Worried Mom of Tucker, Please advise

Mom of Tucker

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Jun 22, 2015
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Sophie (2015), Jasper (2020), Tucker (2015-2020)
Tucker is sick with stomach issues, and I am a nervous wreck! It started yesterday morning when he sat in the other room while I prepared their morning meal. I sat his bowl down, and he did not immediately go to it. He eventually forced himself to eat it. Sophie is always ready to eat, but she only ate half of her food. Fortunately, she has had no other symptoms. Tucker, however, threw up his breakfast about an hour and a half later. He drank some water a little later, and then threw up his supper from the night before. Tucker also pooped three times, instead of his usual one time in the morning. He was a little more sluggish than usual, but nothing obvious. For his evening meal, I fed him pumpkin, rice and a raw egg. He is allergic to chicken, so I thought the egg would be good protein. Well, about an hour and a half later, he spit up some liquid with a bit of rice. This morning, I fed him more pumpkin and rice, with beef broth. On the ride in to work, he threw up again. When we got to work, he pooped diahrea, and stayed stooped over for a long time. He then walked a few feet and put his butt on the ground, not dragging it, but acting like he was trying to get something out. He then stooped over again, but nothing came out. He is now just resting, nothing too unusual.

I have made an appointment for the local vet at 1:30, but I have no confidence in them. Should I ask for an x-ray or what? The vet I prefer is an hour and a half away, and they close before I could get there today. Please let me know what I can do for my boy. Thanks!


Norwegian Rose
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Oct 8, 2012
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Hi Ginger, did Tucker maybe eat something you don't know about? I have gone through this with Dozer whenever he has eaten a sock. He throws up, he gets diarrhea, sometimes he's lethargic, but most of the time he will have diarrhea once or twice, and then he will be fine and eat and drink like normal, and after a week, sometimes more, he will either throw up a sock or poop it out. When he swallows things, I just watch him, and check his poop everyday to see if he passes it. I watch out for signs of obstruction like vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy or drooling water from the mouth. If he is acting normal, he might just pass it on his own, but if he seems lethargic then it's a good idea to take him to the vet and have him checked out. There's only one time when Dozer got sick from eating a sock, the vet felt his stomach and could feel a mass in his stomach, but we didn't know what he had swallowed, she did an X-ray, but materials won't show, but it did show a shadow that something was there. She gave him IV fluids, and some pain medications, and she sent him home with a high fibre food which we gave him a Tbsp. every hour or two, to help move his bowels. Later that night he pooped out the sock. I hope Tucker is okay. Please keep us posted.


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First, I am glad you are going to the vet to get Tucker checked out. I noticed in another post something about steak bones....well Saturday is usually steak night at the house. I use to give Jewel and Bentley a little. Bentley handled the steak well; however, Jewel does not handle the steak as she would get real slow and bordering on lethargic and would not eat at all. Well one time she started puking and bile would come up (yellowish and frothy). We took her to the vet and her liver enzymes were up on a Saturday. We were given and anti-emetic and told us to come back is here symptoms did not clear up. She was good on Sunday and ate not her usual meals. Monday my wife got home and Jewel puked the yellow and frothy crap again and she took her straight to the vet. Here enzymes were up higher and the vet referred to a 24 hour facility. Well it turned out she had pancreatitis. Jewel was in the hospital 4 days and 3 nights. We were told that the fat in food causes this. So now, Jewel is on a low-fat diet (I wish Fromm would make a low-fat diet (i.e. less that 10% fat). So it turns out that dad was giving my girl too much fat and that is what made her sick.

As I said earlier...I am glad you are going to the vet. I hope it is something very acute and treatable at home than being placed in the hospital. I am not a vet and I can only explain what my wife and I have experienced with our kids. We have Tucker in thoughts and prayers and sending you positive vibes so he will be OK. --rj
Mom of Tucker

Mom of Tucker

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Jun 22, 2015
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[MENTION=6311]Vikinggirl[/MENTION], he very well could have gotten something I don't know about. The night before last, I was in the kitchen most of the night, baking some items for a Relay for Life bake sale. He and Sophie played the whole time, and there were a few times I looked up and had to take some things away from Sophie. I don't know where they get stuff! My son does leave socks laying around the house, but Tucker has never shown an interest in them. My mother has a Boxer who has had to have at least 2 surgeries to remove a sock! Her Boxer also ate a pair of her panties, but pooped them out, lol!

Tucker and Sophie are worse than a baby! I need to get them a playpen for when I can't keep my eyes glued to them.

I will let you know what the vet says this afternoon.

