Hives from heat cycle or…?


Well-known member
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Jan 9, 2022
united states
Bulldog(s) Names
millie vanilly CGC TKN FITB, GCH beth anne CGC TKN FITB (guest member)
Millie has been in heat for a little over two weeks now and she started having hives in full force yesterday morning. I think they may have been around a bit longer, anyone wanna help me diagnose?:

Starting a week before she was showing signs of heat, she started having liquid firehose explosion butt. This happened almost exactly one month ago, lasted four days and stopped as if nothing had happened. Back then we had been in a car accident a week earlier (hooray for life saving crates) so I figured it was stress. Stool sample back then and now both negative. Since this seemed like the same thing as last month, we tried all the normal solutions: fast; boiled chicken and rice/pumpkin; Diagel… after a week the vet convinced me to try Metronidazole 250mg. 24 hours on the Metronidazole fixed the problem. Another 24 hours after that, Millie started her first heat. Once the metronidazole completed (4ish days into heat) her stool went soft, not firehose liquid but not solid at all.

Last Saturday we noticed a large hotspot on Millie’s neck. And another in her ear. Neck was about the size of a silver dollar, it came out of nowhere. They were both fully inflamed and crusting on the edges. I treated the hotspots with gauze soaked in chlorhexidine and applied a small amount of Neo-predef after drying. They dried up and started healing by the next day. Over the following days I noticed other small hotspots appearing and then going away - nothing became bad enough for treatment (just raised bump here and there). Millie has had a hot spot or two the majority of her life with us (8 months now, vet hasn't had anything to say about it) - so at first I thought this is just what we deal with with her, but yesterday this progressed to what was obviously hives. Interestingly the hives are only showing up on her back and legs, not her stomach or face.

Through these last few weeks Millie hasn’t seemed any different than normal. She’s eating and drinking just fine. She’s not shown signs of dehydration. She’s energetic.

So, recent changes…
  • She's in heat, and this is new. Has anyone seen any of these symptoms from heat?
  • "Probiotic Miracle" - I was giving this to her off and on the last few months and tossed it when this all started thinking maybe it was playing a part
  • "Four Leaf Rover" - I saw @Bulldog2001 mention their products in another post so I decided to try them out after tossing the "Probiotic Miracle". I’ve stopped with the four leaf rover products for now. Once the hives are fixed I’ll try one at a time again to rule them out.
    • Bovine Colsotrum - "New Zealand Bovine Colostrum"
    • Digest - "New Zealand Liver (Bovine), New Zealand Pancreas (Bovine), Organic Alfalfa Juice Powder, Betaine Hydrochloride, Organic Broccoli Sprout Powder, Bromelain, Invertase, Organic Nettle Leaf Powder, Ox Bile Powder (oh wow, YUM!), Papain, Cellulase Bacillus coagulans, Bacillis subtilis blend"
  • "Regional Red - Orijen" - She has mostly been switching back and forth between Original and Tundra - however the week before the pooping started she went through the remainder of a small bag of Orijen Regional Red.
    • When we switched from puppy to adult I bought all three small bags and we rotated through them. I ended up getting large bags of Original and Tundra and didn't bother finishing that Red bag until now...
    • This combined with the "Digest" makes me think it's possible she's starting to show signs of beef allergy
      • I gave her a pinch of Digest with her breakfast yesterday morning. The previous Digest doses were last weekend's breakfasts
      • However, last weekend right after Metronidazole she had a raw steak bone. Her stool became firm and lasted several days - which I attribute to the Metronidazole.
  • New treats - we started on new training treats around the same time she went through the 2.5 lbs regional red. Both of these treats were stopped by this past Wednesday.
    • Duck Bites - "Duck, Vegetable glycerin". It says 95% duck. She about rips our arm off to get one
    • Small Backon and Cheese biscuit - "Rye Flour, Brown Rice Flour, Oatmeal, Barley Flour, Rice Bran, Dried Cheese, Flaxseed, Canola Oil, Eggs, natural Bacon flavor". She hasn't had many of these.
  • She chewed a couple diapers the first few days of her heat. We then got her barkertime suspender diapers which solved that problem. Hard to tell for sure but I don’t think she ingested much at all. That was two weeks ago now
  • Lots of stuff in the yard flowering. We have an especially large amount of Trumpet Honeysuckle over-covering our deck. which has been dropping leaves and flowers non-stop recently. It's possible she ate some and is allergic to it
  • She's had several baths in the last 3 weeks due to having a blow out when no one was around. Maybe it's the soap?
    • Bark 2 Basics Crystal Clear Dog Shampoo
    • The Coat Handler Undercoat Control Deshedding Conditioner

