What Causes This Reddish Brown Discoloration

This one Iā€™m getting, has other flavors and no legume

Homestead Turkey & Ancient Grains Dry Dog Food​

I think you misunderstood my post. Youā€™re talking about open farm, which is what she is on.
Thank you for the reply. Kingdom has been on so many types and variations of food that Iā€™m starting to wonder if itā€™s allergy related not connected with food. We used to cook for him and here is an example of what we would feed him, cooked beef or turkey as the protein, add chicken liver from Whole Foods, add peas, carrots and broccoli add fresh sauerkraut and blueberries. I would also add hemp seeds and omega 3 oil and the stains would still be there. Another EB owner in my area told me it could be his saliva and it come from him drinking water and water dripping down his chin and it being wet that yeast is building up. If this is the case I donā€™t even know how to start to prevent this because itā€™s impossible to wipe his chin/mouth every time he drink. Weā€™re not even around him a lot of the times when he drink his water because we keep fresh water out for her 24/7. Iā€™ve tried every cream and wipe on Amazon and Chewy and nothing seems to help longterm. If this is possibly not a food allergy what steps do you recommend I can do outside of his food to fix this? If it is an overgrowth of yeast or bacteria on his body/paws at this point do I need a vets help or is there possibly something natural I can do? Someone mentioned apple cider vinegar. Wondering if any other EB owners with this issue has had success with this. Thanks again for any and all tips. Iā€™m willing to try anything at this point.
I have used apple cider vinegar to clear up yeast infections in my EBs wrinkles. It works! Just donā€™t get it too close to the eyes. I use a product called wrinkle wipes that inhibits yeast infection and tear stains under the eyes and they also have a wrinkle cream that I use thatā€™s white as my English bulldog is white, it keeps the discoloration at Bay. I noticed she gets it if she eats chicken which sheā€™s allergic to or if she has a bacterial infection which I can tell because her eyes and nose water and sheā€™ll sneeze. I also use a product called INV, which is a tear stain remover solution. Itā€™s non-irritating and natural and it really works for discoloration, but I try to use preventatives before I have to use that.
I have used apple cider vinegar to clear up yeast infections in my EBs wrinkles. It works! Just donā€™t get it too close to the eyes. I use a product called wrinkle wipes that inhibits yeast infection and tear stains under the eyes and they also have a wrinkle cream that I use thatā€™s white as my English bulldog is white, it keeps the discoloration at Bay. I noticed she gets it if she eats chicken which sheā€™s allergic to or if she has a bacterial infection which I can tell because her eyes and nose water and sheā€™ll sneeze. I also use a product called INV, which is a tear stain remover solution. Itā€™s non-irritating and natural and it really works for discoloration, but I try to use preventatives before I have to use that.
I meant to say Eye Envy, not INV.
Have any issues with the product overall?
I have been feeding Open Farm with Ancient Grains for just over 5 years now and have never had any issues with it. I currently have 3 dogs eating it and all do well...good poops and no tear stains.

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