Joe thinks he is funny...NOT!


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
I am feeding my addiction on this site and so mad over the poison control center for dogs charging $65.00 to answer a question...and Joe starts telling me a story from work today.

He is telling me about a women he had to deal with (he is an engineer) and she was not understanding what he was trying to say, in the mean time I am on this site and keep looking over at him like I am interested......He busted out laughing.....I looked at him :confused: He ask did you even hear what I said???

I answered "Yes baby" she did not understand you, (I don't half the time either) and it made him laugh I am he was telling me the story and I am really not listening.....he said he ended up having sex with her :LMAO:....I didn't even hear that part because I am on this site!!!!

Oh my husband he is a funny one!!!
Whaaat!? I would force him to stay in a room for the night with Vegas and let his stinky mouth be filled with stinky farts. :eek::whistle:
I am with you [MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION], it is hard to listen to Terri's work stories when on EBN, I just have my PRIORITIES!
LOL This sounds all too familiar....
Chris switches off when I pick up my Ipad he knows theres no point :)
I do not multitask well.:whistle: Interpretation: I cant read and listen at the same time. He who should know better is always forgetting that.:*( He also forgets I can't hear him from another room in the house.:crazy:
[MENTION=983]LariP[/MENTION], we have cathedral ceilings and I can not hear Joe either when he is in another room, I can not be on this site and listen... probably because I don't want to :LMAO:
Sorry...that sounds like something I would do...actually...have done. Bawahahahahahahahahahaha :LMAO: good one Joe!
LMAO. this site certainly gets me in trouble when I am on it...

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