Help Needed! Bully does not eat much and low energy what to do


New member
Dec 8, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
Good day everyone,

I am new to this forum and I am also a new english bulldog owner. My puppy is 13 weeks old and I got him a week ago. When I first got him the woman told me that she was feeding him Royal Canin. Since I know it is not good food I decidee to switch him to nutrience (chicken, turkey) I tried slowly decreasing RC and increasing Nutrience and as soon as I completley started feeding him the new food he stoped eating. If I really encourage him he will eat a little but not finish his portions. Every time he ate, his stomach would make crazy noises and he seems upset, as in sad. I decided to change food and get him fromm (beef and lamb) to see whats happening but it seems his tummy does not emjoy any of the two foods and both have been highly recomended. I am a little worried, i know he is still young but I have seen puppies his age being quite active, mine barley. He does not run, jump nothing and I believe its due to the pain caused by the food. The first couple of days he was low on emergy i thought it was because he just changed environement but its been 8 days and he is still mostly sleeping and very slowly walking.

I apologise for the long message but I am just worried and would like to know if somebody else had issues like me.

Thanks in advance
I hope there is nothing wrong with that little fellas stomach. Especially if he's not eating well. I would highly suggest you take him to a vet and get a professional opinion of what may be wrong. It would be sad if there was something seriously wrong with him. He is still a pup and just might be taking longer than usual to get comfortable with his new surroundings. Please keep us informed on his progress.
I agree... I would have a vet do a thorough check on him just to make sure there is nothing physically going wrong. Changing foods quickly can also add stomach upset... maybe try a bland diet for awhile until his stomach returns to normal. I get ground sirloin and mix that w/plain rice whenever my pups have a stomach issue.
I brought him to the Vet yesterday before writing to you guys and the Vet told me everything was fine. His vitals are good and his poop ( don`t know the more polite way of saying it) are all good. This morning I fed him hid Fromm food and he ate a bite in the bowl and then finished everything from my hand. The doc did tell me to use pro biotics to help with his stomach. We shall see :)
I brought him to the Vet yesterday before writing to you guys and the Vet told me everything was fine. His vitals are good and his poop ( don`t know the more polite way of saying it) are all good. This morning I fed him hid Fromm food and he ate a bite in the bowl and then finished everything from my hand. The doc did tell me to use pro biotics to help with his stomach. We shall see :)

my little guy does this at times, change the bowl ... like use a flat dish or just a different bowl.... it works when Cheli is being picky
my little guy does this at times, change the bowl ... like use a flat dish or just a different bowl.... it works when Cheli is being picky

Thankk youu ! I think I figured it out. Since I changed his food to the "FROMM" brand and switched to red meat instead of chicken he eats everything amd wamts moree! He became quite active as well ! We lovee him!!

Thanks to all of you again great community!

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