Tonight's the last night before the big trip.


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
And I'm both happy and sad. I'm going to miss Stiggy soooo much. Really wish we can take him with us. We've only had him for 4 months, but I'm not looking forward to the withdrawal period. I'm going to miss him waking me up from my sleep because he stepped on me to find a comfy spot on the bed. Little bugger. :p

He's going to have a sleepover party at the daycare from Mon to Wed each week then my sis is going to take care of him for the rest. Is it weird that I'm not even worried about if I packed everything for the trip but rather if I got everything ready for him instead? lol. Still have to prepare all the food, wash all his sheets, make sure all the supplies are available and ready, make a 'Stiggy How To' list for my sis and give him a bath.

It's going to be a long night ... but will give a lot of hugs and kisses to the little big guy any chance I get. :heart::bully:

Here he is playing with one of his fave toys ... a towel! :eek:
Awwww, somebody's wrapped around a little Bully paw. Have a good trip... your Sis and Stiggy will have fun, and he'll be happy to see you when you get back.
I know you are going to miss Stig soooooo much!!! Tidus is with Chip on a road trip right now and I feel like something is missing.... like I forgot where I put my keys, or forgot to do know what I mean? I am totally off with him gone. But Chip has reported that Tidus is being a big sourpuss/fraidy cat and will not leave his side for one moment. He even goes with him to the potty in the hotel, and apparently the potty is so tiny Tidus is almost sitting in his lap!
I know exactly how you feel! I went to Mich. and Pa. in Oct. and I missed Gertie and Ida sooo much! But it was sure nice to come home to them. Have a nice trip!
I know you are going to miss Stig soooooo much!!! Tidus is with Chip on a road trip right now and I feel like something is missing.... like I forgot where I put my keys, or forgot to do know what I mean? I am totally off with him gone. But Chip has reported that Tidus is being a big sourpuss/fraidy cat and will not leave his side for one moment. He even goes with him to the potty in the hotel, and apparently the potty is so tiny Tidus is almost sitting in his lap!

LMBO [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] I now have an image of Tidus balancing on Chips lap..... :lol:

[MENTION=1209]savemejeebus[/MENTION] I haven't been on here as much in the last week ........ where are you going????? Hopefully, somewhere fun!!! AND just think of it as a vacation for Stiggy minus the parents :up:
We went on two cruises this summer, It was more of a worry with Vegas than going out of the country it was the first time we left him! It does take a lot of thought and care to make sure they are taken care of, and the first time I worried myself sick, I gave 3 emergency numbers because I had NO phone service while out of the country, what I know is Amy that has the doggie day care fell in love with Vegas and let him be with her ALL the time, 1- because it was hot and she worried so she took him in her office with her. I spent extra to get him an air conditioned Suite and took his crate, but she insisted on keeping him with her in her house and 2- who could not love a bully? Stig will be OK and enjoy your time away, even thought I KNOW you will worry as I did! Nosy question....where are you going?
oh man! i know what you mean. i don't ever want to be away from butler. we are even taking him to las vegas in march cause i don't want to leave him with anyone. our next trip is to my home town in colorado and i am bringing him there too! lol. your sister will be a good fill in mommy while you are gone :) i know i would be good to stiggy if he were sleeping over at my house!:p
I hope you have fun on your trip!!! im sure stiggy will have so much fun while you are away that it'll pass quickly for him! we went to red river nm for a week during the 4th of july and i missed lexter so much i texted lex's babysitter every chance i could to make sure he was ok. sad thing is they are fixing to have another baby in may so im thinking 3 kids will be alot for her so we might have to find another babysitter :(
Have fun on your trip. Sounds like he is going to be taken care of and I am sure you will check on him daily! I bet he has tons of fun at daycare and meet lots of new friends.
@KMARINO & @kazzy220 - Going to hawaii for about 2 weeks with my bf. :up: He won it at work because he was such a keener last year. lol.

So sis seems to enjoy taking care of him. I remember her asking if it was ok if he sleeps in his crate at nite so I thought that that was her plan, but when I texted she said she was sleeping on the couch with Stiggy resting his head on her arm. Now she realizes how heart-tugging bullies can be.

Last night was the first night he slept over at the daycare. I'm so tempted to email the owner but will hold off until a little later so she doesn't think I'm one of those crazy owners. lol. I emailed her yesterday so I figured a few more hours need to pass.
[MENTION=1209]savemejeebus[/MENTION], I was out of the country the first time I left Vegas at the doggie daycare in his own air-conditioned suite, I could not personally call but I had my son call EVERY morning to check on him! Amy the owner encouraged it. That was another thing I liked about her, have fun on your vacation and take lots of pics!!!
[MENTION=1209]savemejeebus[/MENTION] HAVE FUN!!!!

We have decided not to have a vacation this year and try and get all the stuff done in the house that we want to do. However, we are definitely going away in 2012!!

I have always wanted to go to Hawaii and Tom, the hubby, has always said that it's too expensive! So imagine my suprise when he suddenly announed that he wants to go to Hawaii in 2012. We've been watching Hawaii 5-0, so I'm thinking that watching all that gorgeous scenery has swayed him. So I shall be grilling [MENTION=410]Telly03[/MENTION] of the best place to go in a few months time!!! :up:

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