Rough vet visit for our 10-y-o, pneumonia and myocardial tumor


Nov 14, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Aunt Clara
Longish story here, but Aunt Clara has been choking occasionally on food for a few years now, but all of a sudden it became more prevalent over the last week, so I scheduled a vet appointment. Then, she took a huge turn for the worst two days before the appointment and was waking up coughing and gagging in her sleep, food aversion, sleeping through the night (hasn't done this EVER). She has been taking thyroid medication since April due to having black skin and hair less on both sides, which has not improved. It finally dawned on me that maybe she was choking on food because her thyroid was enlarged, but I couldn't feel anything. Well, they x-rayed her at the vet, her entire chest and abdominal cavities, and she has lots of issues. Vet explained that her liver is large, that it doesn't typically continue past the last rib, but he's not super concerned about that since some dogs have large livers naturally. He then pointed out that her spine is degrading, which happens in older dogs. I knew she was achy in her old age. Then he started telling me what he was seeing in her chest cavity. Her trachea is pushed way over because of what they believe to be a chemodectoma, a type of heart base tumor that is associated with endocrine issues. Her heart outline was not visible in the x-ray due to fluid in the chest cavity, but he said he didn't think she has CHF because her heart sounds good, without any murmurs. Then, he expressed concern for her lungs because he was seeing cloudiness in both of them that he could not clearly identify. He said it could be pneumonia and that we could start antibiotics, but if she didn't respond, it was probably the cancerous process that is growing at her heart base extending into the lungs. Well, we decided to send the radiographs to a radiologist to read, so he could decipher what was in the lungs. He felt it was pneumonia (hooray for that). So, we are basically trying to help her feel better for now until the chemodectoma becomes too much. This is all a lot to take in. Does anyone have any experience with any of this? He prescribed two weeks of amoxiclav, but I've been reading that they normally prescribe 3-4 weeks worth. She does have a two-week followup set though. I won't have the surgery on her pericardium that is the only real treatment for the chemodectoma because she's older, and I don't think putting her through the surgery would be worth it.
I can only imagine your anxiety about your pup. I hope she gets some comfort and healing soon. And you too!
I have no experience here... sending tons of healing prayers.

@oscarmayer @Manydogs - any possible insight?
Unfortunately, it doubds like thereā€™s not much that can be done other that supportive care. Make this patient as comfy as possible and when the time comesā€¦act in the dogā€™s best interest.
Longish story here, but Aunt Clara has been choking occasionally on food for a few years now, but all of a sudden it became more prevalent over the last week, so I scheduled a vet appointment. Then, she took a huge turn for the worst two days before the appointment and was waking up coughing and gagging in her sleep, food aversion, sleeping through the night (hasn't done this EVER). She has been taking thyroid medication since April due to having black skin and hair less on both sides, which has not improved. It finally dawned on me that maybe she was choking on food because her thyroid was enlarged, but I couldn't feel anything. Well, they x-rayed her at the vet, her entire chest and abdominal cavities, and she has lots of issues. Vet explained that her liver is large, that it doesn't typically continue past the last rib, but he's not super concerned about that since some dogs have large livers naturally. He then pointed out that her spine is degrading, which happens in older dogs. I knew she was achy in her old age. Then he started telling me what he was seeing in her chest cavity. Her trachea is pushed way over because of what they believe to be a chemodectoma, a type of heart base tumor that is associated with endocrine issues. Her heart outline was not visible in the x-ray due to fluid in the chest cavity, but he said he didn't think she has CHF because her heart sounds good, without any murmurs. Then, he expressed concern for her lungs because he was seeing cloudiness in both of them that he could not clearly identify. He said it could be pneumonia and that we could start antibiotics, but if she didn't respond, it was probably the cancerous process that is growing at her heart base extending into the lungs. Well, we decided to send the radiographs to a radiologist to read, so he could decipher what was in the lungs. He felt it was pneumonia (hooray for that). So, we are basically trying to help her feel better for now until the chemodectoma becomes too much. This is all a lot to take in. Does anyone have any experience with any of this? He prescribed two weeks of amoxiclav, but I've been reading that they normally prescribe 3-4 weeks worth. She does have a two-week followup set though. I won't have the surgery on her pericardium that is the only real treatment for the chemodectoma because she's older, and I don't think putting her through the surgery would be worth it.

I highly recommend boosting her immune system with the cancer, mushrooms are amazing for boosting the immune system and fighting cancer.

The mushrooms I give my dog are Four leaf Rover brand immunity mushrooms, lots of reviews on dogs with cancer, I highly recommend looking into that supplement.

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