Ftse 100

Bully lov'in wonder from down under
Mar 25, 2012
Qld Australia
Bulldog(s) Names
Pip is a very special guy and he will need a very special home. He has multiple problems that will need a family who is willing to work with him. In addition to the normal Bulldog problems like yeast and allergies, he has malformed front legs that cause him to stand on his forelegs rather than his feet. He can walk but only for short distances. The shelter estimates he is about four to five years old. He was turned in as a stray. Now for the good news. He is the sweetest, most loving dog and so grateful for human attention and touch. We will be working on his allergies, his infected ears and skin—these are all treatable with medicine and proper food. He will need to be neutered as soon as the vet determines that he is healthy enough for surgery. He will need a home with a very patient family and one with no steps as negotiating steps is very difficult for him. We would love to find a foster home for him that could turn into his permanent home.
Default Interested in Adopting from Smokey Mountains Bulldog Rescue?


Wanna Adopt?

Please view the adoption process and fill out an application at their website ---> smbcarn.org

To view more available English Bulldogs from this rescue, click this link ---> Smokey Mountains Bulldog Rescue

Please let them know you found them on English Bulldog News!
I'm absolutely in love with Pip. I would like to adopt her. Her physical problems are no worries for me as I have had english bulldogs in the past. My husband is a retired medical doctor and we are both home all day. I currently have one small dog which is a rescue, who is the sweetest dog ever. Please respond as soon as possible.
Hi [MENTION=14346]tflip34[/MENTION], it's me again :) Please follow this link and fill out an adoption form, this bulldog is with Smokey Mountains Bulldog Club, we're just net working:)

Smoky Mountain Bulldog Club

The adoption form is under the rescue tab :)

Pip is adorable <3
tflip34 that is wonderful, I keep my fingers crossed for sweet little Pip and you:2thumbs::drawheart2:
I fell in love with pip whats the latest update on pip would love to know
I fell in love with pip whats the latest update on pip would love to know

In checking the Smokey Mountain Rescue website... it looks like she has been adopted as I could not find any info on her.

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