
Aug 23, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello, I am so happy I found this site as I am always looking for more information on how my EBD can live a happy & healthy life. My EBD, NikolĆ”s, turned two years old in April. He has always been extremely active and wild! He keeps us all on our toes. šŸ˜ƒ However recently i have been really struggling with his food. We got him at four months and I am still struggling on getting his diet right. For a long time, I gave him Just Food for Dogs, until I realized that it was what was making his eye folds so dark almost black. So I took him off of that and I decided to start cooking for him because my mom had him for a week and she cooked for him and his creases really cleared up... I now make him either chicken or beef with veggies/fruits with some kibble (taste of the Wild). He loves it, the stains are gone and I felt he was better until a few days ago, his folds along his nose are really raw and red, his nose is extra dry, his skin around his face is more pink than usual and he recently got a double ear infection. Iā€™m guessing it is due to allergies, and I am still not doing something right. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Hi there! Have you tested him for allergies? We didn't test ours but we figured out he was allergic to chicken as the kibble he was first on would have him break out in hives. We switched him to Merrick Salmon with Sweet potatoes kibble and he was better but still yeasty. We then switched him to a premade frozen raw food, Primal Lamb formula and he loves it, his coat is so much better and he doesn't get yeasty anymore. Also, use stainless steel bowls for both his food and water and try to give him filtered/bottled water. I hear that giving some of them tap water makes them have bad tear stains. These are just things that I have heard from bulldog owners. Good luck!! [emoji4]

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My baby is pretty much allergic to everything under the sun including herself. What we did was to use The Honest Kitchen Base mix and garbanzo beans for 30 days to flush her system and then begin trying different animal proteins to see what she could handle and what she couldn't. It took us about 9 months but we eventually figured out everything she could and couldn't have along with specific amounts in some cases.
Are you interested in Prey Model Raw?
Hi there! Have you tested him for allergies? We didn't test ours but we figured out he was allergic to chicken as the kibble he was first on would have him break out in hives. We switched him to Merrick Salmon with Sweet potatoes kibble and he was better but still yeasty. We then switched him to a premade frozen raw food, Primal Lamb formula and he loves it, his coat is so much better and he doesn't get yeasty anymore. Also, use stainless steel bowls for both his food and water and try to give him filtered/bottled water. I hear that giving some of them tap water makes them have bad tear stains. These are just things that I have heard from bulldog owners. Good luck!! [emoji4]

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Hi, thank you for the reply. I have not had him tested for allergies. I am going to really take the time to zero in on what it is giving him these allergies. I give him the salmon recipe from Taste of the Wild, its the only one he likes. But I am not opposed to trying other brands. I am also interested in a raw food diet for him, so that is not on my research list. I do give him filtered water, I have since we got him. Lots on my to do list for him LOL
My baby is pretty much allergic to everything under the sun including herself. What we did was to use The Honest Kitchen Base mix and garbanzo beans for 30 days to flush her system and then begin trying different animal proteins to see what she could handle and what she couldn't. It took us about 9 months but we eventually figured out everything she could and couldn't have along with specific amounts in some cases.

I hope to find the resolution soon, I hate seeing him uncomfortable....although he never shows it. I know he is.

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Are you interested in Prey Model Raw?

I am interested in a raw food diet, but I dont know that I am apt to make it on my own. Do you know of a company to buy it from? I am in the Bay Area.
Hi, thank you for the reply. I have not had him tested for allergies. I am going to really take the time to zero in on what it is giving him these allergies. I give him the salmon recipe from Taste of the Wild, its the only one he likes. But I am not opposed to trying other brands. I am also interested in a raw food diet for him, so that is not on my research list. I do give him filtered water, I have since we got him. Lots on my to do list for him LOL

Hi there n WELCOME! Start by removing completely TOTW. Simply stick to home cooking n see if it helps. My white faces I have/had stains till they went on a raw diet. White faces are more prone to rawness as their pigmentations is more sensitive. Clean his folds with fragrance free baby wipes, dry very well n add either a baby diaper rash ointment or I use Bag Balm. Folds needs to be cleaned on daily basis n always dry properly. When I got Jake he had tear stains as he was fed half raw half kibbles. Took about a few weeks simply on a raw diet. If youā€™re still wanting to give some kibbles, go with Acana single protein bags as they add tripe. You can buy raw frozen tripe at your pet shop in the freezer section. Itā€™s green and smelly but thatā€™s the magic to keeping a clean gut flora. Like mention Raw Model Prey is very good too. The raw I buy is all balanced with meat, organs, muscle, bones, blood etc... but yes definitely get a good probiotic going in his diet. Add fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies daily like 2 tablespoon thatā€™s great for any gut even humans...

