Sudden aggression advice

Kelly lowe

New member
Aug 10, 2019
Bulldog(s) Names
So Ronnie is 2 in a few days and has been displaying some worrying behaviour. Until now heā€™s been amazing with everyone humans, animals babies he loves everyone doesnā€™t even have food aggression or anything. So recently within the last few weeks he has became aggressive towards un neutered male dogs. When I say aggression I mean teeth baring snarling and snapping when they come anywhere near him this has now happened a few times now even with dogs heā€™s previousley met and been fine with. He hasnā€™t bitten any of them but obv the warning signs are there so we just turn and walk away. This is happening with Ronnie on a leash and other dog on a lead and sometimes other dog not on the lead. Ronnie has also been neutered. Can anyone please advise Ronnie is always on the lead and now I donā€™t feel like I can trust him
Off leash
So Ronnie is 2 in a few days and has been displaying some worrying behaviour. Until now heā€™s been amazing with everyone humans, animals babies he loves everyone doesnā€™t even have food aggression or anything. So recently within the last few weeks he has became aggressive towards un neutered male dogs. When I say aggression I mean teeth baring snarling and snapping when they come anywhere near him this has now happened a few times now even with dogs heā€™s previousley met and been fine with. He hasnā€™t bitten any of them but obv the warning signs are there so we just turn and walk away. This is happening with Ronnie on a leash and other dog on a lead and sometimes other dog not on the lead. Ronnie has also been neutered. Can anyone please advise Ronnie is always on the lead and now I donā€™t feel like I can trust him
Off leash

He is not like this at home or in any other situation?

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When heā€™s into his aggressive mode, what do you do? Also has he had surgery or is he on meds?
Hi no heā€™s not like this in the home at although my sister in law has a Maltese puppy whoā€™s 6 months and heā€™s also started snapping at him. Heā€™s not had any surgery and is not on any medication at all. When it happens we just walk away and heā€™s okay after that

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Hi no heā€™s not like this in the home at although my sister in law has a Maltese puppy whoā€™s 6 months and heā€™s also started snapping at him. Heā€™s not had any surgery and is not on any medication at all. When it happens we just walk away and heā€™s okay after that

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Hi no heā€™s not like this in the home at although my sister in law has a Maltese puppy whoā€™s 6 months and heā€™s also started snapping at him. Heā€™s not had any surgery and is not on any medication at all. When it happens we just walk away and heā€™s okay after that
Hi no heā€™s not like this in the home at although my sister in law has a Maltese puppy whoā€™s 6 months and heā€™s also started snapping at him. Heā€™s not had any surgery and is not on any medication at all. When it happens we just walk away and heā€™s okay after that

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Hi no heā€™s not like this in the home at although my sister in law has a Maltese puppy whoā€™s 6 months and heā€™s also started snapping at him. Heā€™s not had any surgery and is not on any medication at all. When it happens we just walk away and heā€™s okay after that

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Hi no heā€™s not like this in the home at although my sister in law has a Maltese puppy whoā€™s 6 months and heā€™s also started snapping at him. Heā€™s not had any surgery and is not on any medication at all. When it happens we just walk away and heā€™s okay after that

has anything changed with you or within the home that could be impacting him and having him feel he needs to ā€˜protectā€™?
[MENTION=19177]Kelly lowe[/MENTION] was he ever attacked by a dog or something happened to him?
Absolutely nothing has changed at home heā€™s never ever been attacked by a dog and as far as Iā€™m aware nothing of the sort has ever happened to him Iā€™ve had him since he was 12 weeks old. The only thing that stands out was once a free months ago out on our nightly pee walk I was approached by 2 men with hoods up oooking for a lighter and I didnā€™t have one cause I donā€™t smoke but I think because it was dark and the men got a bit 2 close Ronnie lunged at them but this doesnā€™t explain why he would be like this suddenly with male dogs itā€™s very upsetting to see
So Ronnie is 2 in a few days and has been displaying some worrying behaviour. Until now heā€™s been amazing with everyone humans, animals babies he loves everyone doesnā€™t even have food aggression or anything. So recently within the last few weeks he has became aggressive towards un neutered male dogs. When I say aggression I mean teeth baring snarling and snapping when they come anywhere near him this has now happened a few times now even with dogs heā€™s previousley met and been fine with. He hasnā€™t bitten any of them but obv the warning signs are there so we just turn and walk away. This is happening with Ronnie on a leash and other dog on a lead and sometimes other dog not on the lead. Ronnie has also been neutered. Can anyone please advise Ronnie is always on the lead and now I donā€™t feel like I can trust him
Off leash

Itā€™s common for dogs to be aggressive w/intact males. Thatā€™s why daycares require puppies to be fixed after 6+ months. Folks who frequent dog parks often neuter their dogs earlier than planned for their own protection.

