Don't know whats wrong with my bulldog


New member
Sep 3, 2018
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Woody and Danni
I've posted here before about this but it's been awhile.

My EB Woody is 8 years old, and for the last 2 years or so, he has these "episodes" where for hours or even days, he just acts very strange.

His symptoms are the following:
-slow movements (sometimes it looks like he's tip toeing)
-wants to be alone/sometimes hides, or prefers a small room/dark room. Also prefers to be outside
-shaking/trembling (this doesn't last very long, maybe upwards to 30 minutes on a bad day)
-deep breaths in and out through the nose, somewhat shaky
-low energy, but still alert
-sometimes wants an abnormal amount of attention

This concerns me because there is absolutely no pattern I have seen which prompts this. I've taken him to the vet at least 8 times this year. He had his spleen removed, along with a non-cancerous mass. He also had a benign tumor on his gums removed, along with his teeth checked/cleaning. I've had ultrasounds done when he had his splenectomy, xrays of his chest, bloodwork, his thyroid and heart have been checked. Everything has come back normal and healthy. He eats lean ground beef with an assortment of cooked vegetables on a rotation, and hasn't eaten kibble for about 4 years. He is not overweight.

What is more confusing are days like today: wakes up fine, and randomly while he's sitting on the couch he starts shaking. He spent the entire day comfortable in his bed and alone on the first floor of my house, which also has an adaptil plugin. He stopped shaking shortly after that, and stayed in his bed all day. He ate normal, in fact wanted a little bit more food today (he eats once in morning, once in early evening). Has drank normal amount of water. Went both #1 and 2. Looked normal. Even was alert when we went on a short walk.

To me, none of this makes sense and I have no idea whether to bring him back to vet. I don't even know what i'd ask them to check!

Anyone experience this with their dog? Doesn't even have to be a bulldog. Just any dog. Is this anxiety or stress or arthritis? I should mention I have a 2nd EB that is female, and 2 years younger. They get along and have been together for almost 6 years. They have different energy levels (she has high energy). I don't know if she's stressing him out as he gets older?

Any help would be great! I just want him to be comfortable.

Sorry you have to go through this. When you say he starts shaking, does it start with the head or is it the body? Youā€™re feeding him good. I would start adding whole wild caught frozen fish like sardines or herrings. Good source of natural fish oils is great for tremors. I know some will say in capsule but Iā€™m more for all natural source way. Your dog is eating clean why I suggest food source. Hereā€™s a video of an EB with tremors. Iā€™m a big believer in essential oils. Been doing oils for years. I use a diffuser daily in the living room as the pups sleeps there. Both on a raw diet even their snacks. Both in great shape. Jack Russellā€™s in EB suits. Iā€™m telling you all this cause from what you posted, you did everything you needed at the vets. Heā€™s 8 so you donā€™t want to start adding too much meds if not needed. I would add 2tablespoon to his diet fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies in the fridge section of your health food store or Costco sells it too. From what Iā€™m reading again itā€™s the shaking. Probably Neurological issues. Why Iā€™m suggesting essential oil cause heā€™s 8. Very hard to beat Frankincense essentials oil. If you buy some make sure to buy it from young living or DoTerra. You want high quality. Btw, if you want to mix oil plz ask before doing your own mixing. Pets are not like humans. I personally would start him with frankincense. But thatā€™s me. Get a diffuser n make sure itā€™s a Ultrasonic Ionizer as they are the only ones that breakdowns oil into water. Please keep us posted...

Sometimes some people canā€™t open this video. Idk why... But basically dad put one drop of frankincense on his finger, rubs inside ABOVE the dogs ear canal, does next ear, then does the same one drop inside the paw pad. One for each paw. Takes about 30 seconds n the dog stops trembling.
I'm so sorry to read this... and it sounds like you've had him checked out thoroughly by the vet in the past. Sometimes the "shaking" is due to pain (which would explain the hiding and/or needy behavior and the labored breathing) which could be a sign of arthritis... Bullies do get idiopathic tremors which most of the times there is no definitive cause... my Willow has gotten them, and I normally just distract her w/a treat and it eventually stops.

IMO I would take him back to the vets to do a check... it's hard to predict what is going on, and it may just be his age.

Please keep us posted, and I hope he feels better soon!!!
Just a thought. Have you ever tried giving him something sweet when this happens ? Could be a low sugar drop.It happens to me sometimes. [MENTION=18588]Epope721[/MENTION] I also tried the Frankincense on seizure dog. It worked for awhile, until she got worse.
Thank you all for your responses! I'm suspecting it's maybe pain/joint related so I bought some hemp oil to try out and another adaptil plug in just in case it makes him scared/anxious.

The shaking actually is mostly in his body. It almost is like he's shivering. And it's not constant...almost like it's in waves? I've looked up bulldog tremors, and that looks like a much more severe condition than what Woody has...but maybe this is how it starts? My goal is obviously for him to be as comfortable as possible at all times. He has a bit of a Johnny Bravo body (his shoulders are massive while his waist is tapered) so it could very well be he's just in pain and he's getting up there in age.

I'm certainly going to look into oils! I haven't tried that, so I'm looking forward to purchasing and trying out. Woody also has eaten some apples as a sweet treat - he's not a super fan but i'll see if maybe he'd be up for eating that when he gets his tremors. I'm not sure what other sweet option i'd feel comfortable giving him (that he doesn't already not like).

I'll hopefully be posting soon with some updates! Thanks again!
I agree with the gang, some type of pain, shaking can be a sign of that as well as the hiding. Did they check for arthritis? It could be stress to as you say the female is high energy and could be sending signals that you canā€™t see.

please keep us posted, I will send lots of positive thoughts and prayers
Hemp oil wonā€™t do much. Youā€™re better off getting CBD oil. CBD has zero THC in it. Iā€™m in Canada so I canā€™t suggest our brands for you. [MENTION=16619]Cbrugs[/MENTION] uses it for Jax. She might suggest to you which one :) I started earlier this summer giving a couple drops per day to my two. Calms down Jakeā€™s anxiety n Nyala is more on the go now. I do see a difference. Both are on a diet but nothing severe as they were already fit. I just wanted them to be 5-10 less. Theses dogs joints arenā€™t the best. Might as well prepared them now for later. You want to keep an EB on the thinner side.
Suggest that you take a video when this occurs so you can show your vetl

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