
Well-known member
Feb 20, 2014
United States
Bulldog(s) Names

I took Chubby to his appointment because he needed some antibiotics for his itchy ears and agreed to get a nail trim after I was asked if I wanted to get his nails clipped by the receptionist. My appointment started at 11:30am. Due to Covid-19 I had to drop him off which I never did before. So I proceeded to look for toys for him purchase them and then came back to the waiting area to wait for my baby. I never leave him anywhere. At 1:30pm the receptionist came to me and asked if I was going to wait for Chubby they had a couple emergencies and it was going to take longer than expected. I was initially going to wait but they said they would call me back at 3:00pm so I could come pick him up. I reluctantly agreed and went home waiting for them to call me back. I did not get a call at 3:00pm as promised. I called to check on him at 3:04pm it went straight to voice mail. I then called back at 3:21pm and talked to someone who said that they were still working on him. Against my better judgement and everything being different because of the Coronavirus I agreed on waiting for a call. At 4:52pm a lady with an English accent called from a different phone number then the Banfield phone number telling me they were still working on my baby at 5:45pm. I think I was in denial about what was really going on because I never left him anywhere for this long. And I didn't question anything at all. I showed up to petsmart right before they closed went straight up to the counter to pay and get my baby. I missed him so much. They said they were getting him ready it will be a few. So of course I went to buy him another toy even though my husband said he didn't need anymore toys. I purchased my baby's toy and went back to get my baby. I got back there the receptionist handed me Chubby's medication and then asked me to go to the back room where they usually go over what treatment and when they want you to do a follow up. I went to the room and a few minutes later a vet tech came in and said I'm sorry to let you know Chubby has passed away. I instantly collapsed from disbelief. I got up and demanded to see my baby. I went to the back to see my baby and a different vet tech was doing chest compressions on my baby. Excuse my language but I asked her what the hell she was doing giving my baby chest compressions if he was already dead...once again so fucking confused. I grabbed my baby in my arms begged him to come back to me. Screamed at him to tell him I can't live without him. I screamed at the Veterinarian asking what she did that killed my baby. She proceeded to tell me while I was getting Chubby's toy she came to get me. I wasn't there to get Chubby and he died within the time I arrived to when I came back to the counter approx. 10 mins...I freaked out and said I was here you were supposed to call me. I proceeded to hug and kiss my baby begging him to come back to me. I realized I needed to call my husband. I grabbed my phone called him and screamed Chubby is dead. Come here right now...They killed Chubby. I Went back to hugging and begging Chubby to come back to me. Later, my husband and mother in law arrived demanding answers. My husband came and gave Chubby some lovin. My Mother in law demanded answers. Anyhow, they then went on to offer to pay for a necropsy and cremation. Even though they said he died 10 minutes ago. I didn't want to leave Chubby at the pet Hospital but my husband said that we needed to go. I didn't realize until thinking about it later that they were stalling because they didn't want my reaction to them telling me my baby was dead was going to cause problems with their customers. In the coming days they told us they found a place to do both crematory and necropsy then it changed to they couldn't do a necropsy but only a cremation! We explained that wasn't acceptable and so they said they'd look elsewhere. They did the same thing 3 more times until we told them we had to get one ourselves. They then magically found one & we are awaiting results. Please pray that we get Chubby's remains back soon. I have never felt pain so excruciating. My baby was a daily therapy for me. I got home from work and my evening revolved around snuzzling with my Chubby boy. As soon as I got home he would follow me around the house for the rest of the night and I didn't mind. My whole life revolved around Chubby. I woke up he was snuzzling me all night. Daddy snuzzled him all day because he works from home. I would get home from work and it would be Momma time. I literally couldn't sleep for days because my baby's snoring was my lullaby and his body was my comfort. He did everything to make me feel at ease. A true therapy doggie he eased my pain mentally and physically. Chubby gave me uncomfortable love and I am horrified that his last hours, minutes, seconds I wasn't there to console him at his time of need while he was being neglected at Banfield Pet Hospital by the staff that left him in a crate upset, worked up and desperate for attention while he was slowly dying. My heart aches knowing he was alone suffering before he passed away. I regret that I didn't ask more questions. Trust my intuition and my gut feeling. My baby died being neglected by staff at Banfield Pet Hospital...please don't put your baby in danger. Don't trust Banfield Pet Hospital. Ask questions to any Veterinarian that is treating your pet. You know him better than anyone else. I wish I would have made different decisions on that day but nothing I do will bring my beloved Chubby Valentine back to me...I'm trying to spread awareness so other pet parents don't suffer the I am currently suffering...Thank you for reading until the end...Share this with all of your friend's and family...#justiceforchubby
This is horrific.... so incredibly sorry this has happened. Chubby was a handsome wonderful boy.

Rest In Peace

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We are so sorry to hear this. Please accept our condolences.
This is a horrible situation and my heart and prayers go out to you and your family.. I’m so so very sorry. [emoji3590]

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this hurts at the horror for you. Im so sorry and wish things wernt so :( Bless your heart for all the love he received from you. prayers for healing.
I am so very sorry and I am in shock. I loved seeing posts about Chubby, he had the most wonderful face. This is horrendous and I even though it can't bring Chubby back, I hope you find answers. How on earth does a dog die that is in for a nail trim and antibiotics. RIP Chubby. :angelheart:
I am so beyond sorry for this pain you are in. I'm furious on your behalf. I hate bad medical treatment. There is no reason to this. If they were all of a sudden slammed with emergencies, fine. Reschedule. I so feel you about not asking more questions or demanding better answers. I am trusting like that too. I'm so sorry. Give them hell.
Firstly...I'm very sorry for your loss of your handsome Chubby. There's no words I can come up with that will ease any of your pain.

Thank you for taking the time to tell your story and "spread awareness".
Banfield is the epitome of Corporate Vet Medicine...most are located in Petsmart. One would think and even Banfield can do a nail trim without killing someone's pet but it would seem that they have now found a way to do just that.
Based on what I've read, most of the deaths are a result of falling off a table when staff leaves a dog unattended, even for just a second or 2(I've seen groomers do this many times)...or when left in a drying kennel too long after a bath. We all know that Bulldogs do not tolerate that heat well and most are pretty stressed after a bath. Staff at the these corporate entities are not properly trained. It's a recipe for disaster.
We love you, Chubby...may you rest in peace...
Again I’m so so sorry. I went through somewhat a situation like yours last year. Come pick up your dog n he’s gone. Very hard to accept. He will be missed. R.I.P. Chubby.

I'm just now reading this... first of all I want you to know how very sorry I am about Chubby!!! My sincerest condolences to you and your family...

I had this happen to me years ago, after a routine surgery went horribly wrong... the shock that I went thru was indescribable. It was still to this day one of the worst moments of my life... and some of the members here at EBN helped get me thru it. I would demand that they explain to you exactly what happened to Chubby, and I would also let social media know what happened. This is inexcusable to say the least, regardless of COVID19 they should've informed you that your dog was in distress.
OMG I am crying, I am soooo sorry for your loss!
I couldn’t help shed tears reading your story. I understand your pain and loss. This is horrible! Please get them investigated hire an attorney. They have no compassion at Banfield , I read so many horror stories about them . I am even shocked they are still around.

I pray Chubby gets justice and close down this pet hospital for good!

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