Cheli and Cubby updates


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
Staff member
Community Veteran
Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
Bulldog(s) Names
Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
The boys are both doing well! Cubby has fully adjusted to being here and is a totally adorable terror! LOL... AKA puppy!

Cheli has started acupuncture .. so far two sessions and he is showing signs it is really helping him. he trys to play with Cubby and he even cheated and went up a flight of stairs the day after his first session So stairs are not baby-gated to prevent him from doing that again. Cheli also had about three weeks of not feeling well, which lead to the acupuncture being introduced. he was not eating, was having explosive poo and just seemed overall sad/unhappy. Our vet ran every test, ultrasound, full blood work, x-rays... used three different pills to settle his belly. But, once the x-rays were viewed they noticed, all the years of laser has done great for his lower back, hips and knees, but his middle to upper back was not as good. We started full spine laser and acupuncture to see if his issues were from pain in spine and to rule out the pain was from the new PITA in the house (Cubby) . After about three weeks... Cheli is back to himself, even better actually. poo is normal, he is eating normally and he even at times engaging n play with Cubby (only lasts about a minute).

Cubby really is a load of fun... he loves to cuddle and EAT, he really loves to eat... I think Lambeau came and gave him some pointers in his dreams because some of his behavior is very similar to Beau... too strange. he LOVES going for walks both him stinding along or in the stroller with Cheli. Car rides are fine too but he must be retrained in a seat and harness because he will not sit still otherwise... I mean all over the place. One day I had to take them for a short ride and the car seat was in Lewis truck within seconds he was under the brake pedal. he is fast and a zoomie expert - runs up the stairs so he can zoom all over the second floor of the house which is full carpet.

The only down fall... as with Cheli he is a challenge to potty training, particularly pee... he just goes at will even with us taking him out once an hour. Little piss-pot! he does love to have a snack if we do not get to the poo before him.. he will eat ANYTHING! Walks are nothing but me saying... leave it, drop it, no, what do you have in your mouth now! he can at times be exhausting, but I love the heck out the little piss-ant! he is tiny, just turned one on %/1 and is still only 14.6 lbs.

We also rehired our petsitter... so the hippy Cubby is a result of her visit as well as the fantastic shot of the two of them in them yard.

A bunch of pictures for your enjoyment.

Cubby 1st birthday.jpgCubby waiting his turn to eat.jpgCubs give me food.jpgCubs pick me up.jpghippy Cubby.jpgCubs.Cheli yard.jpgsleeping babies.jpgcubs and cheli on pillow.jpgCubby tippy tongue.jpgCubby sout cold.jpgCheli acu 1.jpgCheli acu 2.jpgCheli cubs in stroller.jpgstoller 5.4.24.jpgcar seat buddies.jpg
Fantastic photos‼️
Always said these dogs are toddlers in bulldogs suits.

Great news Cheli’s back on track. I’m sure our Cubby is giving Cheli a run for his money as we say. Little brat lol
Fantastic photos‼️
Always said these dogs are toddlers in bulldogs suits.

Great news Cheli’s back on track. I’m sure our Cubby is giving Cheli a run for his money as we say. Little brat lol
BRAT! Is correct

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