Feb 9, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
Today Walter woke up like normal. Played fetch in the morning, took him inside and from then on he just didnt have a lot of energy like he usually had. He doesnt have diarrhea or vomiting. Hes just sleepy the whole entire day and just slept. Id play fetch with him indoors but I know that somethings not right. He ate a little bit, he didnt finish his food. And I had to bring the water to him for him to eat. Im concerned. Please let me know if you have experienced this before before telling me to go the Vet I would like to know if you have experienced it with your english bulldog. He is one year old now he turned 1 in August. We came home and he didnt even greet us like how he used to. He would go CRAZY greeting us but he just laid there.

There is no discharge from the nose
No Vomiting
No Diarrhea
No Panting , Crying or anything
No Limping

I cannot say what this can be, but Castor is 7 years old and has never had such a sudden drop of energy which makes me suggest you should call the vet and ask them if you should take him in. Please keep us updated and I hope more experienced bully owners will soon come on here and give you more substantial advice.
Hmm... something is definitely up, but I wouldn't rush him to the vets yet. I would give it a day or two... as long as he's eating/drinking/pooping normally then I wouldn't get too concerned. My Walter can be like this, almost like he's just depressed for a day. IF it continues I would call the vet and see what they suggest.
I agree, give it a day or so before the vet. He could just not feel well for whatever reason. Hopefully he will be to his normal self in a day or two.
Hi guys I read all of your comments and I appreciate it! Today he has a clear discharge from his nose. Also he still doesnt have diarrhea and vomiting. He eats food he drinks water but he just seems not himself and it makes me sad all day. I couldnt even focus at my job because I was thingking about him. I tried massaging his belly and or hips and stuff and he doesnt even flinch or anything. He was swimming a lot last week. I wonder if he just has cold. He loves to swim. But when he was it wasnt even cold it was humid. If he doesnt improve tomorrow im just gonna take him to the vet.
Hi guys I read all of your comments and I appreciate it! Today he has a clear discharge from his nose. Also he still doesnt have diarrhea and vomiting. He eats food he drinks water but he just seems not himself and it makes me sad all day. I couldnt even focus at my job because I was thingking about him. I tried massaging his belly and or hips and stuff and he doesnt even flinch or anything. He was swimming a lot last week. I wonder if he just has cold. He loves to swim. But when he was it wasnt even cold it was humid. If he doesnt improve tomorrow im just gonna take him to the vet.

It might be allergies --- seasons are changing and there could be something that is effecting him. In the video his one eye looks a little red/irritated. Give him a Zyrtec and see if it helps. My boy,Lambeau, suffers in the fall and will sleep 20 hours a day... up to eat, pee and poo only even with getting Cytopoint shots. His all kiked in around 1 to 16 months of age.
It might be allergies --- seasons are changing and there could be something that is effecting him. In the video his one eye looks a little red/irritated. Give him a Zyrtec and see if it helps. My boy,Lambeau, suffers in the fall and will sleep 20 hours a day... up to eat, pee and poo only even with getting Cytopoint shots. His all kiked in around 1 to 16 months of age.

Thank you so much. I gave him zyrtec. Hes dong better now! I think I causes this problem. He was swimming a lot and I didnt dry him completely after. Also I had a cosultation with a Vet online called TeleVet and she said it may be seasonal allergies! Attached is update last night and this morning.
Thank you so much. I gave him zyrtec. Hes dong better now! I think I causes this problem. He was swimming a lot and I didnt dry him completely after. Also I had a cosultation with a Vet online called TeleVet and she said it may be seasonal allergies! Attached is update last night and this morning.

Perfect! He sure is a handsome boy too.... xoxoxox
How is Walter doing? I am just reading your post, and it has me worried. It reminds me of an issue my Tucker had.
How is Walter doing? I am just reading your post, and it has me worried. It reminds me of an issue my Tucker had.

Hello! This is an update on Walter. Walter has been normal for over 2 or 3weeks now I lost track of time. So what happened was he had PROSTATITIS . Enlarged prostate!!! There was some stuff coming out of his penis We thought it was normal but it was kind of white/yellow discharge. So we brought him to a bulldog specialisy found out it was prostatitis so we had to move his scheduled neutering further. He was given antibiotics and he was fine after a day! He was full of testosterone and had like an infection in there. After antibiotics he was normal non stop energy.Hes gonna get neutered in 6 days!!
Hello! This is an update on Walter. Walter has been normal for over 2 or 3weeks now I lost track of time. So what happened was he had PROSTATITIS . Enlarged prostate!!! There was some stuff coming out of his penis We thought it was normal but it was kind of white/yellow discharge. So we brought him to a bulldog specialisy found out it was prostatitis so we had to move his scheduled neutering further. He was given antibiotics and he was fine after a day! He was full of testosterone and had like an infection in there. After antibiotics he was normal non stop energy.Hes gonna get neutered in 6 days!!

wow.. great that you got hi. Looked at and they found the issue

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