Speaking from experience, you adjust. Know itā€™s hard for a bully to bite another dog. Keep your eyes open. Watch out for the fluffy ones. Donā€™t be shy - just ask about the other dog if youā€™re not sure, before they get close. Youā€™ll pick up on good owners vs bad pretty quick. Good ones will appreciate it.

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Absolutely nothing has changed at home heā€™s never ever been attacked by a dog and as far as Iā€™m aware nothing of the sort has ever happened to him Iā€™ve had him since he was 12 weeks old. The only thing that stands out was once a free months ago out on our nightly pee walk I was approached by 2 men with hoods up oooking for a lighter and I didnā€™t have one cause I donā€™t smoke but I think because it was dark and the men got a bit 2 close Ronnie lunged at them but this doesnā€™t explain why he would be like this suddenly with male dogs itā€™s very upsetting to see

Funny you say that. When my GS was attacked 2x, when he reached 6months old I simply walked around the park surroundings. But each time he would walk and sees anyone in hoodies, guaranteed his hair went up n growled. I corrected him on the spot but it always stayed in him. I recall at 2yrs old, back then my husband coming home n parks his motorcycle in the back. Major was in the yard, all he saw was a guy in black leather with a full face helmet. Major flew like an arrow to attack till the husband yelled out ā€œMajor itā€™s meā€ n Major just stopped right in front of husbands feet. Trust me was an open face helmet after that scenario. I had a tenant same issue, he couldnā€™t walk downstairs without removing his hoodie on the head. He also got push against the wall by Major. So definitely hoodies was a no go for a Major. Very hard to discipline a dog doing his job protecting you on your walks n protecting the home. Heā€™s doing his job. But yes, he needs to know the difference when itā€™s ok n not. To be honest with you, Major was neutered and that sure didnā€™t make any difference. If Ronnie lunged at the guys or other dogs, basically heā€™s protecting you. He needs to learn the difference when itā€™s ok n not. I would work him on other dog aggression. On my walks Major had a prong collar. Great tool. And donā€™t worry an EB neck is very powerful n strong. Make sure it sits under the chin as itā€™s safer there n youā€™ll have more control on your dog. Hoodie guys, sorry but some might not agree I would not discipline Ronnie for that. Ronnie is doing his job. If you smoke, you should have your own lighter. I would simply cross the road and continue walking.
Thanks for your replies guys I appreciate it been doing a lot of reading on it got worried because I thought he was ill haha. Just find it so weird that Iā€™m a shirt space of time heā€™s went from playing with any dog and being super to a snarling aggressor if another male dog comes near.
Thanks for your replies guys I appreciate it been doing a lot of reading on it got worried because I thought he was ill haha. Just find it so weird that Iā€™m a shirt space of time heā€™s went from playing with any dog and being super to a snarling aggressor if another male dog comes near.

any chance you were unnerved by those guys approaching? If you were and he picked up on it, he feels a need to protect, as another member mentioned it more than likely is the not neutered.. it is common for fix and not fixed dogs to just fight
Yes i definitely felt on edge I was really scared I also feel like he may be picking up my energy with other dogs aswel Iā€™ve always actually been quite scared of dogs particularly Staffies and Rottweilers and these happens to be the 2 dogs that heā€™s went for so far maybe itā€™s my fault xx
Yes i definitely felt on edge I was really scared I also feel like he may be picking up my energy with other dogs aswel Iā€™ve always actually been quite scared of dogs particularly Staffies and Rottweilers and these happens to be the 2 dogs that heā€™s went for so far maybe itā€™s my fault xx

Absolutely!!! Dogs feel that , runs right down the leashā€” he feels the need to protect you. Walk with confidence and if you begin to get concerned try to pull yourself in. Energy plays a big role in their behavior

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...he feels the need to protect you.
Yep, we call it the "Mommy Zone". In our experience...once established, there's no stopping it...only management. Based on how long it's been going on, there's a chance that you can stop the progression of this behavior. Reverting it is unlikely but I would not want to discourage you from trying.
Thanks for all the input I appreciate so husband took him a walk today and met one of these said dogs and guess what Ronnie was fine played off leash like they were best friends!!

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