him to bond some with hubby may help. banks was like this with Nitschke and we had a heck of a time getting her to not attack him.. the difference however, was Banks was just overly dominate and did not like that Nitschke was the first dog (not alpha) he was first in the home and she was pissed about it. So with them we had to watch the interaction and behavior constantly... if Nitshcke coward or slowly left a room then we knew she was up to something, or if we noticed changes to her stance or movement, she was placed in a submissive position till we released her.... it was a 9 yr training session :D


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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Jun 19, 2013
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Oh Petra, I'm so sorry you are dealing w/this… it sounds to me like the others have stated that he is jealous and protective of you!!! I think that the hubby needs to spend some extra time w/him… Good Luck!!! ;)

Texas Carol

Texas Carol....put the heart in EBN
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Jul 4, 2012
Central Texas
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Brutus & Cami live in Heaven
Omg!...I couldn't help but laugh out loud at "it was a 9 yr training session".

It was for sure and Banks had the BEST Mom in the whole wide world. much love...went from laughing to tears in my eyes.

As I said to the end, it's the love that matters and is left
with us to hold us over until we are together again. <3 Banks <3

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