So there are several variables here...
For the last several days she has only been eating Original Orijen with nothing but water added (no organic pumpkin, no chobani or danon). Today I switched to Tundra so I could once again compare the two stools (they normally only differ in color). We've stopped treats for the time being. And she's been getting a benedryl with each meal starting yesterday morning. This morning I don't notice any hives looking at her and the couple hotspots she had yesterday are starting to heal over. Stool is still soft, more formed than soft serve but not much. We have a vet appt scheduled Tuesday (I should actually just switch vets)

edit: cleaned this post up a little.
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WoW! How could you ever pinpoint the hives, with all the things you have given her? Could be allergic reaction, but
hard to narrow it down. The only time mine have ever had hives was from a random bug bite, or spider bite.
In order to narrow it down, you would have to start with food only, If she's okay, then add each thing gradually one at a time, and see if there is a reaction. You may be overloading her system with too much!
So just a few thoughts/comments. I’ve never heard of a correlation between a dog in heat and hives. When Ella is in heat, her stool gets softer than usual…it’s from the hormones.

It sounds like it could be a beef issue or she got into something in the yard. It’s good that you’ve cut everything out. Starting over with one thing at a time is good and easy to track. I would probably switch the protein of her food to something not beef and that only contains 1 protein.

Also, Louie and Ella will sometimes get hot spots from scratching an itch or playing rough together.
Millie has been in heat for a little over two weeks now and she started having hives in full force yesterday morning. I think they may have been around a bit longer, anyone wanna help me diagnose?:

Starting a week before she was showing signs of heat, she started having liquid firehose explosion butt. This happened almost exactly one month ago, lasted four days and stopped as if nothing had happened. Back then we had been in a car accident a week earlier (hooray for life saving crates) so I figured it was stress. Stool sample back then and now both negative. Since this seemed like the same thing as last month, we tried all the normal solutions: fast; boiled chicken and rice/pumpkin; Diagel… after a week the vet convinced me to try Metronidazole 250mg. 24 hours on the Metronidazole fixed the problem. Another 24 hours after that, Millie started her first heat. Once the metronidazole completed (4ish days into heat) her stool went soft, not firehose liquid but not solid at all.

Last Saturday we noticed a large hotspot on Millie’s neck. And another in her ear. Neck was about the size of a silver dollar, it came out of nowhere. They were both fully inflamed and crusting on the edges. I treated the hotspots with gauze soaked in chlorhexidine and applied a small amount of Neo-predef after drying. They dried up and started healing by the next day. Over the following days I noticed other small hotspots appearing and then going away - nothing became bad enough for treatment (just raised bump here and there). Millie has had a hot spot or two the majority of her life with us (8 months now, vet hasn't had anything to say about it) - so at first I thought this is just what we deal with with her, but yesterday this progressed to what was obviously hives. Interestingly the hives are only showing up on her back and legs, not her stomach or face.

Through these last few weeks Millie hasn’t seemed any different than normal. She’s eating and drinking just fine. She’s not shown signs of dehydration. She’s energetic.

