Started with NuVet Plus 3 days ago now my dog is SICK

Feb 9, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
I started giving my EBD NuVet powder. And now I could hear phlegm in his breathing, hes trying to blow his nose a lot, there is clear discharge from his nose, and he threw up undigested dog food because he was probably gagging from the mucus or from
the clear discharge. I started giving my dog this powder so he will be healthy and will rarely have issues as it is suppose to be a Multi-Vitamin. Now its doing the opposite. He was completely fine before I gave him Nuvet Plus.


Hes acting normal
Playing normal
Drinking normal
but NOW his mucus disrupts him.

Ironic I bought vitamins to make him healthy and now hes sick.
Plus this Vitamins is NOT CHEAP
Stop giving the Nuvet and see if there’s any change.

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How did you give him the powder? Did you mix it in his food? If not, he may have inhaled some, and caused this problem. I would have your vet check him out, and listen to his lungs.You could first try giving a squirt of lemon juice, to see if it clears the phlegm. Could also be a coincidence that this happened now. Best to give his vitamins in the pill form. [MENTION=19484]walterenglishbulldog[/MENTION]
Did you mix it in his food? If not, he may have inhaled some, and caused this problem.
Plus, there may simply be something in the ingredients that does not agree with him...allergic.
Like Citty said, stop it and see if he rapidly improves.
How did you give him the powder? Did you mix it in his food? If not, he may have inhaled some, and caused this problem. I would have your vet check him out, and listen to his lungs.You could first try giving a squirt of lemon juice, to see if it clears the phlegm. Could also be a coincidence that this happened now. Best to give his vitamins in the pill form. [MENTION=19484]walterenglishbulldog[/MENTION]

Hello I sprinkled it over the food. I also gave him lemon juice and it cleared out a little bit. 1st say I gave him Nuvet he ate everything on his bowl. 3rd day I have it to him, he smelled it and then left didnt even touch the food. Im not sure about vet check, as everything is closed right now and only accepting emergencies. I stopped giving him the powder thing for dinner and he finished everything, no more mucus sounds. Thanks for the help

- - - Updated - - -

Plus, there may simply be something in the ingredients that does not agree with him...allergic.
Like Citty said, stop it and see if he rapidly improves.

Hey may be allergic so i think im gonna return it this thing is 60 bucks?!
By any chance your dog on meds? Sometimes mixing supplements n meds can cause side effects. Like mentioned definitely stop using NuVet.
By any chance your dog on meds? Sometimes mixing supplements n meds can cause side effects. Like mentioned definitely stop using NuVet.

Hello Thank you for your response. Walter is not on medication. I stopped giving it to him and he is now completely fine. Not even any discharge or mucus sounds, etc. I returned it and I will be getting a refund. Note: I paid for the shipping fee it was around $6
You should have no problem sending it back, I have never heard of this before but with bulldogs you never know, sounds like he had a reaction to one of the ingredients.
You should have no problem sending it back, I have never heard of this before but with bulldogs you never know, sounds like he had a reaction to one of the ingredients.

At first i was so excited because he killed his food bowl fast and seemed like he liked the NuVet sprinkled onto his food. Then after a few hours he seemed Mucus-y. Its been a few days since I stopped and hes been fine and active and not making any obvious Mucus Sounds (differrent from his normal snorting).

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