Help Needed! Allergies are driving my bulldog crazy!!


New member
Nov 27, 2020
USA, Colorado
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello and thank you in advance for your help! I am new to the group. I am also a new bulldog Mom! I am not sure where to start or how to help my dog :( He is 2 years old, I have had him for 6 weeks. He is a pure bred grand champion, I purchased him from a local breeder. The breeder had him on a salmon and rice purina food. Armando was congested and had a runny nose from day 1. He did have a history of having yeast infections and a paw cyst. His groomer mentioned about a week ago that his paws were really red between the toes and in the pads. She said he smelled like he was getting an ear infection or had one. Prior to I had noticed that he was rubbing himself on his cage and on the furniture. I did not think much of it being a new dog owner. I have been checking in on the red areas and smelling his ears, watching him carefully realizing he needs some support! I contacted a natural pet food store a week ago and she recommended to start 100% on white fish kibble and treats with probiotic sprinkles in addition to a slow feeder. The symptoms have continued and his paw cyst has grown and ruptured. The natural food pet food store wants to start him on a kangaroo kibble. She mentioned that he may need an allergy shot. At this point I am not sure how to help him or where to start. My approach with health care is approach it organically from the root of the problem. Can anyone offer suggestions or advice?
Hello and thank you in advance for your help! I am new to the group. I am also a new bulldog Mom! I am not sure where to start or how to help my dog :( He is 2 years old, I have had him for 6 weeks. He is a pure bred grand champion, I purchased him from a local breeder. The breeder had him on a salmon and rice purina food. Armando was congested and had a runny nose from day 1. He did have a history of having yeast infections and a paw cyst. His groomer mentioned about a week ago that his paws were really red between the toes and in the pads. She said he smelled like he was getting an ear infection or had one. Prior to I had noticed that he was rubbing himself on his cage and on the furniture. I did not think much of it being a new dog owner. I have been checking in on the red areas and smelling his ears, watching him carefully realizing he needs some support! I contacted a natural pet food store a week ago and she recommended to start 100% on white fish kibble and treats with probiotic sprinkles in addition to a slow feeder. The symptoms have continued and his paw cyst has grown and ruptured. The natural food pet food store wants to start him on a kangaroo kibble. She mentioned that he may need an allergy shot. At this point I am not sure how to help him or where to start. My approach with health care is approach it organically from the root of the problem. Can anyone offer suggestions or advice?[/QUOTE

Anything thatā€™s made from Purina, Royal Canin, Science Hill are all kibbles you will end up at the vet trying all sorts. Start over... if you can feed a raw diet you will eliminate practically everything. If itā€™s kibbles go with Acana, read the link attached. The cyst from what Iā€™m reading sounds like indigital cyst. Lots of webfeet dogs will get them. I used NuStock or bag balm. You can also soak the paws in epsom salt. They will burst n dry up. All about food :yes:
Welcome to EBN!

Yes, get off grains and leave Purina behind, not good food.

Raw is best but if you are not wanting to feed raw... here are a few to research but avoid chicken and grains as they tend to cause allergies/issues. Try duck, kangaroo, Turkey, goat.. novel protein have less allergy reaction

Earthborn Holistic
[MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION] has had great results with Taste of the wild but not sure which

Good luck and keep us posted on how he is doing

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I feed Taste of the Wild Pacific Salmon. Yogurt before bed, and NuPro Joint and Immune support.

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