So, recent changes…
  • She's in heat, and this is new. Has anyone seen any of these symptoms from heat?
  • "Probiotic Miracle" - I was giving this to her off and on the last few months and tossed it when this all started thinking maybe it was playing a part
  • "Four Leaf Rover" - I saw @Bulldog2001 mention their products in another post so I decided to try them out after tossing the "Probiotic Miracle". I’ve stopped with the four leaf rover products for now. Once the hives are fixed I’ll try one at a time again to rule them out.
    • Bovine Colsotrum - "New Zealand Bovine Colostrum"
    • Digest - "New Zealand Liver (Bovine), New Zealand Pancreas (Bovine), Organic Alfalfa Juice Powder, Betaine Hydrochloride, Organic Broccoli Sprout Powder, Bromelain, Invertase, Organic Nettle Leaf Powder, Ox Bile Powder (oh wow, YUM!), Papain, Cellulase Bacillus coagulans, Bacillis subtilis blend"
  • "Regional Red - Orijen" - She has mostly been switching back and forth between Original and Tundra - however the week before the pooping started she went through the remainder of a small bag of Orijen Regional Red.
    • When we switched from puppy to adult I bought all three small bags and we rotated through them. I ended up getting large bags of Original and Tundra and didn't bother finishing that Red bag until now...
    • This combined with the "Digest" makes me think it's possible she's starting to show signs of beef allergy
      • I gave her a pinch of Digest with her breakfast yesterday morning. The previous Digest doses were last weekend's breakfasts
      • However, last weekend right after Metronidazole she had a raw steak bone. Her stool became firm and lasted several days - which I attribute to the Metronidazole.
  • New treats - we started on new training treats around the same time she went through the 2.5 lbs regional red. Both of these treats were stopped by this past Wednesday.
    • Duck Bites - "Duck, Vegetable glycerin". It says 95% duck. She about rips our arm off to get one
    • Small Backon and Cheese biscuit - "Rye Flour, Brown Rice Flour, Oatmeal, Barley Flour, Rice Bran, Dried Cheese, Flaxseed, Canola Oil, Eggs, natural Bacon flavor". She hasn't had many of these.
  • She chewed a couple diapers the first few days of her heat. We then got her barkertime suspender diapers which solved that problem. Hard to tell for sure but I don’t think she ingested much at all. That was two weeks ago now
  • Lots of stuff in the yard flowering. We have an especially large amount of Trumpet Honeysuckle over-covering our deck. which has been dropping leaves and flowers non-stop recently. It's possible she ate some and is allergic to it
  • She's had several baths in the last 3 weeks due to having a blow out when no one was around. Maybe it's the soap?
    • Bark 2 Basics Crystal Clear Dog Shampoo
    • The Coat Handler Undercoat Control Deshedding Conditioner

So there are several variables here...
For the last several days she has only been eating Original Orijen with nothing but water added (no organic pumpkin, no chobani or danon). Today I switched to Tundra so I could once again compare the two stools (they normally only differ in color). We've stopped treats for the time being. And she's been getting a benedryl with each meal starting yesterday morning. This morning I don't notice any hives looking at her and the couple hotspots she had yesterday are starting to heal over. Stool is still soft, more formed than soft serve but not much. We have a vet appt scheduled Tuesday (I should actually just switch vets)

edit: cleaned this post up a little.

That’s a lot of different things you have given her, how long has she been on Orijen original(chicken formula)???

The hives could be from pollen, new plants in bloom, or a reaction to the treats.

Why were you giving her Digest from Four leaf Rover?? Pancreatitis???

Yes their bovine Colostrum is very helpful for allergies(a natural version of Benadryl which can harm their organs), even if dogs are allergic to beef, I have heard of people having great success with the bovine Colostrum.
Bovine Colostrum is very helpful for immune boosting, also bone broth is very good for soothing the gut.

Those ‘flour and rice’ treats have ingredients that are common allergies, especially bulldogs.

First thing, the medication the vet gave you that helped a bit, that is an antibiotic, that destroys the immune system and makes the problem 5-10X worse(for my dogs this has been true and a few other dogs I know), the problem came back worse and I ended up giving my dog ‘Adored Beast Gut Soothe’ it’s a pre and probiotics with slippery elm and other anti inflammatory herbs that soothe their gut and fight harmful bacteria that’s causing the issues.

I have the gut soothe in the fridge at all times incase one of my dogs gets into something, works wonders.
Vomiting, loose stool and any digestion issues, it really works wonders.