Hi there n WELCOME! Start by removing completely TOTW. Simply stick to home cooking n see if it helps. My white faces I have/had stains till they went on a raw diet. White faces are more prone to rawness as their pigmentations is more sensitive. Clean his folds with fragrance free baby wipes, dry very well n add either a baby diaper rash ointment or I use Bag Balm. Folds needs to be cleaned on daily basis n always dry properly. When I got Jake he had tear stains as he was fed half raw half kibbles. Took about a few weeks simply on a raw diet. If youā€™re still wanting to give some kibbles, go with Acana single protein bags as they add tripe. You can buy raw frozen tripe at your pet shop in the freezer section. Itā€™s green and smelly but thatā€™s the magic to keeping a clean gut flora. Like mention Raw Model Prey is very good too. The raw I buy is all balanced with meat, organs, muscle, bones, blood etc... but yes definitely get a good probiotic going in his diet. Add fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies daily like 2 tablespoon thatā€™s great for any gut even humans...

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So the only reason I am still giving him kibble is because I thought there was nutrients there that I wouldnt be supplying if I am cooking for him. If I cut out kibble do I have to add any supplements, aside from probiotic?
So the only reason I am still giving him kibble is because I thought there was nutrients there that I wouldn't be supplying if I am cooking for him. If I cut out kibble do I have to add any supplements, aside from probiotic?

So... this is just my opinion okay.

I think of it like this... I raised 2 boys. I cook for them. Do I worry if I'm supplying them all the nutrients they need... yes, yes I do. If I think they're not getting necessary vits and mins I give them a good quality vits and mins supplement (I haven't felt the need to give general multivatimins to my kids because they're not picky eaters and will eat a good variety of whole, natural foods). When they exhibit health concerns (e.g. my youngest kid had multiple allergies when he was younger), I give them supplements specific for that issue (e.g. probiotics, vitamin d, omega-3 that all work together to help my son's gut flora and immune system) until the issue is gone and they can rely on their own bodies and their normal food intake to maintain holistic balance in their system (the ideal natural state). So I don't opt for a pre-made meal to address the insufficient nutrients worry with my kids (e.g. school lunch). And that is because, I want to be able to control what is going into their bodies and can tailor the food - add the foods that they need, remove the foods that are not good for them, etc.

So, TOTW may have tons of stuff that is good for the dog... but it may also have stuff that is not good for the dog. And you can't tailor it to address your dog's specific issues.

Do you need supplements for the dog in addition to home-prepared meal? Depends on the dog. Same as my boys - one boy has different needs than the other. If you're worried your dog is not getting necessary vit and mins, my suggestion is to go with Dinovite for your peace of mind and see if your dog has bad reaction to it (some do).
So... this is just my opinion okay.

I think of it like this... I raised 2 boys. I cook for them. Do I worry if I'm supplying them all the nutrients they need... yes, yes I do. If I think they're not getting necessary vits and mins I give them a good quality vits and mins supplement (I haven't felt the need to give general multivatimins to my kids because they're not picky eaters and will eat a good variety of whole, natural foods). When they exhibit health concerns (e.g. my youngest kid had multiple allergies when he was younger), I give them supplements specific for that issue (e.g. probiotics, vitamin d, omega-3 that all work together to help my son's gut flora and immune system) until the issue is gone and they can rely on their own bodies and their normal food intake to maintain holistic balance in their system (the ideal natural state). So I don't opt for a pre-made meal to address the insufficient nutrients worry with my kids (e.g. school lunch). And that is because, I want to be able to control what is going into their bodies and can tailor the food - add the foods that they need, remove the foods that are not good for them, etc.

So, TOTW may have tons of stuff that is good for the dog... but it may also have stuff that is not good for the dog. And you can't tailor it to address your dog's specific issues.

Do you need supplements for the dog in addition to home-prepared meal? Depends on the dog. Same as my boys - one boy has different needs than the other. If you're worried your dog is not getting necessary vit and mins, my suggestion is to go with Dinovite for your peace of mind and see if your dog has bad reaction to it (some do).