Thanks for your input.
Mom of Tucker

Mom of Tucker

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Jun 22, 2015
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[MENTION=11639]rjisaterp[/MENTION], I saw the same thread on steak bones, but fortunately I have not given any to Tucker, and nothing new either. I've noticed he can suck up small items quicker than I can even see. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts.

How old is Jewel? I have heard that coconut oil can possibly cause pancreatitis. Have you ever fed her that? Poor girl isn't going to be able to enjoy the good things in life! I'm sure you will find something suitable to spoil her with, though!


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
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Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
Good Idea going to the vet. If nothing shows on xray, perhaps buy another bag of food. There could be something wrong with the one you are using now.


Pooper scooper
Nov 5, 2012
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agreed on going to the vet and yes on the x-ray!! I hope and pray everything turns out ok and it's just a stomach bug. These babies keep us on our toes.
Mom of Tucker

Mom of Tucker

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Good Idea going to the vet. If nothing shows on xray, perhaps buy another bag of food. There could be something wrong with the one you are using now.

That is an interesting point, as the bag is fairly new. However, Sophie is eating the same thing, and she has no issues. I have also noticed, or so it seemed, that the size of the kibble in the TOTW puppy food has appeared different from one bag to the next. You could be right!


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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I agree w/the gang… he could very well have picked up a stomach bug. Have you noticed any mushrooms in your backyard?!! With all this rain I have been picking them up daily in our yard...


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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I so hope he is doing better and it is a stomach bug..... please let us know how it goes at the vet
Mom of Tucker

Mom of Tucker

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Jun 22, 2015
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Sophie (2015), Jasper (2020), Tucker (2015-2020)
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Good news! I took him to the vet, and it looks like it is just some sort of stomach bug. I did ask hi to do an X-ray, and there was nothing that appeared to be an obstruction. The vet said that his stomach lining looked thick, which would indicate a bug. Tucker got some sort of shot that is swollen up on his neck. The vet also sent him home with meds SMZ-TMP (?) and sucralfate, to take twice daily starting tomorrow. He also said not to feed Tucker tonight, but tomorrow give him a can of Hills Rx Diet Digestive Care i/d for both meals.

What are your thoughts on the food? Any better suggestion to restart his meals?


Pooper scooper
Nov 5, 2012
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That's great it's not an obstruction or anything really super bad. I think you can do the bland diet to start him back on food. Really good news :)


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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I would just do bland diet if you did not but the Hills.... Happy it is not an obstruction


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@rjisaterp, I saw the same thread on steak bones, but fortunately I have not given any to Tucker, and nothing new either. I've noticed he can suck up small items quicker than I can even see. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts.

How old is Jewel? I have heard that coconut oil can possibly cause pancreatitis. Have you ever fed her that? Poor girl isn't going to be able to enjoy the good things in life! I'm sure you will find something suitable to spoil her with, though!

Jewel is now 2 1/2 years old. Yes I did give Jewel coconut oil as well as a small piece of cheese and little lunch meat because she supervises me making my lunch. She was on Fromm's food which contains 18% fat and we did the coconut oil...also got a little steak on steak night. And every now and then she got some fried egg on Sunday mornings. It all added up and took a toll on our girl. So now, all of that is cut out. As far as treats...Fromm makes treats that contains 5% fat (Liver and Cranberry) and our vet is good with that. Her food is Royal Canin Gastrointestinal which I add poached chicken breast to cut out the mundane. I also give her Nu-Vet vitamin supplement every couple of days because it has liver in it...I do not know how much fat there. We are ever so careful now because I almost killed her. I did a thread last year in November under Health topic.

I notice what you and @Vikinggirl discussed. Our fur kids are little vacuum cleaners. Last year, our Bentley got an acorn and he came down with the worst case of gastritis. The poor guy could not hold it and he had projectile water hose poop. I ended up taking the day off from work to stay home with the kids (Jewel and Bentley) and monitor Bentley. When I took him out in the morning (it was still dark) he tried to go and it was all air...that fart was so loud I swear he woke up some neighbors as their lights came on...maybe coincidence. That toot made the bean and fart scene in Blazing Saddles look like Bambi and Godzilla when comparing the scene to Bentley's thunderous evacuation of air. Gosh I felt so sorry for my little guy but I kind of had to laugh because the loudness of his passing gas was not expected. LOL. Needless-to-say, we try to watch Jewel and Bentley like hawks when they are outside and they are never outside unattended just for that reason.

I am glad to hear that it is not an obstruction and is only a stomach bug?

How is Tucker doing this morning?


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
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Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
Great news, no obstruction!! I wuld also give bland diet for 1 week then slowly resume normal food. I boil sirlion and mix it with white rice. Just remember to feed 3 times a day with the bland diet because there aren't any fillers to fill their little tummies and they get hungry. I give 3/4 cup 3x a day.

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