When my dog was sick worse from that antibiotic that the vet gave(the one your vet gave her) she was worse and that’s when I tried Adored Beast Gut Soothe and there hasn’t been a issue ever since and it took 1-2 days to see improvement, and your not masking the issue and causing more issues, and I give the daily amount(for example if it’s 1 TSP daily, I give 1/2 tsp with the breakfast and 1/2 tsp with dinner), just split the daily amount into the 2 meals if feeding twice Daily, and I only give it when needed, although you can give every day or as needed.

Raw diet is also the easiest to digest for dogs, rice can be a common allergy for bulldogs and if they are allergic can cause more issues.

If he had a steak bone and was fine, maybe try raw if you can?
That’s a lot of different things you have given her,
I suppose I listed a lot in the "recent changes" section but not all of that is truly new. As @Cbrugs noticed, I've reduced everything down to nothing - I actually did this when the diarrhea began, except for the couple of trials to get this all under control.

The only "truly new" things she has had within days of the hives is the Digest and Colostrum. The two new treats were stopped when she was having diarrhea, and the Regional Red was finished the day after the blowouts started (also the Regional Red wasn't 100% new to her). The soap I've used a couple of times in the last 6 months and I don't recall seeing any differences, the new part of that is that we gave her several baths because of the generated filth

The other new things like diaper and pollen, well...

how long has she been on Orijen original(chicken formula)???
For 7 months off and on. We started Orijen puppy at the end of December, which has basically the same ingredients. In April we swapped to adult - by trying the three small bags (~one each week) and wound up settling on a large bag of Tundra and Original. I don't believe the Orijen is the problem - except she never finished the bag of the Regional Red early on I fed it to her when I did because we were running low on the other two and I had it on hand and why not get rid of it. I also don't believe Chicken is the problem or I think we would have seen problems while feeding the boiled chicken - both this time and last.

Why were you giving her Digest from Four leaf Rover?? Pancreatitis???
I was on their website for a while looking at their different products - because Millie had explosive diarrhea for over a week and this had happened one month prior, the descriptive for Digest seemed to fit. Where her container dose of both this and the colostrum were 1/8tsp, to test them I was also only giving her a visual half of an 1/8th tsp and she only got the Digest 3 times (Saturday, Tuesday, Friday - Digest, Colostrum, nothing). The digest lines up with the hives, actually, more than anything else. The two treats and the Regional Red line up with the explosive diarrhea, but she wasn't given any of those after the 2nd day of hose butt and it continued a while.

Yes their bovine Colostrum is very helpful for allergies(a natural version of Benadryl which can harm their organs), even if dogs are allergic to beef, I have heard of people having great success with the bovine Colostrum.
Bovine Colostrum is very helpful for immune boosting, also bone broth is very good for soothing the gut.
I've heard this too - I went here to look at the mushroom mix, and then to find the Colostrum and ended up coming home with this too. Like a trip to the hardware store.

First thing, the medication the vet gave you that helped a bit, that is an antibiotic, that destroys the immune system and makes the problem 5-10X worse(for my dogs this has been true and a few other dogs I know), the problem came back worse
This is the argument I had with the Vet the month prior. If the vet had their way, this wouldn't have been the first time Millie was on it. She was prescribed it in the previous episode (which I told her I wasn't going to fill). This is also why I didn't head to the vet right away when Millie started again. It wasn't until many days had passed that the vet felt she had an I-told-you-so moment and was able to push it on me. You could say I was a bit desperate to just get her guts calmed down (also why I ended up with Digest - these were ordered before I left the house to pick the Metronidazole). While it doesn't affect my personal dislike of antibiotics, the Vet was correct in that its side effects bound her up where everything else I had tried failed miserably (the vet was also convinced she had something that this would solve)

I have the gut soothe in the fridge at all times incase one of my dogs gets into something, works wonders.
Vomiting, loose stool and any digestion issues, it really works wonders.
Thanks, I'll look into this
Raw diet is also the easiest to digest for dogs, rice can be a common allergy for bulldogs and if they are allergic can cause more issues.

