Lost our bulldog Moose today


Dec 22, 2017
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi all. It's been a long time since we posted here - we've been raising two human babies. Sorry if this isn't the right forum.

Our Moose passed away unexpectedly this morning at the age of 6. I can't even process it yet or comprehend what happened. But I am also hard on myself thinking I could have done somethin and our breeder is saying we should sue the ER Vet for malpractice.

Last night when I got home from work Moose didn't pay much attention to me. He was just sitting in the living room and just eyes closed...this happens from time to time. So i didn't think anything of it. At bedtime I took him out...he was lethargic but went out. He didn't want to eat dinner. I tried hand feeding and he didn't take any kibbles unless I shoved some in his mouth. Again this was normal of him and sometimes he would skip a meal so I figured he is just tired and will be back to his normal self the next day.

4:30 am we wake up and come downstairs and see him worked up. Obviously his life has changed since we had two little ones and at night we have him essentially in a big mud room that looks into our kitchen and living area with a gate. Last few months ocasionally in the night he'd ram at the gate like a bull and knock it down. This time looked like he had wanted to come out but instead of ramming he was eating at the bars. He worked himself up, and he was the type of bulldog that would work up at the smallest things. There could be a new dog at our house visiting and he woudn't know how to control himself and stop havy panting. We opeend the door (cold outside), cold compress, a little rubbing alcohol on his temple (breeder suggested) and he essentially came to himself. He however wouldn't lay down and was sleeping standing. 5:30 am we went up cuz the babies woke up.

7:15 we come downstairs - he's not heavy breathing or panting but we could tell he's not himself. He's standing leaning with his butt on the couch. So we rush him to ER. Explain the situation, they triage and bring him in the back. An hour later he passed away.

They suspected he had aspiration pneumonia and they hooked an IV, gave a mild sedative and were planning to do blood work and x-rays. He said at first his gums were purple but following light sedative he had calmed down. He was in an oxygen tank. 15 mins later they come and tell us that Moose had gone purple and they intubated him, the say it was laryngeal paralysis. When they intuabted him they said he had a really elongated soft palate, swollen and the larynx collapsed. 5 minutes after they checked on him he died.

I just cant comprehed how this can happen so suddenly. Healthy guy for a bully, no major surgeries. We knew he had soft palate, but decided against surgey a few years ago. Our breeder was furious saying they should have immediately given him steroids to open up his airway.

We don't know what to think...at this point we don't even care...all we want is our little guy back :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
I should also add Moose was at the Vet last 8 weeks every 2 weeks. He had an ear infection and skin allergy. He was last seen by a vet 11/10 and he was supposed to go tomorrow. No one ever said anything was wrong with him
What a horrible ordeal…. So very sorry for your loss and so many questions about it. Sending you all hugs and prayers.

rest well sweet Moose!
I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much we love them. They are our children,too. It seems to me that if he had an
elongated soft palate, you would have known, with so many vet visits...or he would have had symptoms. I would go talk to the Vet that you/he was seeing every two weeks if not the same one, just to get some answers. It is so sad, and I worry every day about mine. They are so special.

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