Updates on Effie/R.I.P Charley the hamster


Active member
Apr 21, 2015
Virginia Beach, VA.
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Effie (EB), Oliver (FB) & Annabel (FB)
Hey Everyone! It's been a while since I've posted. Effie had her 4 week follow up and X-rays this past Thursday. She's had a cast & splint on for the last 4 weeks, due to a chip fracture of the growth plate in her knee. Well, we got some wonderful news! The vet said that the injury has healed up nicely, and they've removed her cast :) We're so happy. She does have some muscle loss in the leg, which the vet said is to be expected as a result from being in the cast for so long. We're allowed to gradually increase her activity, starting with 10 minute walks twice a day. I know Effie is thrilled. Last night she actually had the puppy zoomies again (I know she should be taking it easy still, but I just couldn't help but smile!), when she first got injured I didn't think we would ever see her do it again. She goes back in 6 weeks for the vet to make sure her muscle is improving. From what I can tell looking at her, and the way she runs around, you'd never know she was injured! We are so grateful for that :) It could have been so much worse...

In other news, we had to put our little hamster Charley to sleep yesterday. Over the weekend she had developed a horrible case of diarrhea, she couldn't walk, and wouldn't eat or drink. I made an appointment, and left work early yesterday to take her to the vet. The vet said that she was gravely ill, with what felt like a large tumor taking up most of her abdomen. Needless to say, there was nothing that could be done. I am deeply saddened about my little hammy- it's amazing how even the smallest of creatures can touch your heart so deeply. I am grateful that she is no longer in pain, Rest In Peace little Charley Dee. She was about 2 years old, which the vet said is about 80 in human years. I hope that we provided her with a happy little hamster life.

It was a very strange weekend mixed with happiness for Effie's recovery, and saddened by the sudden departure of Charley. I am so beyond ready for things in our house to settle back down and return to normal! Give lots of love to all the critters in your house tonight <3


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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Jun 19, 2013
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I'm so glad to hear that Effie is doing so well… that is wonderful news!!! But I'm so sorry to hear about your hamster… our kids had guinea pigs for years, and every time they caught something it ended up being fatal. Unfortunately they don't live very long. My deepest condolences, you have a very kind and loving heart :hug:


Norwegian Rose
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Oct 8, 2012
Burlington, ON Canada
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Hats fantastic news about Effie. I'm so glad she is healing, and hope she continues to get stronger.
I'm sorry about the loss of your hamster, it doesn't matter how small our pets are, they are all a part of our lives and our families, and they all have a place in our hearts. We love our pets and we miss and grieve them when they leave us.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2014
Dallas, Texas (Richardson)
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So sorry about your hamster Tasha @betterxthanxnew. I lost a hamster when I was a kid and it was very sad.

But it made my day yesterday to read how well Effie is doing! I've been thinking about y'all the last few days and have been meaning to email you to see how she's doing. Thanks so much for the update! I'm sure it won't be long before that muscle is built back up. Yay for Effie (and you!)!


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May 2, 2013
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[MENTION=14079]betterxthanxnew[/MENTION] So glad to hear that Effie is making good progress! She will be a-o-k in no time. Sorry about your little hamster. I baby sat my niece's long haired
guinea pig(Louise) one week's time years ago. She was so cute and had so much personality! A couple of times a day I would take her on the back porch and let her play. She was like a little dog. Again, happy to hear good Effie news!


Nov 4, 2014
Katy, TX
Bulldog(s) Names
Tyson aka "Ty-Ty"
Sorry I'm late - but this is wonderful news on Effie! So happy she is recovering so well! Keep us posted and we need Effie pics!!! :)

so sorry about your little hamster baby. may he RIP.


Active member
Apr 21, 2015
Virginia Beach, VA.
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Effie (EB), Oliver (FB) & Annabel (FB)
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Thanks everyone, I was never actually was allowed to have hamsters when I was a kid because my stepfather was allergic. So Charley and Tweedles are my first. Tweedles is still doing awesome, though she is about the same age- so I imagine we don't have too much longer with her. Once she is gone I doubt I will have any more. I love them to bits, but 2 years just isn't long enough. I guess I'm just too sensitive! My dad thought I was crazy for being upset over a hamster. But to me- she was still a part of my family. I'm thankful that I went ahead and took her in, and she is no longer in pain! I can't stand to watch something suffer...

Effie is doing absolutely wonderful, we really couldn't be happier :) She's back to her normal crazy antics (like sitting on our cats :facepalm2:). I am so thankful that we were finally able to take her off of the acepromazine, xanax, and trazodone (yes, it took all 3 to calm her down). I was worried my poor pup was going to need drug rehab when this was all over!! :ohmy: I guess now it's time to really get back into training mode. Our first step is to practice being calm when around strangers and other dogs- jumping up on my room mate was what got her into this position in the first place!

We're planning to take her to the beach for the first time ever this Saturday evening after its cooled off. We never really got a chance because she injured herself right when beach season first started :) I'll be sure to share some pics! Meanwhile- here's a few of Effie's latest :)

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I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Such great news with Effie! So happy she is progressing so quickly and well..... great pictures, she does look like a happy healthy bully girl! :up:

Sorry for the loss of your Charley -- it hurts no matter the size, as they all touch us in a special way


Pooper scooper
Nov 5, 2012
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That's great to hear about Effie, she has really grown up wow! Happy to hear she's back to her zoomy self and those are awesome pictures. I'm sorry to hear about your little hamster, I think you need to adopt another one. :yes:

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