If he had a steak bone and was fine, maybe try raw if you can?
She does well on boiled chicken, which I gave with pumpkin the last time she had poop issues - the last day of which I added Rice, which helped. Keep in mind the rice was done being eaten this time well before hives showed up. She stopped on the chicken and rice the day after the antibiotics were started.

It's baby steps for Raw at this house. No one here, aside from Millie and me, is excited about giving her Raw food. So I have to do things like "Oops the bone fell off my steak on the way to the grill". So far she's only managed to get snuck a pork rib bone which was almost immediately taken from her, and a large steak bone which she nearly finished.
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Today the hives are more cleared up than yesterday.
I suppose I listed a lot in the "recent changes" section but not all of that is truly new. As @Cbrugs noticed, I've reduced everything down to nothing - I actually did this when the diarrhea began, except for the couple of trials to get this all under control.

The only "truly new" things she has had within days of the hives is the Digest and Colostrum. The two new treats were stopped when she was having diarrhea, and the Regional Red was finished the day after the blowouts started (also the Regional Red wasn't 100% new to her). The soap I've used a couple of times in the last 6 months and I don't recall seeing any differences, the new part of that is that we gave her several baths because of the generated filth

The other new things like diaper and pollen, well...

For 7 months off and on. We started Orijen puppy at the end of December, which has basically the same ingredients. In April we swapped to adult - by trying the three small bags (~one each week) and wound up settling on a large bag of Tundra and Original. I don't believe the Orijen is the problem - except she never finished the bag of the Regional Red early on I fed it to her when I did because we were running low on the other two and I had it on hand and why not get rid of it. I also don't believe Chicken is the problem or I think we would have seen problems while feeding the boiled chicken - both this time and last.

I was on their website for a while looking at their different products - because Millie had explosive diarrhea for over a week and this had happened one month prior, the descriptive for Digest seemed to fit. Where her container dose of both this and the colostrum were 1/8tsp, to test them I was also only giving her a visual half of an 1/8th tsp and she only got the Digest 3 times (Saturday, Tuesday, Friday - Digest, Colostrum, nothing). The digest lines up with the hives, actually, more than anything else. The two treats and the Regional Red line up with the explosive diarrhea, but she wasn't given any of those after the 2nd day of hose butt and it continued a while.

I've heard this too - I went here to look at the mushroom mix, and then to find the Colostrum and ended up coming home with this too. Like a trip to the hardware store.

This is the argument I had with the Vet the month prior. If the vet had their way, this wouldn't have been the first time Millie was on it. She was prescribed it in the previous episode (which I told her I wasn't going to fill). This is also why I didn't head to the vet right away when Millie started again. It wasn't until many days had passed that the vet felt she had an I-told-you-so moment and was able to push it on me. You could say I was a bit desperate to just get her guts calmed down (also why I ended up with Digest - these were ordered before I left the house to pick the Metronidazole). While it doesn't affect my personal dislike of antibiotics, the Vet was correct in that its side effects bound her up where everything else I had tried failed miserably (the vet was also convinced she had something that this would solve)

Thanks, I'll look into this

She does well on boiled chicken, which I gave with pumpkin the last time she had poop issues - the last day of which I added Rice, which helped. Keep in mind the rice was done being eaten this time well before hives showed up. She stopped on the chicken and rice the day after the antibiotics were started.

It's baby steps for Raw at this house. No one here, aside from Millie and me, is excited about giving her Raw food. So I have to do things like "Oops the bone fell off my steak on the way to the grill". So far she's only managed to get snuck a pork rib bone which was almost immediately taken from her, and a large steak bone which she nearly finished.

Yes I noticed you discontinued everything, which is great. And slowly add them back in 1 at a time AFTER a few weeks when she is back to normal.

Maybe digest doesn’t agree with her?

I know colostrum doesn’t cause any digestion issues, my dogs as well as lots of others I know use it for their dogs with allergies and needing immune boost with great success(even some of the super sensitive dogs). That’s what I give my dogs for hives and allergies and overall immune boost. It really helps for my dogs.