Thank you SO much. I truly appreciate your feedback. I like your style and I think I am going to take on this approach. I am going to cut out TOTW because although his allergies are getting better, they are lingering and the one thing I havent cut out is TOTW. To be continued.....

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Thank you all for the input! I truly appreciate it. :):)
Thank you SO much. I truly appreciate your feedback. I like your style and I think I am going to take on this approach. I am going to cut out TOTW because although his allergies are getting better, they are lingering and the one thing I havent cut out is TOTW. To be continued.....

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Thank you all for the input! I truly appreciate it. :):)

Small batch commercial raw frozen raw patties. I have had no issues, I reap the benefits and it has been good for Max.
So the only reason I am still giving him kibble is because I thought there was nutrients there that I wouldnt be supplying if I am cooking for him. If I cut out kibble do I have to add any supplements, aside from probiotic?
[MENTION=2874]anatess[/MENTION] gave you great info. When I was cooking for Nyala my brindles as a pup she had crystals coming n going n this vet tech kept pushing for her Royal Canin which was out of the question. Got fed up n I ended up cooking. The only supplement I gave her every other day only was a Centrum multi vitamin the regular ones not for 50yrs n over etc... took a weekish all crystals disappeared. Months later she went on Acana but I topped it with raw organs n heart,. Her lunch snack was tripe. She flourished, beautiful skin, shiny coat, active... then I got another puppy a yr later. Duke..(long story sadly he pass cause of vet) He had skin issues losing patches of fur, scabs n had no clue why he was perfect when I got him back when. Any how thatā€™s when I decided both will go on raw. Every disappear within a few weeks. To this day my all dogs stayed on raw. Raw basically has all the vitamins a dog needs. Why itā€™s important NOT to just give like out of the grocery a pice of chicken or steak n think itā€™s fine as itā€™s not. A balanced ratio needs to be in each meals. But if itā€™s home cooking, dont over cook everything. Leave the veggies with a bit of a crunch.

Btw, I would boil a massive turkey for 8-10hrs, remove skin n fat once done, KEEP the broth as itā€™s the broth that has ALL your vitamins a dog needs even humans. Both is your key!! I always topped their meals with the broth. I would put the portions in ziploc bags n always on hand as we say. Cooked once a month wasnā€™t that bad.

I personally find TOTW has/had too many recalls. A lot of dog food companies are contracted out n thatā€™s where the cross contamination kicks in.. Iā€™m in the food industry n I see way too many times what dogs in them kibbles. Not good. Very convenient for sure. Why we also tell our members to stick to a grain free kibble n I tell them at least add a raw topper, fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies.. :)
[MENTION=2874]anatess[/MENTION] gave you great info. When I was cooking for Nyala my brindles as a pup she had crystals coming n going n this vet tech kept pushing for her Royal Canin which was out of the question. Got fed up n I ended up cooking. The only supplement I gave her every other day only was a Centrum multi vitamin the regular ones not for 50yrs n over etc... took a weekish all crystals disappeared. Months later she went on Acana but I topped it with raw organs n heart,. Her lunch snack was tripe. She flourished, beautiful skin, shiny coat, active... then I got another puppy a yr later. Duke..(long story sadly he pass cause of vet) He had skin issues losing patches of fur, scabs n had no clue why he was perfect when I got him back when. Any how thatā€™s when I decided both will go on raw. Every disappear within a few weeks. To this day my all dogs stayed on raw. Raw basically has all the vitamins a dog needs. Why itā€™s important NOT to just give like out of the grocery a pice of chicken or steak n think itā€™s fine as itā€™s not. A balanced ratio needs to be in each meals. But if itā€™s home cooking, dont over cook everything. Leave the veggies with a bit of a crunch.

Btw, I would boil a massive turkey for 8-10hrs, remove skin n fat once done, KEEP the broth as itā€™s the broth that has ALL your vitamins a dog needs even humans. Both is your key!! I always topped their meals with the broth. I would put the portions in ziploc bags n always on hand as we say. Cooked once a month wasnā€™t that bad.

I personally find TOTW has/had too many recalls. A lot of dog food companies are contracted out n thatā€™s where the cross contamination kicks in.. Iā€™m in the food industry n I see way too many times what dogs in them kibbles. Not good. Very convenient for sure. Why we also tell our members to stick to a grain free kibble n I tell them at least add a raw topper, fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies.. :)

Thank you for all the information. I cut out kibble as of yesterday. I ordered him probiotic and I have sauerkraut at home (because I eat it all the time) that I will be sharing with him.

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