Pollen and grasses and plants can definitely be causing the hives. I give my dogs colostrum for the environmental allergies(1 of my dogs is severely allergic to pollen and grass) and no issues this year so far.

If you decide to try the colostrum again after she is better, give her daily amount by itself in the dish(no food), give it 30 minutes before breakfast or you can give it alone at lunch time(it works better when giving it before a meal).

I would highly recommend you consider Adored Beast Gut Soothe , it works WAY better than that antibiotic your currently giving(at least for my dogs, and the issue didn’t come back).
Vets push this, one of my dogs had an infection/abscess, and they gave that same antibiotic(which my dog didn’t have ANY digestion issues at all), there was NO reason to give that antibiotic, but we realized that after we gave her 2 of those antibiotics, which actually caused her to have digestion issues! We stopped that antibiotic cause it was prescribed for NO reason and caused digestion issues ironically. Once we stopped that, it was fine, and I gave gut soothe to get her digestion better from that antibiotic.

Keep us updated, hopefully she improves.
She had another large bump on her back show up lastnight with a few hive bumps across her shoulders but this morning only the one bump remains and it’s lessened.

The one large bump reminds me of a mosquito bite… Maybe allergic reaction to Mosquito bites?

So, anyway, the veterinarian trip yesterday was unfortunately as useful as I expected it would be. She wasn’t that concerned with the hives or hotspots! I got an “I told you so” about the Metronidazole working. I was scolded about legumes in Orijen causing heart disease and told to feed Millie Benedryl for the rest of her life.

I’ll be getting a new vet ;) The useful info was “don’t bother doing allergy tests until she’s 18months because the immune system changes so much by then the results won’t be useful for long.” - I couldn’t believe they didn’t take an opportunity to charge me more, but I appreciate it I suppose
She had another large bump on her back show up lastnight with a few hive bumps across her shoulders but this morning only the one bump remains and it’s lessened.

The one large bump reminds me of a mosquito bite… Maybe allergic reaction to Mosquito bites?

So, anyway, the veterinarian trip yesterday was unfortunately as useful as I expected it would be. She wasn’t that concerned with the hives or hotspots! I got an “I told you so” about the Metronidazole working. I was scolded about legumes in Orijen causing heart disease and told to feed Millie Benedryl for the rest of her life.

I’ll be getting a new vet ;) The useful info was “don’t bother doing allergy tests until she’s 18months because the immune system changes so much by then the results won’t be useful for long.” - I couldn’t believe they didn’t take an opportunity to charge me more, but I appreciate it I suppose
Definitely get a new vet!

So a couple years ago Louie had hives on and off for a couple of weeks and mostly every day. I never did figure out what the cause was. Every now and then they pop up and I think it's from something outside. Some people don't like to give Benadryl but I will give it if hives appear.
I'm going to cross post to update this thread now that it has been a while and we have some good results!

We switched vets to one recommended by the Bulldog Club of America. It is a small office with one exam room, quite a difference from the giant 5 room place we had been going to. I'm happy with the switch but it didn't solve any issues.

This is what did work. I posted as a reply to another thread just now /threads/some-advice-for-our-new-pup.63699/#post-787652 . The magic pill was the Quercetin.

For the last four weeks Millie has not had any welts (except for a brief period in the middle which I will explain below)... Some of the changes I made benefitted her more than others, and there is one thing that seems to have made them go away completely:

What we did
  • Switching to Pro Plan Sensitive Skin - we did this about 5 weeks ago. Purina is hated on these forums, the Pro Plan is working better for me than Orijen. Millie was on some form of Orijen for most of the last 10 months except for a trial of RC, and a couple Fromm flavors both of which caused tear stains. The Pro Plan didn't fully resolve the spots but her stool improved tremendously immediately after switching and now that we have her spots under control her coat is really starting to shine. We switched a month ago.
  • Soaks in Chlorohexidine - I posted about that here: /threads/allergies-yeast.63683/#post-787517 . This won't keep the spots from coming back, but if you end up with spots that are actually sores then a soak will dry the sore up.
  • No more baths. And when she does get a bath we rinse for far longer than seems necessary and then do a Chlorohexidine soak before drying and cold blow drying - until she is very dry.
  • Quercetin - Suggested by @Bulldog2001 in this thread for something else: /threads/excessive-shedding.63655/#post-787180 . I had the spots under control but we were still seeing new ones pop up every day or two. They stopped completely TWO DAYS after Quercetin. I couldn't believe it. So after a week I took her off the Quercetin and she had a welt show up the following day and then another two days later, and another the day after that. I then put her back on the Quercetin, gone the next day. She hasn't shown a welt in over a week. I bust the horse pill in half and throw it in her breakfast. I'm not sure if it is safe or not for little puppies. Millie is almost 11 months old. She was 10 when we started on the Quercetin.
We also give her a probiotic and bovine colostrum. Neither of those seemed to make a difference, she's been on the colostrum for a couple of months and a probiotic for 6ish months.

I didn't mention it in the post, but I should mention here: I have since re-tried giving Millie the Four Leaf Rover Digest, just to see if it was causing any problems. It didn't. I think the initial explosion of hives that caused the original post was likely do to bathing related to a heavy bout of diarrhea. The diarrhea, I think, was caused by the Orijen.
Question……is she still taking Metronidazole? If so STOP it asap. Cause 👇👇👇

“Metronidazole For Dogs Side Effects Before using Metronidazole, it's important to be aware of the side effects. Related side effects include: Seizures Depression Vomiting Diarrhea Blood in urine Loss of appetite Drooling Acute pancreatitis Metronidazole may cause side effects in cats as well, including diarrhea, depression, and blood in the urine.”

Doubt bump’s are caused by the food as she was on that food previously. Regarding your vet, get a new one that preferably knows EB.

My German Shepherd just finished her first cycle, she did have a few hives on her belly but nothing to be alarmed. I didn’t buy them disposable diapers as it’s full of chemicals. Got her the washable material ones and she didn’t get diarrhea either. If yours ate the disposable ones that’s not going to help either. I suggest change vets.
Another week passed, and the other day I noticed a couple of mosquitos on her when we were outside. Later that day, she had two welts after not having any for some time. And one was right where I smashed a mosquito. These look no different than what I had been dealing with all this time. The mosquitos were pretty bad earlier in the summer, but I hadn't noticed them again until last week.

She's still eating the Quercetin every morning, so I have to wonder: is there something about the Orijen she was on before that made her more attractive to mosquitos? I know if I've been eating garlic, the mosquitos stay away from me, and there are some things that seem to attract them like bananas and beer.

Conclusion: who knows... I'm happy she doesn't seem to be getting them in force anymore. Next time I notice them a lot, I'll try some of the repellant concoctions @helsonwheels has suggested and see if that makes any difference.
Another week passed, and the other day I noticed a couple of mosquitos on her when we were outside. Later that day, she had two welts after not having any for some time. And one was right where I smashed a mosquito. These look no different than what I had been dealing with all this time. The mosquitos were pretty bad earlier in the summer, but I hadn't noticed them again until last week.

She's still eating the Quercetin every morning, so I have to wonder: is there something about the Orijen she was on before that made her more attractive to mosquitos? I know if I've been eating garlic, the mosquitos stay away from me, and there are some things that seem to attract them like bananas and beer.

Conclusion: who knows... I'm happy she doesn't seem to be getting them in force anymore. Next time I notice them a lot, I'll try some of the repellant concoctions @helsonwheels has suggested and see if that makes any difference.
I don't know about dogs but unfortunately the mosquitos LOVE something about me! Fall of 2020 I literally had over 20 bites on me and I was miserable.

Good luck!
I don't know about dogs but unfortunately the mosquitos LOVE something about me! Fall of 2020 I literally had over 20 bites on me and I was miserable.

Good luck!
We have woods and wet lands about it’s pretty hopeless! Too bad garlic is toxic for dogs, works great for me.

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